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My new job isn't for any fundies!


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I posted in the QoC that I was leaving my job at the company I hate to go to a large well known non profit here in Memphis. You don't have to think to hard to figure out where it is. (I don't care...I just don't want it googled). Danny Thomas started it as a hint :)

Anyhow...my current employer is hardly fundy, but does expect us to pray at all company events. In contrast here are some things from my soon to be new employer regarding events hosted for patients.

"No program offered may be specific to any one religion, in any manner, attempt to convert, save, proselytize or persuade any child, family members or staff person to a particular religious belief, a different religion or any denomination of Christianity. Any attempts to do so will result in that person and their group being asked to leave the institution."

"X... affirms that faith and medicine go together. We will not tolerate any attempt by any person or group of persons to offer “faith healing,†separated from medicine, to our patients."

"The origin of nearly all childhood cancer is unknown. Cancer is not given to the child or placed upon the family as a deliberate act of God nor as a consequence of anything the child or family has done. Your program content and actions toward the children and their families should reflect this fact."

So it makes me wonder...have the Duggars, could the Duggars even visit here? (lots of celebrities visit the patients)

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This charity would make their heads spin. I watch their infomercials and cry because of the inherent dangers many of these patients face. I truly believe that this saint, the patron saint of impossible causes is happy with the research and the outcomes that come from there.

To heck with the fundies. St Luke was a physician and used the power of the Lord too. Those people who want to hide their heads like ostriches can stay where they are. I believe that science and religion are compatible and that the Lord wouldn't have given talents to researchers if they were to not help people.

rant over.

Again many congratulations on your new job!

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If you don't know the DT/SJ story is is a powerful one....

Interestingly enough most fundies might shy away given this bit:

"To solve this problem, Danny, of Lebanese decent, turned to his fellow Americans of Arabic-speaking heritage. Believing deeply that these Americans should, as a group, thank the United States for the gifts of freedom given their parents, Danny also felt the support of..XXX..would be a noble way of honoring his immigrant forefathers who had come to America.

Danny’s request struck a responsive chord. In 1957, 100 representatives of the Arab-American community met in Chicago to form XXXwith a sole purpose of raising funds for the support of XXX"

the fundraising arm has both the words Lebanese and Syrian in it.

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As far as I am concerned, the good of (the organization of which you speak), the Shriners, Ronald McDonald houses, etc cannot be overstated. I have received help from RMcD house and it enabled me to focus on my sick child. My mother as a teen was in a Shriner's Hospital for over a year and has donated to them throughout her life.

(tearing up here) Life can be so hard, and it does my black, non-Christian heart good to think of all the amazing people out there making it a little easier. Yeah, the fundies would prob hate it and that says so many not-good things about them.

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Congrats on the new job and MAD PROPS to that organization and all who contribute their talents to it!! I'm sure it would make the fundies' heads spin, but thank goodness these organizations have level headed people running them!!!

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I worked at A Lovely Seriously Awesome Charity once upon a time, as well.

I find it interesting that the policy specifically mentions Christianity. I know there are not many other religions that proselytize, but they called the Christians right out!

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And here I opened this thread thinking you'd taken up a new job teaching pole dancing or something...

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Congrats on the new job with such a wonderful organization!!

What's sad is to think of what these people have seen from fundies to have to have the policies you describe wrt religion. Not that it surprises me or anything, but I'm glad they try to keep that nonsense to a minimum.

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I'm so happy for you and your new job, TM!

I think it's great that they spell all of that out. What's irritating is that they even have to, although I'm sure they've been given good reason to do so. I just can't imagine how evil and/or heartless it would be to suggest in any way that cancer for anybody, much less a child, is a result of God's punishment on the family, the child, or anybody else. That is absolutely BSC.

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