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Kendra and Joe Duggar 7: Not Pregnant Yet - Oops They Are Expecting


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I always hear that doctors have to assume everyone is lying, but my doctor put in my IUD before the test came back.  I felt very trusted which is so messed up.

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I can't help but think that this thread title is gonna end up being more ironic than true...


And on the topic of doctor's not listening: I recently had a doctor insist that taking medicine regularly and using heat would stop my cramping, despite me telling her I had cramps so bad I could barely stand up for YEARS even when using both these things. So yeah, doctor's can be crappy. I understand the idea that many patient's lie but I feel like that should be used to assume the "worst". Such as a patient being pregnant when they say they couldn't be or the patient being in pain when they say they aren't. Not the other way around..

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I miss my doctor, he retired five years ago.  He listened, he didn't write a script just because that was the easy fix, and he never thought I was a "crazy female" when I complained about female issues or weight issues.  He was great.  The gal who took over for him sucks.  She thinks my cramps are in my head.

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Don't know how to quote from a previous thread....but 

J'Lurker said this:

Also, all my medical field friends tell me doctors have to assume people are lying. If you say no, you haven't had sex yet, in their experience enough people lie about it to justify taking the precautions. So maybe it's only mostly a profit grab.

As a long time ER Nurse, it is not a profit grab. It is a cover your ass move. Many, many people lie. Can you imagine if you brought your 15 year old daughter in who adamantly insisted she had never has sex and a pregnancy test was never done and you took her home and she died of a tubal pregnancy rupture? Who would you blame? (global you)

I was always taught you never lie to your doctor or your lawyer. Not everyone follows that advice. People lie about anything and everything. Some young people honestly don't know they had sex due to alcohol, drugs, misinformation or plain ole ignorance.

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1 hour ago, grandmadugger said:

I miss my doctor, he retired five years ago.  He listened, he didn't write a script just because that was the easy fix, and he never thought I was a "crazy female" when I complained about female issues or weight issues.  He was great.  The gal who took over for him sucks.  She thinks my cramps are in my head.

I've lost count how many of those doctors I've been too that thought that. Some of them tried to be nice and suggest maybe I should see a therapist. The nasty ones just straight up tell me they have more important patients and to stop wasting their time by seeing shrink. It didn't matter to them that I was vomiting every three to six months for years. It didn't matter I had been right then that there was a problem. Had any of them bothered to do their job I could have been diagnosis soon and not had to spend five years finding a doctor willing to do his job. After that mess was finally figured out I ran into another problem even worse then vomiting. I went from being a normal person to needing a caretaker in three months, being able to walk comes and go, and yet I still ended up with doctors acting like it was all in my head. Its not in my head that I can't take care of myself, its not in my head that massive pain has destroyed my life completely. This time its taken three years to find a doctor who is listening, who is running tests and trying things. Why do I have to wait three years to find one who wants to do his or her job? Why did it have to take five years the last time?    

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@Chickenbutt Oh, I get that it's better to be safe than sorry. Especially in places like an emergency room. That's why I put mostly! 

Just jesting, really. I believe women's health education is so overlooked that many women really have little idea how fertile they can be right after giving birth, or how potentially dangerous it can be to have pregnancies with no recouperation.

I also think income should never be a barrier to health care... but I accept that's a long way off.

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55 minutes ago, JordynDarby5 said:

I've lost count how many of those doctors I've been too that thought that. Some of them tried to be nice and suggest maybe I should see a therapist. The nasty ones just straight up tell me they have more important patients and to stop wasting their time by seeing shrink. It didn't matter to them that I was vomiting every three to six months for years. It didn't matter I had been right then that there was a problem. Had any of them bothered to do their job I could have been diagnosis soon and not had to spend five years finding a doctor willing to do his job. After that mess was finally figured out I ran into another problem even worse then vomiting. I went from being a normal person to needing a caretaker in three months, being able to walk comes and go, and yet I still ended up with doctors acting like it was all in my head. Its not in my head that I can't take care of myself, its not in my head that massive pain has destroyed my life completely. This time its taken three years to find a doctor who is listening, who is running tests and trying things. Why do I have to wait three years to find one who wants to do his or her job? Why did it have to take five years the last time?    

I hope you will have answers soon and I also hope you find a care team that, well, cares. It took changing doctors 5 times in 6 years until someone finally figured out what was going on with me and why I was having chronic sinus headaches every. single. day. All I ever got was more decongestants until I finally found a doc that listened, a series of specialists later, and I finally had a dx. I can't believe so many of us go through a lot of suffering and medical professionals until someone finally listens. It angers me and makes me sad at the same time. All the best to you!

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I think I'm more disturbed at how the medical community is content with things being status quo. I DO believe there is some argument for holistic and herbal therapies, Non-Western medicine etc. Berberine for example.  It's equal to Metformin (in SOME cases) without the digestive upset and other side effects.  In another case, I'm the one dictating the dosage on one of my meds because the major teaching hospital where I'm seen has never taught them about it or how to interpret its effectiveness. They should be running 5-6 tests, they rely on one.  It took me throwing 100 pages of sound research at a curious resident to get the script written.

The owner of Hubby's restaurant is a doctor, and is working with a new program that is based on how few scripts he can write and how many people he can keep off of major interventions. The science is in preventing and treating the underlying cause of an illness rather than just the symptoms. He's seeing amazing results. I'm not knocking the medical community until they're just content to let things stagnate and call suffering people crazy. 

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3 hours ago, MakeItSo said:

I hope you will have answers soon and I also hope you find a care team that, well, cares. It took changing doctors 5 times in 6 years until someone finally figured out what was going on with me and why I was having chronic sinus headaches every. single. day. All I ever got was more decongestants until I finally found a doc that listened, a series of specialists later, and I finally had a dx. I can't believe so many of us go through a lot of suffering and medical professionals until someone finally listens. It angers me and makes me sad at the same time. All the best to you!

Thank you. I hoping to finally get there soon. My current new doctor really is trying. I'm glad you finally got help. It is insane how long it takes to finally get a doctor who listens. All the best to you too.

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7 hours ago, BecausePrayer said:

I can't help but think that this thread title is gonna end up being more ironic than true...


And on the topic of doctor's not listening: I recently had a doctor insist that taking medicine regularly and using heat would stop my cramping, despite me telling her I had cramps so bad I could barely stand up for YEARS even when using both these things. So yeah, doctor's can be crappy. I understand the idea that many patient's lie but I feel like that should be used to assume the "worst". Such as a patient being pregnant when they say they couldn't be or the patient being in pain when they say they aren't. Not the other way around..

When my doctor asked me if I could be pregnant before she put my IUD in, I said "that would require me to have a sex life". Damn, that dry spell was long.

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6 hours ago, meee said:

I didn't follow the last thread, but haven't Kendra and Joe been married less than three months? Would they even tell us yet if they were pregnant?

Jill and Derick announced either 8 or 9 weeks after their wedding that they were having a baby..... So technically Kendra and Joe could since they’re past that point in their marriage already, but I don’t see them famewhoring (remember that people magazine cover)their pregnancy so soon like J & D though

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@Shadoewolf and you also have to wonder in how far the pharmaceutical companies have a hold on medical advances in North America. Can you imagine what would happen if things like diabetes and heart disease was cured tomorrow? How many people would be out of their jobs alone, not to mention the money lost due to life saving drugs and tests? My head sometimes likes to go down that road because I have type 1 diabetes myself and between insulin pump, supplies, insulin, and test strips, there is an insane amount of money going into the pockets of medical supply and pharmaceutical companies...especially when you consider that Banting "The father of insulin" sold it for $1...if he knew what one vial of it costs today...

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12 minutes ago, MakeItSo said:

@Shadoewolf and you also have to wonder in how far the pharmaceutical companies have a hold on medical advances in North America. Can you imagine what would happen if things like diabetes and heart disease was cured tomorrow? How many people would be out of their jobs alone, not to mention the money lost due to life saving drugs and tests? My head sometimes likes to go down that road because I have type 1 diabetes myself and between insulin pump, supplies, insulin, and test strips, there is an insane amount of money going into the pockets of medical supply and pharmaceutical companies...especially when you consider that Banting "The father of insulin" sold it for $1...if he knew what one vial of it costs today...

There's no money in a cure.

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I get why pregnancy tests are run but I still find it funny when a doctor comes back and tells me that I'm not pregnant. Well yes, unless I become divinely pregnant, I knew that. Thanks for the reminder. :pb_lol: 

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There's no money in a cure.

Oh FFS. Because cures would be free and not require medical intervention to access. Of course. That makes perfect sense.

These are complex diseases that can be different in every patient. Cures are not simple and would never be free or available at your local grocery store.

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No, cures won't be "free" but there's no long-term/lifetime commitment to buying a cure, as there is for buying treatments.

I never said they'd be free. FFS.

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24 minutes ago, SapphireSlytherin said:

No, cures won't be "free" but there's no long-term/lifetime commitment to buying a cure, as there is for buying treatments.

I never said they'd be free. FFS.

I guess I'm too cynical these days to not see the truth in this. No, I don't think there's some vast conspiracy to withhold, say, the cure for cancer from the public... but I do think it would be incredibly naive of me to believe that the endless lust for profit doesn't influence funding, research, etc. There are people who genuinely care who are working tirelessly to find cures for common diseases. And then there are a whole lot of people who only care about getting rich(er). 

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11 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

I guess I'm too cynical these days to not see the truth in this. No, I don't think there's some vast conspiracy to withhold, say, the cure for cancer from the public... but I do think it would be incredibly naive of me to believe that the endless lust for profit doesn't influence funding, research, etc. There are people who genuinely care who are working tirelessly to find cures for common diseases. And then there are a whole lot of people who only care about getting rich(er). 

Personally I'm always amazed when people think there are vast conspiracies for anything.  Have they never tried to keep a secret with 3 people?  How many people would have to know for something like that?

I believe that the human body is too complex for there to be a cure yet.  There is so much we don't understand about every day things forget about cancer.  I do believe we are trying, but may be narrow minded in how we do so, or assume we know more than we really do.

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3 minutes ago, justoneoftwo said:

Personally I'm always amazed when people think there are vast conspiracies for anything.  Have they never tried to keep a secret with 3 people?  How many people would have to know for something like that?

It amazes me that they think a huge group of people could be that committed, cohesive, disciplined, ordered and loyal. Every single member of the group faithfully maintaining their silence. They've clearly never worked in HR. :pb_lol:

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59 minutes ago, justoneoftwo said:

Personally I'm always amazed when people think there are vast conspiracies for anything.  Have they never tried to keep a secret with 3 people?  How many people would have to know for something like that?

Oh it's not a secret conspiracy. It's blatant. I am a chemist and have heard multiple people from multiple pharmaceutical companies talk about how desire for profit drives their research. It's not that no one wants to cure diseases, but the reality is that an indefinite daily pill to manage a disease makes a lot more money for the company than a one time treatment to cure it. See antiretrovirals for HIV/AIDS, antidepressants for depression/anxiety, blood pressure meds, etc. Blockbusters for the drug companies.

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14 minutes ago, zygote373 said:

See antiretrovirals for HIV/AIDS, antidepressants for depression/anxiety, blood pressure meds, etc. Blockbusters for the drug companies.

But is there a cure for HIV/AIDS, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, etc. that they're holding back? I think that's the conspiracy people have a hard time believing - that this cure exists, but is being purposely held back and kept a secret by 'Big Pharma' to keep the money rolling in.

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16 minutes ago, zygote373 said:

Oh it's not a secret conspiracy. It's blatant. I am a chemist and have heard multiple people from multiple pharmaceutical companies talk about how desire for profit drives their research. It's not that no one wants to cure diseases, but the reality is that an indefinite daily pill to manage a disease makes a lot more money for the company than a one time treatment to cure it. See antiretrovirals for HIV/AIDS, antidepressants for depression/anxiety, blood pressure meds, etc. Blockbusters for the drug companies.

So are you saying that there is a one time cure out there that would cure depression?  That we just haven't researched it?  I find that really hard to believe (based on my experiences with depression).  My one a day pill is literally a life saver, and a miracle drug. I hate that it took so long for doctors to ask the questions that got them to it, but knowing how complex the human brain is I have a really hard time imagining that there is a one time answer.

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