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Studying Yeti DNA


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I forget which thread this was under, but there was a recent FJ discussion on mythical creatures so I thought this would be of interest. Scientists have studied DNA from bones and fur that allegedly come from yetis.

Spoiler: Yetis are actually an understudied, not well-known species of bear.



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Don't worry, scientists can't disprove something exisits. "You can’t prove a negative. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and so on." So we can carry on with our conspiracy theories, but the people who have actually seen "Yetis" (and somehow collected biological samples) are wrong. Or something.

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I always find it interesting to see plausible scientific speculation that could explain a "magical" creature or phenomenon. Stories are fun, but sometimes these realistic explanations are just as cool... we have a really complex, fascinating world!

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