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Dillards 42: Tweeting to Unpopularity

Coconut Flan

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I was wondering if his newfound position with C3 would garner him more  positive  feedback on Twitter.  I don't think it has. 

I wonder if Derick is a total douche in real life and college kids don't have much to do with him?

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I bet he is either a douche canoe in real life, or the most socially awkward dweeb to have ever existed, and this is coming from a girl who is gloriously awkward.

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Derick the douche bag Dillard. I had a friend like Derick. Total narcissist, knew everything about everything and  as he aged he became one of those irritating friends you hide from in a shop... No such thing as a two way conversation or a differing point of view. Thats DWreck all over.

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D'wreck is a total douche IRL.  He tweeted congrats to Judge Roy Moore of Alabama for winning the primary race.  Whether it was sincere or a troll, it's a total wash of his brain cavity.

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I'd say he's dramatically becoming more unpopular by the day. I wonder how Cross Church feels about that? I'm sure they wanted positive publicity from him, not....whatever it is he's doing exactly. 

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16 minutes ago, HarleyQuinn said:

I'd say he's dramatically becoming more unpopular by the day. I wonder how Cross Church feels about that? I'm sure they wanted positive publicity from him, not....whatever it is he's doing exactly. 

Shades of Josh and FRC. They thought they were hiring this fundie celebrity who was going to help their brand. Instead they got Josh, and his epic scandal/fall from grace. Not saying Derick's going to have a Josh-level scandal (though it wouldn't surprise me) but I can't imagine he's going to help Cross Church's brand much. Maybe they didn't have much to do with him affiliating himself, though - maybe he just wanted to get involved in their ministry and they let him, but didn't actively seek him out. Either way, I can't see how he's going to help them.

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1 hour ago, singsingsing said:

Not saying Derick's going to have a Josh-level scandal (though it wouldn't surprise me) but I can't imagine he's going to help Cross Church's brand much.

I agree mostly. But really, I don't know if Cross Church folk care at all or think that his twittering is bad for their brand. They believe ALL the same things - him tweeting hurtful things about young women (Jazz) is exactly in line with what they think - he's saving her and other 'confused' young people. What's that one quote - something to the effect of 'why make someone's descent to hell more comfortable'. We're in the midst of a moral war, and I really think they see him as standing up for 'truth'. (I fucking hate it when they fundamentally misuse that word).

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Just now, snickers34 said:

I agree mostly. But really, I don't know if Cross Church folk care at all or think that his twittering is bad for their brand. They believe ALL the same things - him tweeting hurtful things about young women (Jazz) is exactly in line with what they think - he's saving her and other 'confused' young people. What's that one quote - something to the effect of 'why make someone's descent to hell more comfortable'. I really think they see him as standing up for 'truth'. (I fucking hate it when they fundamentally misuse that word).

I totally agree. I think they're 100% on board with everything he's saying, and I think they support him saying it, too. But he has a really abrasive, unpleasant personality. I could see the majority of the church agreeing with him, but not really liking him, you know what I mean? And that's not great for business. These mega churches tend to be all about charisma and charm. Derick is like a combination of the awkward bitter 20-something dude who's such a nice guy and doesn't understand why all these bitches won't date him, and the curmudgeonly 85-year-old who thinks other races should know their place and screams at kids to get off his lawn.

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6 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

But he has a really abrasive, unpleasant personality....Derick is like a combination of the awkward bitter 20-something dude who's such a nice guy and doesn't understand why all these bitches won't date him, and the curmudgeonly 85-year-old who thinks other races should know their place and screams at kids to get off his lawn.

Exactly this.  I was just comparing the scriptures Derick chooses to tweet to those on Ben's twitter account.  Derick tweets piss-n-vinegar, fear of the Lord types of verses, while Ben goes for the milk-and-honey, mercy of the Lord verses.  Derick's choices are more judgmental and somewhat obscure, while Ben's show more humility & compassion.   

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Re Derick as an ambassador for Cross Church: just imagine, though, if  they're playing the long game, and he goes from this confrontational, unpleasant, joyless, negative Christianity type, to coming out of the course as a charismatic preacher winning people to Christ with his enthusiastic testimony of how he tries to live up to Jesus' example?  It could be fantastic advert for their course, like one of those cinderella-type programmes.  

Of course, it would be better if he changed his views, but I am now imagining them as a real life version of this:


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In the  videos that Jessa posted on her Instagram as stories, Izzy and Meredith are playing with Spurge. Izzy seems really happy and well adjusted and an ethusiastic kid. Really good at throwing that basketball for an almost 2.5 year old. I saw a spark in him that I don't see in photos or videos that feature his parents.

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Izzy seems like a sweet kid. I hope that his father can see that's all that he is, a sweet kid who deserves love. This isn't some manipulator, he's a sweet little boy. 

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Again, I feel sorry for Jill to have been brought up in this environment which has stunted her development, made her a slave to her uterus and had her end up with a grade A loser for a husband.

I am currently pregnant with #2, all my pregnancies were IVF and hard to come by and harder to keep (I have had 8, 6 of which were losses). And this one is very complicated and very high risk, some expected (I have a genetic blood clotting issue and I have insulin-dependent diabetes like my Mom and her Mom before her), some unexpected as a result of which I have appointments every week - with my OB, the high risk MFM (for placental insufficiency), the endocrinologist (for the diabetes), the hematologist (for my blood clotting issue) and the infectious disease guy (who has to figure out what antibiotic or cocktail to give me during delivery as I am allergic to almost all mainstream abx). So this is all very stressful and unpleasant and we are totally 100% done. I would not put myself through this again, not physically or emotionally. You have to sometimes read the tea leaves and accept reality for what it is. My body, in any other given age or time, would not have had children. But I'm lucky this is 2017 and I live in a place where I have top healthcare.

So I think about Jill and how she really didn't seem like she took to parenthood, she seemed like she really suffered physically after her c-section (remember all those photos of her in church weeks later in obvious tremendous pain), she was very anxious with a new baby in a scary new country. She got pregnant again and had what appears to be another disastrous and traumatizing delivery which required prolonged hospitalization for the babe and possibly her, we may never know why. She knows full well this will limit her ability to have further children (recall that she proudly exclaimed after Izzy's c-section that the doctor  assured her she'd have vag births in the figure) which diminishes her value in her world/community. We have seen very little of her, who knows how she is coping post-partum. So instead of having easy pregnancies and births and lots and lots of babies and media attention and Twitter love like her sister, she is stuck with a deadbeat, hateful husband who holds prehistoric views on parenting and even more prehistoric views on any person not exactly like him. And unlike me, she hasn't been conditioned to understand her self-worth, to have something other than baby-bearing as a goal. So she can't say, look my body is done, we're so blessed with these two kiddos and can have a wonderful life as a family of 4. No, she is destined to make wrong decision after wrong decision and suffer mental anguish in between. Just imagine what it will be like for her pregnant with #3, the worry about the delivery, another giant baby, another inevitable surgery, another nail in the coffin. It's honestly like living with a ticking time bomb. And a husband who doesn't appear to have any interest in anything other than himself, his "ministry" pursuits and yelling from the pulpit. Just terrible.

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1 hour ago, Carm_88 said:

Izzy seems like a sweet kid. I hope that his father can see that's all that he is, a sweet kid who deserves love. This isn't some manipulator, he's a sweet little boy. 

Totally agree.

The thought of anybody ruining that innocent, gentle and sweet little boy makes me seriously ragey.


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I hope Izzy gets more time with his cousins. It's nice to see him smile and maybe he and Spurgie can form a strong bond as they grow up.

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3 minutes ago, Incognito22 said:

Why are the videos gone? Did she take them down or did they just expire?  I agree with everyone.  He seems like a really sweet little boy.

They expire after 24 hours. As well Henry and Spurge unfortunately. :( 

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Bad FJ user - I couldn't keep up with the Dillard threads since soon after Jill's 2nd birth, I don't keep up with the show itself, and I don't have time to go through dozens of pages of posts, so last I know if there seemed to be a minor issue with the baby and the rest was speculation based on a few social media posts in the week or so after the birth. Did we learn any more about what happened since then?

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3 hours ago, FakePigtails said:

Bad FJ user - I couldn't keep up with the Dillard threads since soon after Jill's 2nd birth, I don't keep up with the show itself, and I don't have time to go through dozens of pages of posts, so last I know if there seemed to be a minor issue with the baby and the rest was speculation based on a few social media posts in the week or so after the birth. Did we learn any more about what happened since then?

Short answer: No

Long answer: No, and there has been speculation that the Dillards might be phased out of Counting On. Derick has been more and more open about his hateful views and even attacked another TLC star (Jazz Jennings) for being a transgender young woman (If my wording is wrong PLEASE say so). If that theory is correct, we most likely will never know the story behind Samuel's birth, since there will probably not be an episode dedicated to more than the bare minimum. 

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21 hours ago, singsingsing said:

Shades of Josh and FRC. They thought they were hiring this fundie celebrity who was going to help their brand. Instead they got Josh, and his epic scandal/fall from grace. Not saying Derick's going to have a Josh-level scandal (though it wouldn't surprise me) but I can't imagine he's going to help Cross Church's brand much. 

I'm torn beween wanting to watch Dewreck have a massive Josh-esque fall from grace (more like the Ashley Madison style though, not the 'child molester' type because I don't want anyone to have been abused), and not wanting to wish that on poor Jill, Izzy and Sam. Jill is the kind of person who'd annoy me IRL, but I think many of her flaws were developed as being the 'golden fundie child' was her way of coping with her life in the TTH, and she doesn't deserve to have to deal with even more shit because of her crappy husband. 

Although, I do wonder how Kim Jong Boob would handle it if one of his son-in-laws was involved in a major fall form grace or was abusive towards his daughter. Would he suddenly change the rules because he doesn't want his daughter staying with a horrible human being, or does she get told to keep sweet and pretend her husband wasn't out banging hookers and stealing candy from babies? 

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