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Who watches (enjoys) SAICFF-award-winning feature films?


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The Duggars kvelled over "Fireproof."

"The Widow's Might" is now for sale in stores.

"Ace Wonder: Message From a Dead Man" is set for release in February of '12.

There are other feature (as opposed to documentaries) films that set the domnionist world to "happy" and I just wonder who really enjoys them?

I ask because in the case of Ace Wonder, there are maybe two female actors in the cast. A couple more in "Might" and I presume 6 or 7 in "fireproof."

Thing is, when I was a kid, and even now in my dotage, if a film doesn't have a female presence to it, I'm usually not very interested in it. A big exception was "Master and Commander: Far Side of the World" and honestly, with anybody other than Russell Crowe in the lead, I'd've fallen asleep.

Yet Heumoore Productions and others seem to think that women on-screen are not necessary at all. Well, unless it's the Gunn Bros. and they're using every female they can to snipe at females ("Monstrous Regiment of Women").

Who do they think will watch their stuff? And do we foresee the day when the female parts are played by men and boys in drag? Heck, they seem to want to recreate other parts of the women-dismissing culture of ancient Greece. They might as well go all the way.

There would be the added benefit of not having any SAHDs working outside the home.

(painkillers are a fabulous thing. We'll see how I feel about the posts they've engendered tonight, in the morning. :whistle: )

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