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"Trembling Before G-d" on hulu


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This documentary tells the stories of several Orthodox Jews who are gay or lesbian. http://www.hulu.com/watch/76545/trembling-before-g-d

I watched it the other day and I really felt for all the LGBT people who are born into such a repressive religion. Some of them were making the best of it, though, like a lesbian couple who chose to stay orthodox. I feel like it would be better for them to find a Jewish community that accepts them, but it sounds like they're doing good by helping others in the Orthodox community. They mentioned a lesbian friend of theirs who was forced into marriage at 17 and is now stuck as a housewife with a bunch of kids. It's really sad, and I'm sure there are stories like that in every conservative religion.

I did get annoyed at one Orthodox woman who went to some kind of Pride event in Israel (I had stopped paying attention for a minute or so, so I don't remember the exact situation) and booed the speaker was saying they were fed up with ultra-Orthodox rule in Israel. I get that you can be gay and still completely believe in your conservative religion, but that was just obnoxious.

There's also an asshole commenter on hulu.

"You can have gay feelings and emotions, but it is your duty to repress those feelings. [...] Would a truly religious community accept adulterers or idolaters? Murderers? These are all detested in the Torah, and nobody questions these. "


Hopefully by staying orthodox, LGBT people like those in the video can help change those opinions from the inside.

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This is a subject close to my heart. My cousin is a rabbi and a lesbian. She is Reform, but leans toward Modern Orthodox in every way except that one. I would love to see a world in which a lesbian can be as Jewish as they wanna be. I think the people who hang tight in the Orthodox community instead of becoming Reform can bring that change, but it is sad that they must sacrifice their lives for it.

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That's one of the reasons why I made a Reform conversion. My brother is gay. And I'm definitely on the bisexual end of the spectrum even though I'm married to a man.

The other reason is I like women clergy. Bring on the female rabbis! :D

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Guest Anonymous

I love this film, its heartbreaking but I just love it. My cousin and he partner (goy) belong to a nice liberal temple in the Los Angeles area where they are welcomed. I felt so sorry for these observant folks made to choose between faith and love.

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