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Fundy child or out of the mouths of babes?


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My 11 year old son and I were watching a tv show that showed some college age girls wearing bathing suits in the g-string fashion. I was going to turn the channel not feeling up to allowing my hormonal son get an eye full when he said that he was sad for the girls. I asked him why and he said that someone must have lied and hurt those girls by telling them that their only worth was being sexy and not being themselves. I asked if maybe that was their true selves and he said he hoped not as ladies were too special to let low life guys look at them that way and treat them like a peice of meat and someone should tell them they are beautiful just for being them.

I was proud but now I wonder, did that sound fundyish?

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Well, yeah. Kind of fundie. Wonder where he got that mindset?

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I should make it clear that I was proud that he sees women as more than a pretty face or body but thinks that their beauty comes from within.

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I don't think fundyish. If it was fundyish he would have done a Fish with Trish and basically said the women were dirty slags, probably while putting masking tape on the screen or something...

Some of his analysis is a bit off IMO ;) but I know those kinds of shows and he totally got at the spirit behind it, which is that women are seen as collections of body parts (unlike men who are real functioning human beings). It was also great that he got that the women had been lied to and they were real valuable people.

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I would be very proud of him. I think it demonstrates respect for the person instead of just noticing a face and/or body. He did not mention being defrauded so I wouldn't worry about being too fundie. :D And he put some responsibility on the guys who may have made the girls feel the need to dress that way to get attention. You should be very proud and encourage his line of thinking while he's young.

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I would be very proud of him. I think it demonstrates respect for the person instead of just noticing a face and/or body. He did not mention being defrauded so I wouldn't worry about being too fundie. :D And he put some responsibility on the guys who may have made the girls feel the need to dress that way to get attention. You should be very proud and encourage his line of thinking while he's young.

Not fundyish.

You have a child that is showing good thinking skills, and also compassion. You have done a good job so far, Mom!

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NOT fundie. It sounds like he just "gets it" that women are more than just "things" to look at. I'm proud that there are little boys out there that are willing to look for the good within a girl. It gives me hope for my daughter, LOL. Keep it up, Mom. You're doing a wonderful job with that boy.

Plus, watching the Duggars could actually be helping broaden his horizons- showing him about the other lifestyles out there (I'm ONLY talking about the Duggars' choice of lifestyle in this topic) and how people either choose to think for themselves or let others do the thinking for them, etc. It's an excellent learning tool and I do already do that with my own daughter with her cartoons (Ie: "Why do you think SpongeBob is Sad? How can they fix that? Why do you think..." etc). It helps introduce the entire idea of "plot" and problem-solving that she needs to know for Kindergarten in the fall (the things you learn from friends who are teachers).

Again, KEEP IT UP!!! :) The world needs more boys like him out there. There already are a few, and some of them are my daughter's friends (one of them is a very close friend, we call him her boyfriend sometimes, they are too cute LOL).

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I don't think that's fundie-ish. Yes, there are some gaps in his analysis at this point, but he's eleven! He's thinking about issues and trying to make sense of the world, and it's great that this is one of the issues that's occurred to him -- that women are more than just parts but are often reduced to that. He sounds like a great kid, and like you're doing a great job raising him.

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Guest Anonymous

Not fundie, but not quite feminist either. He seems like a great thoughtful kid who is thinking through the issues!

But he does seem to be buying into the larger culture's tendency to think condescendingly about women, especially sexy women. How does he know that a woman in a sexy G-string bikini thinks her only worth is in looking sexy? Maybe she just enjoys looking hot. A woman who is showing a lot of skin isn't necessarily a moron or a proper object of pity.

Still, he is on the right track. Sounds like a great kid!

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My 11 year old son and I were watching a tv show that showed some college age girls wearing bathing suits in the g-string fashion. I was going to turn the channel not feeling up to allowing my hormonal son get an eye full when he said that he was sad for the girls. I asked him why and he said that someone must have lied and hurt those girls by telling them that their only worth was being sexy and not being themselves. I asked if maybe that was their true selves and he said he hoped not as ladies were too special to let low life guys look at them that way and treat them like a peice of meat and someone should tell them they are beautiful just for being them.

I was proud but now I wonder, did that sound fundyish?

To me, it sounds like a young man whose mother taught him well, who has compassion and intelligence. Don't sound fundy to me. (and I am as far from fundie as you can get!)

ETA: I am not a prude either. Probably jealous that I can't get away with wearing a bikini anymore. (Too fat and far to many stretch marks!)

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Not fundie, but not quite feminist either. He seems like a great thoughtful kid who is thinking through the issues!

But he does seem to be buying into the larger culture's tendency to think condescendingly about women, especially sexy women. How does he know that a woman in a sexy G-string bikini thinks her only worth is in looking sexy? Maybe she just enjoys looking hot. A woman who is showing a lot of skin isn't necessarily a moron or a proper object of pity.

Still, he is on the right track. Sounds like a great kid!

Co-signed. Judgmental? A bit. Fundie-ish? No.

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Wow, that's a profound statement from a young boy. And one I hope you jot down in your Proud Moments Moms Book. I sure would. Not that I have said book or anything but I think it's awesome he has such feelings at such a young age. You must be doing something right. And what a great conversation you got to have with your kid. Oh, and I vote no on the fundy. More brutal honesty out of the mouths of babes.

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