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Do You Have a Christian Worldview?


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So, I've been checking in with Natalie at Visionary Delusional Womanhood as she kicks off her Visionary Womanhood Gatherings Koolaid Klatsches. The Koolaid Klatsch series starts out with a focus on "worldview", that beloved fundy buzzword. One of the suggested books is by Gary Bahnsen, who Wikipedia tells me was a buddy of Rushdoony and a hardcore Dominionist/theonomist/Christian reconstructionist. Seriously scary stuff for such a seemingly nice Minnesota housewife to be pushing! And of course, like all these would-be Christian rulers, he's not thinking a government based on the Sermon on the Mount, but more on the Old Testament:

The New Testament requires that we take the Old Testament as ethically normative for us today. Not just selected portions of the Old Testament, mind you, but “every Scriptureâ€. Failure to honor the whole duty of man as revealed in the Old Testament is nothing short of a failure to be completely equipped for righteous living. It is to measure one’s ethical duty by a broken and incomplete yardstick.


O rly? Yeah, I don't think he's talking about not eating shellfish and banishing mixed fabrics from your wardrobe. More stoning teh gays and uppity sluts, I'm thinking.

There's another post touting a "Christian Worldview Curriculum" by Kevin Swansen here (hurry up and tweet or FB it and you could be eligible to win this valuable resource for Christian homeschoolers!!!!)

“Over the last 25 years, the Nehemiah Institute has conducted its “PEERS Worldview Test†for Christian children in homeschools, Christian schools, and public schools. Based on a study of 60,000 students, the survey found that Christians attending public schools slipped 86% (from a score of 38.9 to 5.4) over 21 years. Christian children attending traditional Christian schools slipped 65% over 21 years (from a score of 49.7 to 17.3), and homeschoolers and Christian schoolers that were taught the rudiments of a biblical worldview actually improved by 11% (from 62.1 to 69.4) over the same period. The baseline scoring was established by testing self-proclaimed atheists and humanists (against Christian pastors and leaders who held to the inerrancy and authority of the Bible.) According to these studies, a score of 38 would indicate a “secular humanist.†Thus, you can see that most Christian children have become secular humanists (if they attend Christian or public schools.)


See? This scientifically proves that you must homeschool your children using this curriculum!!!! You don't want them to become baby-killing secular humanists do you????

Just for grins, I googled PEERS Worldview Test and found an online version here: http://www.nehemiahinstitute.com/peers_test.htm

The test is online, but you have to send in $4.50 to get the results. Mustn't let an opportunity to squeeze the sheeple go to waste. Here are the questions, I think you can guess how the Nehemiah Institute thinks real Christians should answer. Surprisingly, there's very little about loving your neighbor and all that other stuff Jesus said was important.

Place a 'check mark' in the box after each test item using the following key:

SA- Strongly Agree, TA- Tend to Agree, N- No Opinion, TD- Tend to Disagree, SD- Strongly Disagree.

1. Unemployment is primarily caused by a lack of demand for goods and services.

2. Human nature, because it constantly adapts and changes, has an unlimited potential for progressive development.

3. Competitive free-enterprise is the fairest type of economic system.

4. Government should rest as directly as possible on the will of the people.

5. Elementary and secondary schools should be operated with no financial assistance from state and/or federal tax revenues.

6. A federal Department of Education is necessary to ensure harmony of instructional technique and content of learning in all schools.

7. The major obstacles to social progress are ignorance and faulty social institutions.

8. In a democratic society, citizens have a civil right to an education, and this right must be protected and enforced by civil governments.

9. Individuals should be allowed to conduct life as they choose as long as it does not interfere with the lives of others.

10. A government run program to ensure financial security at retirement age retirement age (e.g.: Social Security) is in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

11. Progressive taxation (higher rates for higher income) is the fairest form of taxation in that it relieves poor people from a heavy tax burden, which they are unable to pay, by taking a larger tax percentage from the rich who are able to pay more.

12. All religious belief is personal and should never be imposed on others, particularly on children.

13. The Bible is meant to be a guide or an example to individuals, not an authoritative rule over lives.

14. Federal and state governments should provide price support programs to industries providing essential services (E.g., agriculture, housing, and medical care).

15. Social reform should be designed and enforced to correct inequalities in schooling, housing, employment and recreation.

16. Nationalism (the sovereignty of nations) is a hindrance to nations working for peace.

17. The Old Testament laws were necessary to govern Israel until the arrival of the Messiah. However, we are now governed by the Holy Spirit through grace and are not bound to any kind of Old Testament law.

18. Instruction in any field should present all known theories about the given subject in an unbiased manner and encourage each student to develop his/her own beliefs.

19. The best form of civil government is the one that has the greatest amount of direct participation from the people, where everyone votes on everything.

20. Homosexuality is a criminal offense against society. Persons caught conducting a homosexual act should be tried and sentence in a civil court of law.

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Most of those questions have NOTHING to do with Christianity or the Bible. A Christian could make a good case for or against most of those points and still be a Christian.

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Here's how I answered the quiz:

Place a 'check mark' in the box after each test item using the following key:

SA- Strongly Agree, TA- Tend to Agree, N- No Opinion, TD- Tend to Disagree, SD- Strongly Disagree.

1. Unemployment is primarily caused by a lack of demand for goods and services.

Strongly Agree, but I'm guessing the "correct" answer is that unemployment is caused by "sin", and I have been brainwashed by my secular humanist economics textbook

2. Human nature, because it constantly adapts and changes, has an unlimited potential for progressive development.

Tend to disagree. While I think humans are extremely adaptable, there are some evolutionary constraints on how much human nature can adapt in the short term. This is probably close to the "right" answer but for the wrong reasons.

3. Competitive free-enterprise is the fairest type of economic system.

Tend to disagree, I think the invisible hand of the market needs help in the form of regulation and social safety nets. Wrong answer, I'm sure.

4. Government should rest as directly as possible on the will of the people.

SA - I'm guessing this is one that trips up mainstream Christians, they probably agree but don't realize its should be THE BIBLE AS INTERPRETED BY THE SELLERS OF THIS CRAP TEST.

5. Elementary and secondary schools should be operated with no financial assistance from state and/or federal tax revenues.

SD- bzzzzt wrong answer. There should be no elementary or secondary schools at all.

6. A federal Department of Education is necessary to ensure harmony of instructional technique and content of learning in all schools.

SA - bzzzzt wrong answer -see answer above.

7. The major obstacles to social progress are ignorance and faulty social institutions.

SA - but suspect the right answer is SATAN

8. In a democratic society, citizens have a civil right to an education, and this right must be protected and enforced by civil governments.

SA - but I am a satanic secular humanist.

9. Individuals should be allowed to conduct life as they choose as long as it does not interfere with the lives of others.

SA - my answer probably takes away at least 50 points from my Christian worldview.

10. A government run program to ensure financial security at retirement age retirement age (e.g.: Social Security) is in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

SA - but I know that the Christian thing to do would be to let old people die as quickly as possible after they have become unproductive. Damn this secular humanist brainwashing!

11. Progressive taxation (higher rates for higher income) is the fairest form of taxation in that it relieves poor people from a heavy tax burden, which they are unable to pay, by taking a larger tax percentage from the rich who are able to pay more.

SA - Sounds fair, but that's probably just Satan talking again.

12. All religious belief is personal and should never be imposed on others, particularly on children.

SA, but know it's the wrong answer of course. Good christians always want to impose their beliefs on others, with death threats if possible.

13. The Bible is meant to be a guide or an example to individuals, not an authoritative rule over lives.

Neutral. The Bible is a complicated book, you can't just pick it up and skim it for useful lifestyle tips.

14. Federal and state governments should provide price support programs to industries providing essential services (E.g., agriculture, housing, and medical care).

Neutral - not sure price supports are the best way to make sure essential services are affordable. I'm really curious what the Bible has to say about producer price supports vs. consumer subsidies. This might be a trick question. Is Pharoah's anti-famine program in the story of Joseph an example of a subsidy or price supports? On second thought, I'm not even sure that the author of this question even knows the difference between subsidies and price supports.

15. Social reform should be designed and enforced to correct inequalities in schooling, housing, employment and recreation.

SA - but I know the social gospel makes Baby Jesus cry.

16. Nationalism (the sovereignty of nations) is a hindrance to nations working for peace.

Tend to Agree. Probably am supposed to strongly disagree, but only about the sovereignty of the US. The US can violate other nations' sovereignty, because we are a *Christian Nation* and those other non-christian nations can just bite us.

17. The Old Testament laws were necessary to govern Israel until the arrival of the Messiah. However, we are now governed by the Holy Spirit through grace and are not bound to any kind of Old Testament law.

Neutral. I don't think the Bible is a good rule book.

18. Instruction in any field should present all known theories about the given subject in an unbiased manner and encourage each student to develop his/her own beliefs.

SA - but I know that the sincere search for truth is the opposite of the "Christian worldview " according to Nehemiah Inst.

19. The best form of civil government is the one that has the greatest amount of direct participation from the people, where everyone votes on everything.

SA -but since the Electoral College is in the Bible, uh sorry, Constitution, I guess it's the wrong answer.

20. Homosexuality is a criminal offense against society. Persons caught conducting a homosexual act should be tried and sentence in a civil court of law.

SD of course, but why not use the example from the bible where not screaming loud enough while being raped is a criminal offense against society? After all it's completely fair and Biblical to give rape victims the choice between being killed by their rapist and being executed by stoning.

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1. Unemployment is primarily caused by a lack of demand for goods and services.

I think the economic reasons behind unemployment are far more complicated than that, especially considering how many people are employed in government positions that were never in demand but were created out of thin air. It certainly wasn't a lack of demand that caused the recession that has led to much of the unemployment we now see.

Oh dear, I'm a woman and I'm thinking, I should probably get back in the kitchen and make some chocolate fondue whilst blanket training my 24 babies.

2. Human nature, because it constantly adapts and changes, has an unlimited potential for progressive development.

Our potential is limited through our biology, and although we can adapt/evolve to suit our environment this can only happen to a certain extent before we are no longer considered human beings. Although in terms of progression I think we still have a long way to go and can further improve our technology and environment.

I'm definitely on the hate list now, but how is 'adaptation' completely different from evolution anyway?

3. Competitive free-enterprise is the fairest type of economic system.

Definitely not, otherwise you inevitably end up in a monopoly system which defeats the point of having choice in the first place. Markets need some level of regulation to stop them screwing over others or getting too big to compete with.

I know this is wrong, but I don't know why... maybe because regulation would keep a check on fundy businesses too?

4. Government should rest as directly as possible on the will of the people.

Last time I checked that was pretty much the point of democracy...

Fundyism isn't very democratic though, I bet they think it should all be based on the Bible exactly as it is, so lots of stoning etc.

5. Elementary and secondary schools should be operated with no financial assistance from state and/or federal tax revenues.

Completely disagree, everyone should have the chance to go to a fully funded school so that they have the same basic education and are all given an equal chance to compete. Schools should also be secular and homeschooling heavily regulated.

I think at this point I'm about to be stoned, what could be worse than secular humanism and fairness?

6. A federal Department of Education is necessary to ensure harmony of instructional technique and content of learning in all schools.

Definitely, for the reasons above.

This is obviously wrong as well, fundys don't want anyone telling them they have to teach their children about the outside world.

7. The major obstacles to social progress are ignorance and faulty social institutions.

To a large extent, lack of ambition coupled with lack of resources serves to keep the poor from improving their lot, and that's in this country where we have the NHS and unemployment benefits.

We all know if you're poor it's actually because God hates you.

8. In a democratic society, citizens have a civil right to an education, and this right must be protected and enforced by civil governments.

Yes! This includes not allowing crappy homeschooling.

Nothing scares fundys like the thought that their children might be able to think independently and come to different conclusions.

9. Individuals should be allowed to conduct life as they choose as long as it does not interfere with the lives of others.

Yep, if they want to have sex outside of marriage, homosexual relationships or indulge in group orgies that's none of my business as long as everyone consents. I also think this extends to abortion because a fetus is not a baby.

Fundys love judging more than anything so this is definitely the wrong answer.

10. A government run program to ensure financial security at retirement age retirement age (e.g.: Social Security) is in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

It's certainly a lot better than leaving old people who aren't rich to starve or work until they die, although the system needs major reform now people are living considerably longer.

Wrong answer, again.

11. Progressive taxation (higher rates for higher income) is the fairest form of taxation in that it relieves poor people from a heavy tax burden, which they are unable to pay, by taking a larger tax percentage from the rich who are able to pay more.

I'm tempted to say DUH but it's getting a bit old. The difference between 3 cars and 2 cars is a lot different to the contrast of 3 meals a day or two meals a day.

I don't think fundys believe in tax, though they're happy to take it.

12. All religious belief is personal and should never be imposed on others, particularly on children.


As if fundys exist for any other reason than to impose their religion.

I give up at this point, it's quite clear that I'm going to burn in hell so in the mean time, I'm off to commit even more sins against Jebus :twisted:

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If she is taking the Old Testament literally, then the pet store is probably wondering why she buys two turtles every month. Check out Leviticus 15:29-30 for the reason!

I am sure I fail, fail, fail the worldview test. I think Jesus would as well.

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What happened to starting at "don't be an asshole" and going from there?

I am just lost at the idea of somebody's religious beliefs essentially being a specifically American political platform. Note to fundies: the whole world isn't Republican. Nor should it be.

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Here's a bit of trivia for them about the Department of Education:

The Department of Education was split off from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare during the Carter presidency....as a direct result of lobbying by the ultra-Orthodox Chabad Lubavitch movement. I think it's safe to say that they are very much aware of the contents of the Old Testament.

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4. Government should rest as directly as possible on the will of the people.

It is possible the fundies like democracy because some say part of the unspoken quiver full goal is dominionism ie breed like rabbits and then you can have the voting numbers to roll back abortion etc.

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If she is taking the Old Testament literally, then the pet store is probably wondering why she buys two turtles every month. Check out Leviticus 15:29-30 for the reason!

I am sure I fail, fail, fail the worldview test. I think Jesus would as well.

Hell yes. Jesus hung out with prostitutes ffs and I can't imagine the Duggars, Maxwells, Bates, Seven Sisters, Szu et al welcoming prostitutes into their homes. Actually that's a little funny.

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Unemployment is primarily caused by a lack of demand for goods and services.

It's totally caused by women working outside the home to pay for their numerous abortions and evilly conspiring to take jobs away from righteous menfolk.

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Hmm.. I think I can guess the "correct worldview" answer to most of these.

Exactly. Just think "How Would Floor Humping Guy Answer This?" and you're golden.

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So, I've been checking in with Natalie at Visionary Delusional Womanhood as she kicks off her Visionary Womanhood Gatherings Koolaid Klatsches. The Koolaid Klatsch series starts out with a focus on "worldview", that beloved fundy buzzword. One of the suggested books is by Gary Bahnsen, who Wikipedia tells me was a buddy of Rushdoony and a hardcore Dominionist/theonomist/Christian reconstructionist. Seriously scary stuff for such a seemingly nice Minnesota housewife to be pushing! And of course, like all these would-be Christian rulers, he's not thinking a government based on the Sermon on the Mount, but more on the Old Testament:

O rly? Yeah, I don't think he's talking about not eating shellfish and banishing mixed fabrics from your wardrobe. More stoning teh gays and uppity sluts, I'm thinking.

I know this is a serious topic 'n' all...but the second I read that, I decided that needed to be my new job title/the name of the band that opens for the Free Jingers. :music-guitarred:

Now back to your regularly scheduled snarking.

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Oh, boy! For the low price of $4.50, I can find out whether I'm Christian enough for the Nehemiah Institute. What a deal!

Not having $4.50 to spend on something so rediculous, worthy though some may find it, however, I'll just have to wing this.

Place a 'check mark' in the box after each test item using the following key:

SA- Strongly Agree, TA- Tend to Agree, N- No Opinion, TD- Tend to Disagree, SD- Strongly Disagree.

This test is essentially a pass/fail checklist for how well kids hew to the US Republican platform, so I don't even know why I should bother with the marking scheme - but hey, I'm feeling generous.

1. Unemployment is primarily caused by a lack of demand for goods and services.

TA: Unemployment is caused by a variety of factors, including , but not limited to, a lack of demand for once sought-after services.

2. Human nature, because it constantly adapts and changes, has an unlimited potential for progressive development.

TA: We have certain natural limitations that prevent us from reaching an 'unlimited potential,' but the strength of our current potential can still be seen in such discoveries as how to harness electricity and in such inventions as the airplane, the submarine, and even the telephone (which eventually branched into other forms of communication).

We also have a strong capacity to fuck up - and the stronger the technology we build, the bigger a fuck up we can make of it.

3. Competitive free-enterprise is the fairest type of economic system.

TD: A Canadian-style mixture of free market and regulation is the fairest type of economic system.

Also, the OT didn't have free market capitalism either, so fuck off.

4. Government should rest as directly as possible on the will of the people.

TA: ...with the caveat that majority rule should not impact minority human and civil rights.

5. Elementary and secondary schools should be operated with no financial assistance from state and/or federal tax revenues.

SD - I bet you and your peeps jack off to thoughts of having the illiterate untermenschen beg you for scraps, but most of us aren't that sadistic.

...and what does this have to do with the Bible? Unless this were an agrarian society where most work could be taught through apprenticeship, this has nothing to do with the a so-called "Biblical Worldview."

6. A federal Department of Education is necessary to ensure harmony of instructional technique and content of learning in all schools.

If you don't want your kids to be able to compete in an international marketplace, then I guess not.

Oh, I would so love to give you guys an island somewhere and leave you to your fate.

7. The major obstacles to social progress are ignorance and faulty social institutions.

TA: Human nature is sometimes also an obstacle.

8. In a democratic society, citizens have a civil right to an education, and this right must be protected and enforced by civil governments.

Not even going to dignify this idiocy with an answer.

9. Individuals should be allowed to conduct life as they choose as long as it does not interfere with the lives of others.

SA: If you believe the Bible is a moral guide, then follow the Bible - assuming you can pull your heads out of your asses long enough to realize Biblical principles weren't usually capitalist ones.

As for everyone else, you're not God. Let God judge them and stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

10. A government run program to ensure financial security at retirement age retirement age (e.g.: Social Security) is in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

Oh hell no; don't give back all that money retirees paid into SS. Just grind them up for food when they're too old to work!

11. Progressive taxation (higher rates for higher income) is the fairest form of taxation in that it relieves poor people from a heavy tax burden, which they are unable to pay, by taking a larger tax percentage from the rich who are able to pay more.


12. All religious belief is personal and should never be imposed on others, particularly on children.

TD: I think it's only natural for parents to share their own beliefs with their kids. If I have any, for example, they'll be learning about the Social Gospel.

13. The Bible is meant to be a guide or an example to individuals, not an authoritative rule over lives.

SA - And frankly, I doubt most members of the Nehemiah Institute could actually stand the theonomy they want so badly.

14. Federal and state governments should provide price support programs to industries providing essential services (E.g., agriculture, housing, and medical care).


15. Social reform should be designed and enforced to correct inequalities in schooling, housing, employment and recreation.

What kind of social reform? As designed by whom? Enforced how?

In short, fuck off.

16. Nationalism (the sovereignty of nations) is a hindrance to nations working for peace.

Luke 22:29 - Are you the citizens of one nation among many, or of one Kingdom not of this Earth?

In short, fuck off.

17. The Old Testament laws were necessary to govern Israel until the arrival of the Messiah. However, we are now governed by the Holy Spirit through grace and are not bound to any kind of Old Testament law.

SA: If you eat shellfish, shut up about how all OT Law is still enforceable.

And besides that, there is no Temple Court anymore so who would do all this judging?

18. Instruction in any field should present all known theories about the given subject in an unbiased manner and encourage each student to develop his/her own beliefs.

TD: All known theories? Shall we drag Time Cube guy's musings into science class so students can have access to all the available theories as if they were on an equal footing regardless of whether or not there's evidence for them? Fuck off.

19. The best form of civil government is the one that has the greatest amount of direct participation from the people, where everyone votes on everything.

Asked and answered in question four. Fuck off.

20. Homosexuality is a criminal offense against society. Persons caught conducting a homosexual act should be tried and sentence in a civil court of law.

Asked and answered in question nine. Fuck off.

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No, according to this yardstick.

I do believe in helping people and giving of my time and resources to those who have less, and just generally caring about the welfare and well-being of others, but I guess those are not "Christian" values any more.

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Thanks for playing everyone. Too bad the Nehemiah Institute is so stingy, or we would know exactly how damned we are. :roll:

I'm pretty sure the only "Christian worldview test" mentioned in the Bible is "Whatsoever you have done unto the least of these."

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Quiverfull answers to the questionnaire:

1. Unemployment is primarily caused by a lack of demand for goods and services.

Absolutely not! It is caused by laziness and should be punished by starvation.

2. Human nature, because it constantly adapts and changes, has an unlimited potential for progressive development.

Are you imply that we evolve? That, madam, is unBiblical.

3. Competitive free-enterprise is the fairest type of economic system.

Absolutely. Especially a competitive, free enterprise system in which Christian whites are explicitly preferred.

4. Government should rest as directly as possible on the will of the people.

Not unless the people are fundamentalist Christian. KJV literalist Christians should control everything in the public sphere.

5. Elementary and secondary schools should be operated with no financial assistance from state and/or federal tax revenues.

Trick question! Elementary and secondary schools should be abolished, as they teach children to answer to an authority other than their headship and God.

6. A federal Department of Education is necessary to ensure harmony of instructional technique and content of learning in all schools.

See above. Also, government has no place taxing and policing people, except when it comes to reproductive laws and other Christian ordinances.

7. The major obstacles to social progress are ignorance and faulty social institutions.

Social progress, like the cake, is a lie. We need to move backward to a more Godly society, not forward into a more secular one.

8. In a democratic society, citizens have a civil right to an education, and this right must be protected and enforced by civil governments.

People have a right to all the education their father is willing to give them. Unless it makes me feel stupid. Unless they are female or a racial minority.

9. Individuals should be allowed to conduct life as they choose as long as it does not interfere with the lives of others.

All people who do not follow all of the Old Testament laws should be stoned, unless it is a part of the Old Testament that I personally disagree with.

10. A government run program to ensure financial security at retirement age retirement age (e.g.: Social Security) is in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

If you have had enough children, they can care for you in exchange for laundry and childcare services. Problem solved! No government needed!

11. Progressive taxation (higher rates for higher income) is the fairest form of taxation in that it relieves poor people from a heavy tax burden, which they are unable to pay, by taking a larger tax percentage from the rich who are able to pay more.

Poor people should be paying more taxes because they are lazy--unless they have 8 or more legitimate children with the same person, in which case they should receive thousands of dollars per year rather than paying any. Rich people contribute enough just by being rich people.

12. All religious belief is personal and should never be imposed on others, particularly on children.

My religion is The Right One and should be followed by everyone. Anyone who deviates from my beliefs should be given the most ghastly punishment I can find in the Bible. In addition, we should interrogate and punish anyone who does not look joyful enough with the Christian world order.

13. The Bible is meant to be a guide or an example to individuals, not an authoritative rule over lives.

All parts of the Bible are to be taken literally, except the part about Jesus turning water into wine and anything about caring for the poor.

14. Federal and state governments should provide price support programs to industries providing essential services (E.g., agriculture, housing, and medical care).

No. People in the Bible lives without it and so can we. If God loves you, you will be supernaturally gifted with a large farm and house, as well as good health. Government interference shows a lack of trust in God and keeps him from cursing the evil.

15. Social reform should be designed and enforced to correct inequalities in schooling, housing, employment and recreation.

Social reform is another term for communism. RUN AWAY, TEH EEBIL COMMUNISTS ARE COMING!!!!

16. Nationalism (the sovereignty of nations) is a hindrance to nations working for peace.

Nationalism is good for Christian nations and bad for everyone else.

17. The Old Testament laws were necessary to govern Israel until the arrival of the Messiah. However, we are now governed by the Holy Spirit through grace and are not bound to any kind of Old Testament law.

That is correct unless your headship says otherwise. And then, you are to obey the one with the magical thinking penis.

18. Instruction in any field should present all known theories about the given subject in an unbiased manner and encourage each student to develop his/her own beliefs.

No, because then our children might be won over to logic and start questioning the sovereignty of the Bible. All instruction should begin and end with the Bible, including math and science. I mean, do we really *know* that the Civil War happened? We don't, because it is extra-Biblical, therefore it should not be taught.

19. The best form of civil government is the one that has the greatest amount of direct participation from the people, where everyone votes on everything.

No. The best kind of government is a KJV-literalist theocracy.

20. Homosexuality is a criminal offense against society. Persons caught conducting a homosexual act should be tried and sentence in a civil court of law.

Yes. But without the court. If you think someone might be gay, stone them immediately to save them from their sin.

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