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Merriam-Webster releases 250 new words and definitions


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Merriam-Webster has released its latest update, with 250 new words and definitions.  Including words that now have a new meaning. 


Consider "troll."

Originally, it was a noun used to describe a dwarf or giant in Scandinavian folklore. The new definition that Merriam-Webster added is a verb: "to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content." 

How about "dog whistle?" 

Once upon a time, it was what it said: a whistle for dogs inaudible to humans. Now, it's earned a political twist: It's "an expression or statement that has a secondary meaning intended to be understood only by a particular group of people." 

Other additions this go-round include "alt-right," "concealed carry" and "open carry."

Of course I'm disappointed that they didn't include fornicate face, Trumpenführer, or Orange Toxic Megacolon in the list. 


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