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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus boughht me a jet!


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Kenneth Copeland - he of the too good to even fly first class set - is all happy that his suckers followers and Jesus bought him a new jet.


Now, Copeland’s dreams of conversations with God via corporate air travel have been realized. As The Friendly Atheist points out, he just purchased a “debt free” Gulfstream V from media mogul Tyler Perry.

“Are you seeing this?” Copeland says in a video documenting the jet’s arrival.

“I hope so! You bought it! You and Jesus!” he exclaimed to his followers.

“First, the Holy Spirit confirmed to Brother Copeland that the Gulfstream V was the plane the Lord had set aside for [Kenneth Copeland Ministries],” a blurb on his website read, describing a timeline of how the jet was purchased. “And praise God, it was actually during THANKSGIVING week that the purchase was completed, the title was signed, and thanks to the CX Team, the cash was in the bank to mark it paid in full! Hallelujah, it’s done!”

And of course now Jesus and his followers need to give Kenny 2.5 mil to upgrade the jet.


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On 1/18/2018 at 10:44 PM, 47of74 said:

“First, the Holy Spirit confirmed to Brother Copeland that the Gulfstream V was the plane the Lord had set aside for [Kenneth Copeland Ministries],” a blurb on his website read, describing a timeline of how the jet was purchased

So, Jesus is his personal assistant? Does Jesus also pick up Copeland's dry cleaning and make sure his favorite snacks are always available? I really hope he doesn't have to steam Copeland's pants like Trump's people do. :disgust:

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  • 1 year later...

Now all the other reich wing prosperity gospel types are rushing to Copeland's defense


Televangelist Kenneth Copeland is back in the news after a recent interview for Inside Edition went viral. It involved him defending his lavish lifestyle, including his purchase of a private jet so that he doesn’t have to fly like everyone else in a “long tube with a bunch of demons.”

Now other wealthy Christians are coming to Copeland’s defense. Because of course they are.

Fellow televangelist James Robison, an evangelical adviser to Donald Trump, says his wife saw the Inside Edition episode and “wept so freely she could not watch till the end.” He also added that “This is the kind of attack our President faces 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” Whatever that means.

It’s amazing how these people are meant to be conduits to God when they’re completely unable to function in civil society. I’ve been on planes with alcohol. I have yet to bear witness to a fight or a drunken row-mate.


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It involved him defending his lavish lifestyle, including his purchase of a private jet so that he doesn’t have to fly like everyone else in a “long tube with a bunch of demons.”

I would think a real Christian evangelist would probably want to be back in economy with the heathens. Showing people kindness, and being a good example of Christianity. Jesus didn't hang out with only the wealthiest people, he spoke to and helped the beggars and downtrodden. He wasn't driven into town on a gilded chariot, or carried on a fancy cushioned thing on the disciple's shoulders, wearing fancy clothes. He rode on the back of a donkey. He walked, in the dirt and dust. He spoke to people, and treated even the lowest of them as actual people who mattered. 

These super wealthy televangelists and such are basically the same as scammers tricking people out of their money. They care little for their congregations and even less for the people who haven't been reached by the gospel. They care about how much money people will donate to them.

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