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One Million Moms--anyone else heard about this?


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If they don't like it so much and want to make a change how about doing ewhat I do and turn the damn TV off. Not that hard folks.

There are different reasons to why the "turn off the TV" solution doesn't work with these kinds of people. I mentioned before communicating with PTC members. PTC members and others like these OMM members sometimes are the types of people who wish the TV industry never changed. They basically everything was still like the Andy Griffith Show or other past family sitcoms. They also don't understand that TV changes with the times and the culture.

PTC has argued in the past that turning off the TV isn't that simple for them because in some parts of the U.S. some shows are on 7 pm and that many children are still up between 7-9 pm. PTC's biggest complaints in recent years have been about shows that are set in high school or feature teens. PTC knows that many parents don't either monitor or care what their teens watch and they think complaining about these shows will make difference but it doesn't.

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Ok so its good and godly for teenage christian girls to watch their moms/sisters/neighbors give birth (on national tv even) but Jack in the Box commercials are bad????

The OMM's would hate me. As I've said before my lil man is 16, but cognitively he's about 6 or 7. He's extremely verbal though and very articulate. I don't censor him from anything. If its not sesame st. he's got an attention span of about 5 minutes then he goes about his business. Instead of censoring everything or trying to shield him from the world, I *talk* to him and *teach* him so that he'll understand things on his level. Last night he wanted to stay up and hang out with me before bed, so I let him lay on the couch and watch Bill Maher with me. He laughs his ass off everytime he hears someone say a bad word, then chastises them for it - I've taught him that sometimes adults say bad words but its not really very nice. He'll point at the tv and yell "Bill Maher you have a potty mouth thats not nice!!!". He's never repeated anything he's heard and although I swear like a sailor alot of the time, I think he's turned out just fine. Talk to your kids and teach them instead of shielding them from the world and telling them everything is evil !!

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I really, really hope they are not successful in getting things censored. I don't let my 9 yo watch Glee, are you kidding me? It comes on after her bedtime, anyway. If you don't like something, you have the freedom to turn it off and tell your kids that it was inappropriate. The only people who want TV to be 100% kid friendly are the ones who use it as a babysitter.

I don't think they will ever be successful at their attempts to get things censored. Other groups like OMM have failed in the past to get things censored. I doubt OMM will ever manage to get something like Glee censored. FOX is no stranger to controversy and the only time FOX has given into censoring because of complaints was back in "89 or '90 when the Married with Children controversy happened. FOX didn't air one episode out of fear that Terri Rakolta was going to have a stronger boycott. Since then, FOX pretty much ignores complaints from groups about the content of their shows.

When it comes to censorship, the standards and practices departments for TV networks have loosened up in recent years. OMM is following PTC's lead by trying to get advertisers to pull out their AD's from certain shows. But that doesn't really work anymore because certain advertisters have a good idea of what shows their potential customers are watching. OMM listed Boost as one of the advertisters of Glee. I think Boost knows that a good portion of their target consumers are watching shows like Glee. Boost and other advertisers probably don't care that Glee has gay, lesbian and bi characters.

The only recent success that OMM is claiming they had to do with Chuck E. Cheese saying they didn't know their ad was aired during Pretty Little Liars.

Contact New Sponsors for 'Pretty Little Liars'


Statement from Chuck E. Cheese's:

After further investigation into the airing of a Chuck E. Cheese’s commercial on the ABC Family Channel during a recent episode of “Pretty Little Liars,” we’ve learned that the placement of the advertisement was not the direct intention of the family entertainment company.

After one of the company’s franchise locations bought time on related Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon stations in Tupelo, Mississippi, a chain of events orchestrated by a third-party led to the advertisement being used to automatically fill empty commercial slots on the local ABC Family Channel. The placement of the commercial does not represent Chuck E. Cheese’s intent to sponsor the program or support its messages.

Chuck E. Cheese’s has spoken with the media company to ensure that this mistake doesn’t happen again and that commercials will only be used to auto-fill space on the networks they were originally intended for. We hope this mistake doesn’t affect your opinion of Chuck E. Cheese’s commitment to clean, wholesome family values and that you will continue to enjoy fun and entertainment under healthy, safe circumstances at its many locations.

Moms, you are making a HUGE difference! Keep up the great work!


Imagine a teen version of "Desperate Housewives" and you have ABC Family Channel's "Pretty Little Liars." This show is geared toward teens and airs on Monday nights at 8:00 ET/7:00 CT. The past several episodes have been rated 14 or PG.

The inappropriate content continues. The writers of this program are deliberately creating characters who use poor judgment in the storyline, apparently attempting to make this the norm for today's culture.

This series promotes homosexuality involving a teen lesbian couple, adultery, murder, eating disorders, stealing, family dysfunction, deceit, drug use, underage drinking and the mockery of Christianity. This is not exactly what parents would like to see airing on a "family channel."

Take Action

Send Chuck E. Cheese's, Olive Garden, Centrum (Pfizer), and Huggies (Kimberly-Clark Corp.) an email letter urging them to no longer sponsor the show "Pretty Little Liars" on ABC Family Channel.

I bet if these advertisers did pull out from Pretty Little Liars, ABC Family will find other advertisers and some companies would jump to have advertisement during a popular teen show.

I wonder if OMM is aware that PLL is based a book series. They should be bitching out the author of the book series if they are upset about the show.

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lilwriter85 wrote:

PTC has argued in the past that turning off the TV isn't that simple for them because in some parts of the U.S. some shows are on at 7pm and that many children are still up between 7-9 pm.

This is just lazy parenting. There is ALWAYS something on TV, that doesn't mean you have to let your kids watch. If you are so concerned, use the parental controls on the TV and/or put on a video. I doubt the shows they are complaining about are shows these parents want to watch anyway*, so I don't see what the conflict is.

*unless, you know, they have to watch it so they can complain about it.

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This is just lazy parenting. There is ALWAYS something on TV, that doesn't mean you have to let your kids watch. If you are so concerned, use the parental controls on the TV and/or put on a video. I doubt the shows they are complaining about are shows these parents want to watch anyway*, so I don't see what the conflict is.

*unless, you know, they have to watch it so they can complain about it.

I agree it is lazy parenting and if some of these families have cable there are plenty of shows with adult material that are on during the day too. When I was in college, I took a course titled Sociology of Mass Media and in the textbook there was a case study that showed that many didn't know about parental controls that are preinstalled on TV's. Parental controls are underused.

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Jack in the Box crude commercial has no business being on TV!

Jack in the Box restaurants may push away customers if they continue advertising in a manner that offends parents. Their newest commercial has Jack stopping by his parent's house for a visit. While talking with his mom in the kitchen, his dad runs in and says, "Call the doctor! It has been more than four hours!" and looks down. Jack says, "I gotta go!" because he is embarrassed along with anyone who is viewing this commercial.

For one thing, I really highly doubt a young child is going to watch that commercial and understand what "more than four hours" means. I know I didn't when I was a kid and if my nephew and niece asked me what that meant, I'd simply make something up and maybe get them to do something besides watching TV. Also, why aren't they going after the ED commercials as well? I'm flipping through their issues and I don't see it. They're probably more blunt than the Jack in the Box commercial. Not saying they should, but it would make more sense.

Bolding mine but I don't get it either as I have never seen the add.
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here you go

Oooohkay. Well, I don't think most kids would get it under the age of 12 anyway and very few after. I had to watch it twice to get it but the first time I was distracted by the huge heads and didn't see the dad thing.

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There's a new "issue" up on One Million Moms: now they're going after upcoming Zappos print ads featuring (censored) nude models, saying it's "soft porn" and "degrading to women and harmful to men."

Because ALL nudity is pornographic or sexualized, doncha know? *eyeroll*

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There's a new "issue" up on One Million Moms: now they're going after upcoming Zappos print ads featuring (censored) nude models, saying it's "soft porn" and "degrading to women and harmful to men."

Because ALL nudity is pornographic or sexualized, doncha know? *eyeroll*

I didn't knowwomen could be defrauded being sexless and having no sex drive.

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The gay boys on Glee are by far my favorite part of the show. Their relationship is adorable beyond words.

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There's a new "issue" up on One Million Moms: now they're going after upcoming Zappos print ads featuring (censored) nude models, saying it's "soft porn" and "degrading to women and harmful to men."

Because ALL nudity is pornographic or sexualized, doncha know? *eyeroll*

I haven't seen the Zappos ad but it probably isn't bad. OMM makes a big deal out of little things. I think OMM is bored right now because most of the shows they hate are on hiatus except for Pretty Little Liars which is something they won't be able to defeat. I can't wait for OMM to go crazy in 8 weeks when the fall TV season begins. I want to see if they keep complaining about the upcoming shows like Playboy Club and Good Christian Belles. I wonder if OMM knows that Kristin Chenoweth who is going to be on GBC is a big supporter of gays and lesbians knowing OMM that they would use that in their rants against the show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks OMM might have a victory over their complaints about a Finish Line ad.


I can't wait next month when OMM will try with their pathetic attempts to get people to boycott Good Christian Belles and The Playboy Club.

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