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Sanscrotum says racism is President Obama's fault


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And in other news Frothy Sanscrtoum is still a blithering idiot


Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum argued on Sunday that President Barack Obama was partially to blame for President Donald Trump’s failure to condemn racism.

During a CNN panel discussion on Sunday, Linda Chavez, a former aide to President Ronald Reagan, complained about an alleged double standard for conservative comedians like Roseanne Barr, who recently had her show cancelled after she used racist language on Twitter.

According to Chavez, TBS host Samantha Bee was speaking for “liberals and their values” when she used a vulgar sexist term to describe Ivanka Trump.

Moveon.org spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre reminded Chavez that President Donald Trump reportedly used a similar sexist word to describe former acting Attorney General Sally Yates.


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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

“What’s being ignored here is the role that Barack Obama played in all this,” Santorum replied. “I mean, you can’t just go from, ‘We elected our first black president and all the sudden we get Donald Trump.’ There was something in between.”

Um, yeah, it's called Russia, and it's being investigated.

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I truly despise that jerk. I wish news programs would stop having him appear.

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I liked this reply to Sanscrotum (from the president of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund):


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Well sure, if Obama hadn't been such a black president the economically anxious wouldn't have had a shit stroke about it, so you see it's all his fault.

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