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Eternal Lake of Fire, and other lighthearted thoughts


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good gravy, does the judgement never end? It starts feeling like NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, you are going to end up in that lake of fire.

what a freaking life.

Just a thought here. You can be as zealous as you know how to be: active in your church, talk about God every day, sing gospel songs frequently, share Christ with those you meet, wear Jesus t-shirts &/or other like paraphernalia, use big spiritual sounding words, know a bunch of theology, and so on ... BUT if there is an area in your life that you are not willing to give to the Lord, your final 'resting' place will be an eternal lake of fire.

If you give most of you but hold back some, you are a hypocrite and a liar...

If you know there is something in your life that you are not handing over to the Lord, you are in a dangerous place.

jeez. what a delightful life!

from the Narrow is the Way blog,


(edited because i had her briefly confused with the cake decorators at hiswayserves.


How can they possibly consider their deity even remotely loving? Even abusive partners might sometimes cut you some slack, but I guess God never does!


never! no matter what you do! ever! you will NEVER measure up, because you're human and flawed.

or, well, in other words, a dire straight-up SINNER.


Oh my. I'm going to hell for sure. I never asked the dear LORD what he would have purposed me to eat this morning- cereal or toast. Since I did not devote my every waking moment to His Will, therefore automatically reaching for the cereal and milk, I am forever destined to the pits of Hell!

This way of thinking is not even Biblical. It's just fear she's promoting, not love. :naughty:


I read that this morning. I commented and asked her to please list the scripture backing up her assertions. *Crickets* I'm guessing she doesn't want to admit that the people from the Holy Church of the Creepy People told her. I'm not holding my breath for her to release the comment. :roll:


she's pretty young, i think, and her father is a NUT CASE. (srsly, kids, do NOT miss the reviews of his self-published book!)

I imagine she's just parroting what he says and has little information of her own.

but yeah. yeah.

eta: this post makes no sense with respect to the blog quoted in the original post. i confused this blog with the chick at hiswayserves.

nevertheless, hiswayserves is worth a visit, as is a gawk at her father's self-published book.

Guest Anonymous

That's really sad that her every waking moment is filled with fear of death by fire.... :(


I used to live like that and it's NO fun! It's horrible to believe in a gospel/god that is so pure and holy that everything anyone does offends his nature. He can't help it because He's just! And his justice says the default is hell, harboring sin is hell, turning your back on God (for any reason) is hell. You are either going forward in God or backsliding, because there is no neutral! Unconfessed sin equals a ticket straight to hell. Taking communion in an unworthy manner? In danger of the fires of hell! Living for God and the church but having no inner prayer/quiet time? Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars...it's hell for you!

I read a book once about how just about EVERY christian is DECEIVED and REALLY going to hell because of 1001 awesome reasons. It was so uplifting and didn't cause me any mental distress at all. Because the very nature of being deceived is not KNOWING you are deceived. Ahhhh!!


I spend too much time on FJ. I commented on the post (as Miss Sara B) and in her reply, Joanne said God bless you, which as we all know, is the fundie version of F--- you. I laughed for like, 5 minutes straight before I could calm myself down! :lol:

I used to live like that and it's NO fun! It's horrible to believe in a gospel/god that is so pure and holy that everything anyone does offends his nature. He can't help it because He's just! And his justice says the default is hell, harboring sin is hell, turning your back on God (for any reason) is hell. You are either going forward in God or backsliding, because there is no neutral! Unconfessed sin equals a ticket straight to hell. Taking communion in an unworthy manner? In danger of the fires of hell! Living for God and the church but having no inner prayer/quiet time? Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars...it's hell for you!

I read a book once about how just about EVERY christian is DECEIVED and REALLY going to hell because of 1001 awesome reasons. It was so uplifting and didn't cause me any mental distress at all. Because the very nature of being deceived is not KNOWING you are deceived. Ahhhh!!

In light of your comment, I find this hilariously ironic:


You're All Going to Hell

Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:55 pm

Posts: 1


In light of your comment, I find this hilariously ironic:


You're All Going to Hell

Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:55 pm

Posts: 1

I thought it was funny myself! Long time lurker...thought I'd try posting for a change.

Oh my. I'm going to hell for sure. I never asked the dear LORD what he would have purposed me to eat this morning- cereal or toast. Since I did not devote my every waking moment to His Will, therefore automatically reaching for the cereal and milk, I am forever destined to the pits of Hell!

This way of thinking is not even Biblical. It's just fear she's promoting, not love. :naughty:

No. You do not ask God if he wants you to have cereal or toast for breakfast. You are not submitting by telling him to choose between what YOU want. You ask what HE wants. He might tell you to have some steak or macaroni and cheese... or he might want you to skip breakfast and fast. You must SUBMIT and leave EVERYTHING up to Him.


Indigo, I hope you carry on posting :) We seem to have gone past the phase of shitty first time posters and are now getting good ones.

On topic, fundies are making me despair more than usual. This teaching isn't Christian at all. From my past I remember that all you have to do is believe in Christ as the son of God and him resurrected. That is it.

This is the whole central point. He was a blood sacrifice, so we can stop making blood sacrifices. There is no further demand to be entirely sinless. First of all, we can't be. Secondly, the sins fell on the sinless one who died taking them on. This is how sacrifices work.

Fundies seem to have a peculiar kind of works theology. They can never quite believe that they are saved, can they? It is mystifying.


After having read through her 'About Me' section, I can't help but to feel a sense of compassion – well, it's actually pity – for this woman. A chaotic upbringing, which she is passing to her children. A paradoxical sense that she can discern when a church is wrong, and yet she doesn't trust herself at all in any other way.

It's a life of fear and despair – a life where she gave up so many good things (including a supportive second husband) merely because she didn't think she deserved them and because she feared the wrath of God. (It doesn't matter that her first husband abandoned her, which gives her Biblical grounds to remarry; the fear was too much. Some pastors tried to reassure her. She worried they might be false.)

It's a loss and a waste and I hope she eventually finds some level of peace.


I couldn't resist commenting on her snarky atheism post from April 2.


Chances of it going through are slim though.

"Theism: The belief that there was nothing, then God showed up out of nowhere and created everything from nothing, and then eventually sacrificed himself to himself to make a loophole for a rule he made. Makes perfect sense."


I think this philosophy will lead to a unrealistic fear of God. One would see God as unforgiving.

A person would have to constantly worry that one tiny aspect of their lives would doom them to hell forver, and that is not what faith in God is about.

I couldn't resist commenting on her snarky atheism post from April 2.


Chances of it going through are slim though.

"Theism: The belief that there was nothing, then God showed up out of nowhere and created everything from nothing, and then eventually sacrificed himself to himself to make a loophole for a rule he made. Makes perfect sense."



my god, i just read her 'about me' (honestly, i'd never thought to look for it, as the link to the page is not immediately obvious).

wow. i just...wow. she's such a freaking martyr that she LEFT A GOOD MAN because, although divorced from a not-good man, she felt that she was to be biblically still married to a not-good man who doesnt want her? or their children?

yeah. that's TOTALLY what god wants. i just...no.


It appears that she is associated with the Church of Monett, which has been discussed here before. The first blog entry on the church's website has those men holding signs on what seems to be a college campus--signs saying "Bossy Wives and Women Preachers Are Sinners" and another one about Christian women not wearing jewelry. It's odd that that post is the same one snarked on here within the past couple of months; they don't seem too concerned with updating their stuff.


One of my favorite "Joannisms":

Whoa, there are too many big words in what you just said


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