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Use Birth Control and get Fired MERGED

figuring it out

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http://www.aclu.org/blog/reproductive-f ... oure-fired

I am so upset. How can we be in the 21st century and at war with women like this. If the boss saw an employee buying condoms at CVS would they fire the guy? I like to think most employers would think this insane, but insecure fanatical people love these insideous attempts to limit women. It gives them a sense of power over the lives of others. Arizona, Arizon, what are you thinking. Please people of Arizon, wake up and call your representatives. I have a feeling these things are getting passed very quietly and then people are shocked.

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This is so disturbing. I really don't understand some people... and it's starting to look like it's a lot more people than I thought.

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I am so upset. How can we be in the 21st century and at war with women like this. If the boss saw an employee buying condoms at CVS would they fire the guy? I like to think most employers would think this insane, but insecure fanatical people love these insideous attempts to limit women. It gives them a sense of power over the lives of others. Arizona, Arizon, what are you thinking. Please people of Arizon, wake up and call your representatives. I have a feeling these things are getting passed very quietly and then people are shocked.

I keep saying they can't get worse then they do. But this can't pass no way an employer can regulate someone like that. but the crazier it is the more chance it fails.

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WOW! That's is pure craziness. And the link in the article to the other article about immunity to doctors who LIE to paitents about their prenatal tests! Are we even still in the US?

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If you hear a noise, that's me screaming very loudly.

Seriously, WTF?? WT FLYING F?

Or it could be me. :evil: This is very messed up and these folks need to stay the hell out of other folks bedrooms.

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WTF is going on south of the border????

I thought it was nuts when there was a prohiition on birth control to 3rd world countries - but now it's in your own back yard??? what century is this???

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And I thought Arizona was one of those sane states. I never considered it particularly southern... Has the Bible belt grown while I was away from Colorado?

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I wonder if Arizona is a test state. Lots of tea partiers and republicans got in on limited the role of government, which might resonate with voters there who have an independant spirit. Then, once they are in they start inflicting their weirder world views to see how hard the public pushes back. If the public doesn't push, then they can start working a similar plan in other states. Perhaps they are seeing if the voters are apathetic enough or just less well informed. How is it that I, someone in the Pacific Northwest seem to be more aware of what is happening politcally in Arizona than some of the people living there.

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How would that be legal? I mean, you can't fire someone for being Hindu just because you think they should be Christian instead. Even now, that's still illegal. (Religion being a protected class.) So how could this possibly be legal, firing someone for not adhering to your moral code?

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This can't be legal. It just can't be. Early April Fool's joke? Please? How the hell can this even remotely be legal?

Can someone link me to the text of the bill? I'm having no luck finding it and want to read it to see if anything is being taken out of context for sensationalism.

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I can't find anything on the web regarding this bill except for small outside sources quoting the same article.

It could very well be true, but IMO, this is very bad journalism on the behalf Ms. Dalvin. There are no sources cited for her main point. If it's true, it's pretty horrible. But, again, the piece seems inflammatory without the benefit of any citations or at least reports from major media sources.

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I read through the text of the bill and what I can find that supports the original article's statement is a section that since been stricken out that said an employer COULDN'T discriminate against an employee who purchased birth control coverage separately- it looks like it was added in and then removed. Which leaves the whole thing open to interpretation- the fact that it was removed is worrisome.

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There has ALWAYS been a war against women, it just shows itself in different ways. And its depths can be difficult to ken, as well as thoroughly depressing.

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Guest Anonymous

This is so wrong on so many levels. It's nobody's business if I use birth control. That is confidential information between me, my doctor, and my partner....PERIOD!!! Nobody has the right to tell me what legal drugs I put in my body except the doctor writing the prescription. This beyond insane! :shock:

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I keep saying they can't get worse then they do. But this can't pass no way an employer can regulate someone like that. but the crazier it is the more chance it fails.

I've become accustomed to looking for your "You thought it couldn't be worse, but look at THIS" reports. Tuesday is worse than Monday, and Wednesday is worse than that. One head gets cut off and uglier one springs up.

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LOVE this Jezebel quotation:

It's all about freedom, she said, echoing everyone who thinks there's nothing ironic about claiming that a country that's "free" allows people's bosses to dictate what medical care is available to them through insurance. First amendment. The constitution. Rights of religious people to practice the treasured tenets of their faiths, the tenets that dictate that religious people get to tell everyone who is not of faith how they're supposed to live, and the freedom to have that faith enforced by law. Freedom®.

ETA - Son of a Bee-keeper, I just got an email from the ACLU with the next "You thought it couldn't get worse" topic.

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When I read these stories I feel like I am in an alternate universe. WTF is happening? Was I just blind before? I really think shows like 19 and Counting mask the scariness of the religious right. They make them seem warm and fuzzy to the masses who don't pay attention, then the religious right takes over more and more. I don't think I am being paranoid after reading about this latest cluster fuck.

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I had a totally different birth control issue when we bought our first house in 1973 in Ann Arbor, MI. We'd been married 4 years, my DH was starting medical school. I had just completed 5 years of active duty in the Navy and had a full time job as a R.N. I was the wage earner. The mortgage lender said they would not grant us a loan unless we signed a statement saying we were practicing birth control. We refused. We weren't practicing birth control and, in fact, wanted a pregnancy. But even if we were practicing birth control it wasn't a mortgage lender's business. We were putting 25% down on the house, which was higher than most others were doing at the time. My income was good and my DH had the GI Bill for tuition. We told them we'd be glad to take the case to court. We soon had our mortgage.

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www.rhrealitycheck.org/article/2012/03/ ... ow-them-to

Great, now AZ employers can interogate women about their sex lives. Fuck this. Tomorrow morning once Sunnidude wakes up I'm asking to move to his home country. I doubt it'll happen, he'll just say I'm over-reacting and this will all blow over, but I'm not over-reacting and I sure hope it blows over!!

Here's another article about it--http://angryblacklady.com/2012/03/13/arizona-law-would-allow-employers-to-fire-women-for-using-birth-control/

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