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Gay people can get married in New York!


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I was wondering why my hetero marriage abruptly dissolved tonight! Tomorrow I'm going to marry a horse and a dining room set, if I'm not assigned a woman to gay-marry first. That's what's supposed to happen every time a state legalizes marriage equality, right?

Seriously, awesome job, NY. :clap: I'm sure my state will be one of the last holdouts, but it's coming. Slow progress, but progress nevertheless. Bigoted fuckers are on the wrong side of history.

dramallama, HAR! :icon-lol:

Hooray for my home state! And I am still amazed at how easily marriage equality sailed into being in my adopted state, Connecticut: Civil unions? Check. Oh, wait--let's just upgrade that to marriage. Check.

Still appalled at what happened in Iowa, though. :angry-cussingblack:

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Inch by inch, progress is being made.

ITA. Whenever the rights of minorities need to be implemented over the objection of "the majority", it is an inch by inch process. For some people to have the civil rights they are completely entitled to, control needs to be almost literally wrested from the hands of those who consider themselves the majority. They are not happy to give up that control and the belief that their sensibilities must prevail or the country will go to hell in a handbasket.

So gay marriage was made legal in NY and the sun still rose this morning. Forty-four more states to go. . . :orcs-gayflag:

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I was wondering why my hetero marriage abruptly dissolved tonight! Tomorrow I'm going to marry a horse and a dining room set, if I'm not assigned a woman to gay-marry first. That's what's supposed to happen every time a state legalizes marriage equality, right?

Seriously, awesome job, NY. :clap: I'm sure my state will be one of the last holdouts, but it's coming. Slow progress, but progress nevertheless. Bigoted fuckers are on the wrong side of history.

I woke up this morning and found I was married to a toaster and that my dictionary had vanished because the definition of marriage changed. :o :shock:

For reals though, :romance-grouphug::romance-kisslips::romance-lovegoddess::happy-cheerleaderkid::happy-wavemulticolor::happy-jumpeveryone::happy-bouncyred::happy-bouncygreen::happy-bouncyshadowgreen:

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This makes me extremely happy. Especially since New York has such a big population.

:gay-color: :gay-gay: :gay-imgay: :gay-rainbow: :gay-rainbowflag::gay-umbrella: :orcs-gayflag: :romance-heartstiny:

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Wonderful, wonderful news. I'm so happy for devoted and loving same-sex couples in New York who can finally marry their long-time partners. This news fills me with joy. :gay-rainbowflag:

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It's a good day for progressives! I was already riding a bit high with Planned Parenthood of Indiana's victory today, and now this!

:gay-rainbowflag: :gay-color: :gay-rainbowflag:

I think it is good day anyhow, equal rights apply for everybody.

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I think it is good day anyhow, equal rights apply for everybody.

You're right. It is a good day for everyone. But with all the bullshit that's been going on in the US wrt labor unions, women's rights, gay rights, Medicare, etc, etc, this was an especially great victory for the socially left. I've been in a dark place lately when it comes to how I feel about this country and what we stand for, and I assure you that the religious right does not share our joy.

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This is such awesome news. It did my heart good to hear it after learning that Obama says he wants the states to decide the issue. You know, because leaving human rights issues to states is such a great idea! :roll:

On a side note, can you imagine how busy wedding planners in NY are going to be this summer? :lol:

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Hurray!!! I wonder which state is next? Maryland was very close (within 2-3 votes I think) Some statistics site (http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2009/04/ ... riage.html) predicted two years ago that we'd have at least 25 states with Gay marriage in 2012. Clearly we're not there yet. I am still left to wonder what state will be next. And also how long it will take Mississippi or Arkansas to join in, 2045 maybe?

On a side note, can you imagine how busy wedding planners in NY are going to be this summer?

No kidding! Wedding industry should be happy to have increased business. Come on GOP, let's be pro-wedding industry!

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Hurray!!! I wonder which state is next? Maryland was very close (within 2-3 votes I think) Some statistics site (http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2009/04/ ... riage.html) predicted two years ago that we'd have at least 25 states with Gay marriage in 2012. Clearly we're not there yet. I am still left to wonder what state will be next. And also how long it will take Mississippi or Arkansas to join in, 2045 maybe?

No kidding! Wedding industry should be happy to have increased business. Come on GOP, let's be pro-wedding industry!

My money's on Idaho being the last state to legalize same sex marriage, although I hope that's not the case. I have a love-hate relationship with my home state.

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You're right. It is a good day for everyone. But with all the bullshit that's been going on in the US wrt labor unions, women's rights, gay rights, Medicare, etc, etc, this was an especially great victory for the socially left. I've been in a dark place lately when it comes to how I feel about this country and what we stand for, and I assure you that the religious right does not share our joy.

I fully understand.

Although I really, really admire your country, the issues you mention, are a bit incomprehensible for secular Europeans.

This link in particular, which was sent by my American friends, is rather idiosyncratic for such a scientifically progressive, innovative country which has constituted the freedom of speech, religion and separation of church and state.

http://atheism.about.com/od/atheistbigo ... urveys.htm

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Yay! I'm so glad another state did the right thing. :gay-gay: :greetings-clapyellow: :gay-rainbow: :gay-rainbowflag::gay-umbrella: :flags-usa:

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Why has this not become federal law yet? Even GWB was for it at some point.

I am not liberal by many standards and I don't think it even matters in this issue. It's about being a good person. I want to see all of my friends happily married with lovely families. As a Jew, I believe that marriage and children are the highest joys we can be blessed with and that no one should be held away from that. I know several gay families and they are nothing to fear. Just normal parents trying to raise good kids. Those kids deserve married, committed parents just like any child!

Love should never be a bad thing, much less an illegal thing. We need more of it on this planet. I hope other states see that gay marriage is not going to destroy society, merely allow other people equality within it.

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Why has this not become federal law yet? Even GWB was for it at some point.

Do you have a citation for this? I have searched a bit and I can find support for gay marriage from his wife, his daughters, from the Cheney daughter, etc, but not GWB himself.

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lol I was already looking for it. I remember hearing him say it, I think during the 2000 campaign. I know I saw it. I think his handlers told him 'no more of that, mister!' because he never did anything about it or further talked about it during his campaign. I'm still looking; I think it was before he was even nominated.

I hate the way parties shut up anyone who doesn't toe the line. I like a little diversity.

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lol I was already looking for it. I remember hearing him say it, I think during the 2000 campaign. I know I saw it. I think his handlers told him 'no more of that, mister!' because he never did anything about it or further talked about it during his campaign. I'm still looking; I think it was before he was even nominated.

I hate the way parties shut up anyone who doesn't toe the line. I like a little diversity.

GWB could not have won without the religious right voting block. I would be surprised had he made such a statement after he become governor of Texas, beyond "respecting all people" type of bland stuff.

I don't doubt that the real GWB probably couldn't care less about gay marriage or most of the other culture war issues he had to pretend to care about to get the evangelical/right-wing vote, as I believe his religious "conversion" was just another cynical political ploy.

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Well if NY did it, perhaps CA can get over itself and Prop 8 and let the equality happen.

Congratulations NY!

:banana-rainbow: :flags-usa: :gay-rainbow: :gay-rainbowflag::gay-umbrella::happy-bouncymagenta: :orcs-gayflag: :text-bravo:

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Wasn't Prop 8 already struck down? They're just waiting for it to go through the appeals, right?

I know some people tried to say the initial striking down wasn't kosher because the judge who did it was gay but I'm pretty sure the judge who ruled over that issue bitch-slapped them good over doubting judges' impartiality.

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It's the MORMONS who are holding up the overturn of Prop 8. At least the judge saw through their bullshit and denied their bid to have the previous judge's ruling overturned because he was...gay. Had the judge ruled FOR them, it would have put civil rights back 100 years in what is usually the most progressive state in the country. It would have set precedent for black judges not being able to hear cases against blacks, women hearing cases against women, etc.

On a side note, can you imagine how busy wedding planners in NY are going to be this summer?

They'll also be busy planning their OWN weddings in between! The gays in the wedding and hospitality industry are going to be RAKING IT IN over the next year or so. They deserve every penny and the couples every happiness in the world!

:banana-rock: :gay-rainbow: :gay-rainbowflag::gay-umbrella::happy-cheerleaderkid::happy-jumpeveryone::happy-wavemulticolor: :orcs-gayflag:

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It's the MORMONS who are holding up the overturn of Prop 8. At least the judge saw through their bullshit and denied their bid to have the previous judge's ruling overturned because he was...gay. Had the judge ruled FOR them, it would have put civil rights back 100 years in what is usually the most progressive state in the country. It would have set precedent for black judges not being able to hear cases against blacks, women hearing cases against women, etc.

They'll also be busy planning their OWN weddings in between! The gays in the wedding and hospitality industry are going to be RAKING IT IN over the next year or so. They deserve every penny and the couples every happiness in the world!

:banana-rock: :gay-rainbow: :gay-rainbowflag::gay-umbrella::happy-cheerleaderkid::happy-jumpeveryone::happy-wavemulticolor: :orcs-gayflag:

Note to self: Move to NYC and get a job in the wedding planning business.

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I was wondering why my hetero marriage abruptly dissolved tonight! Tomorrow I'm going to marry a horse and a dining room set, if I'm not assigned a woman to gay-marry first. That's what's supposed to happen every time a state legalizes marriage equality, right?

Seriously, awesome job, NY. :clap: I'm sure my state will be one of the last holdouts, but it's coming. Slow progress, but progress nevertheless. Bigoted fuckers are on the wrong side of history.

Love it! Way to go, NY!!!

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Marginally related anecdote:

Shortly after marriage equality passed in Connecticut, I was at the city clerk's office on business. Two ecstatic forty-something guys came in to apply for a marriage license. They had been together some twenty-five years, had a civil union already, but wanted to make it "official." I congratulated them, and told them that the concept of gay marriage as a "threat" was preposterous. And I mentioned that the "sanctity of marriage" had far more to fear from me (twice divorced--one 7-year and one 14-year marriage), a loser multiple divorcee, than from them.

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