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GOP rep says kill the gays.


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This is over the top for the GOP. How can you be christian and say that? This guy needs to be taken out of office with extreme prejudice.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/1 ... 28716.html

Mississippi state Rep. Andy Gipson ® weighed in on President Barack Obama's gay marriage decision last week, invoking a bible passage that calls for gay men to be "put to death."

In a May 10 Facebook post, Gipson called homosexuality a "sin," citing Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:26-28:

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Yeah, I would like an answer to that too, and I agree he needs to be removed from office. Other people's private lives is none of his or the government's business.

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Any politician citing the bible and saying that non-criminals need to be killed needs to be removed from office immediately.

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I don't care what kind of god you think wrote the book - advocating the death of people for having consensual sex with the adult of their choice is absolutely disgusting.

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Why do these same GOP nuts pass laws against "sharia" law, yet want to use the christian bible as a legal code and can't see the difference??? It drives me crazy.

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Worse the 10 commandments say not to kill and several other places in the bible. but it is perfectly ok to pick the killing parts because you hate a certain type of person?

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Why do these same GOP nuts pass laws against "sharia" law, yet want to use the christian bible as a legal code and can't see the difference??? It drives me crazy.

because it is perfectly ok if it is your belief. you can do what you want if you think god approves. but Hell no of some other god approves (though in this case both have the same god.

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Why do these same GOP nuts pass laws against "sharia" law, yet want to use the christian bible as a legal code and can't see the difference??? It drives me crazy.

Yes!! Bring up "shira" law and all of a sudden the fundies break out, "but there is a separation of church and state!"

Oy. :roll:

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Is there any way to type on his wall/no? Why do all these republicans claim they're for freedom then people can't comment on what they put out, or if they do contact them being concerned, they feel as though they're being attacked/persecuted? The republicans who're fundies need to understand what persecution really means...

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Where are the sane people in Mississippi? There must be a few, but they've been absent from politics lately.

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He claims to be astonished that people connected his citing this verse:

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

with any sentiment about wanting gays to die. :roll:

The original Facebook post seems to be gone, but he posted again tonight. He says he has received death threats, which, of course, I think is abominable, if true.

He describes the controversy:

Apparently the Huffington Post (a California-based liberal blog) ran an article falsely stating or implying that my facebook post citing Leviticus 20:13 was to "suggest" that gay people should be put to death. I reject and resent that accusation; I have NEVER condoned or requested the killing of ANY PERSON. I believe all are created in the image of God, and one of the 10 Commandments is "Thou shalt not murder." What I did intend and did say is that the Bible clearly defines homosexual conduct as morally wrong - a sin.

Some comments from supporters:

Praying peace n protection over u n ur fmly... Thx for sharing these threats.. Shine light on the bullys... Stay strong AND locked n loaded..

Gays have rights... Christians don't.

well one things for sure, "aint" no liberal gonna come to Simpson County trying anything.



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So he deleted it. I'm sure SOMEONE out there has a screen shot and can post it, maybe even on his page.

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So he deleted it. I'm sure SOMEONE out there has a screen shot and can post it, maybe even on his page.

the hufinton post has it. But it would be deleted from his page fast and everyone would scream persecution.

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The Mississippi state lawmaker who cited a Bible passage on Facebook calling for gay men to be "put to death" has taken to the social networking site again to refuse to apologize for the remark.

Rep. Andy Gipson (R-Braxton) went on Facebook Friday to say that although he has been receiving emails and calls from around the country about his citation of Leviticus 20:13, as well as Romans 1:26-28, in a May 10 Facebook post on President Barack Obama's endorsement of gay marriage, he will not say he's sorry. The emails have come in response to a petition calling on the lawmaker to issue an apology and to meet with LGBT groups in Mississippi.

"To be clear, I want the world to know that I do not, cannot, and will not apologize for the inspired truth of God's Word. It is one thing that will never 'change,'" Gipson wrote. "Anyone who knows me knows I also believe that all people are created in God's image, and that all people are loved by God, so much so that He gave us the truth of His Word which convicts us of the reality and guilt of our sin, and He gave us His Son Jesus who paid the full penalty for all our sins, by His grace through our faith in Him as we repent of our sin. John 3:16. It is this message that I preach every Sunday. I sincerely pray God will reach someone through this message."

Gipson is a Baptist minister and a business lawyer when not serving in the Legislature. He notes in his official state biography that his family are "of the Christian faith, and are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention."

The passage from Leviticus that Gipson first cited reads: "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

On Facebook at least, Gipson has received overwhelming support for his original comments and his refusal to apologize. Eighty-three people have "liked" his post, and he's received dozens of supportive comments, including praise for supporting God and sticking to his original message.

"I stand with you my friend. ... GOD is in control ... no place for Gays," Ted W. Cole wrote.

Gipson, 35, has served in the Mississippi Legislature since 2008. He chairs a judiciary committee.

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Why do these same GOP nuts pass laws against "sharia" law, yet want to use the christian bible as a legal code and can't see the difference??? It drives me crazy.

Sharia law is pretty much identical to Old Testament law. I am surprised they are not embracing it.

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Here's a comment, from a law student:

Death threats over an opinion! This has gone too far. I would appreciate it if you would call your lawyer and the police unless you want to end up like an abortion doctor. People taking their viewpoints to the point of physical violence should be a federal offense.


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Here's a comment, from a law student:


But if god says to do the same thing it is perfectly fine.

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I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, I really do, but I seriously am starting to wonder if there is some sort of plot going on. The republicans have been so batshit crazy this year that it just makes me wonder.

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Can this guy be impeached for this? He is inciting violence, committing hate speech, encouraging illegal activity from his podium as an elected official.

We impeach people for lying under oath about very personal sexual matters. We impeach them for sketchy ass financial transactions in elections. Those are serious, but this seems worse to the nth degree. This is nasty Hitler shit. I really don't feel like I am pulling a Godwin here, either. I think it is a legitimate comparison.

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I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, I really do, but I seriously am starting to wonder if there is some sort of plot going on. The republicans have been so batshit crazy this year that it just makes me wonder.

They are desperate that's why. so they are firing off their big crazy guns desperate to stop the sane non bigoted people from taking over. I mean they are so desperate that they would have elected a nutjob hate filled catholic or a never a christian Mormon.

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They are desperate that's why. so they are firing off their big crazy guns desperate to stop the sane non bigoted people from taking over.

I think the core of the party honestly, truly and seriously believes that if women lose access to all reproductive rights and start leaving the workplace, and if gay people are stripped of their rights, and all social welfare programs go out the window, we can return to their idyllic days of yore, where white men ruled and the rest of us were serfs. It's not so much a conspiracy as something that many of them have come out and said. They just have more momentum now because of all the Obama-hate and the fucked-up economy. And we WOULD return to those days - they would just be hell for all but a very few.

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"Anyone who knows me knows I also believe that all people are created in God's image, and that all people are loved by God..."

So either god made gay people "in his image" too, or he messed up. Which is it?

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They are desperate that's why. so they are firing off their big crazy guns desperate to stop the sane non bigoted people from taking over. I mean they are so desperate that they would have elected a nutjob hate filled catholic or a never a christian Mormon.

* shudders * Shh, don't give them any ideas. I don't want this country to turn into a dystopia. I wonder if they (the fundie Republicans) know what the word means?

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