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Christmas present mix-up


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For Christmas this year, I purchased 2 Pandora initial charms for 2 of my nieces, an "A" for Aubrey, and an "E" for Elizabeth, "Betsy." I gave Betsy (age 21) her charm on Christmas Day; she appeared to like it, but never said a lot about it.  I didn't see Aubrey for a week, (both she and Betsy live 3 and 4 hours away from me).  Aubrey is a precocious 8 yoa, and when she opened her gift, asked me why I gave her an "E."  By that time, Betsy had returned to her home city, with the "A" charm!  I kept the "E" charm and Aubrey and parents returned home the next day. Aubrey and Betsy live in cities about 100 miles apart.

I texted Betsy to ask her if she had the "A" charm. She replied that she had not noticed, but that she had placed the charm on her bracelet the day before!!!  I explained the mistake, and told Betsy that I would mail her the "E" charm and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for her to put the "A" charm in to mail back to me.

I went to the post office the next day, with 2 envelopes, one addressed to Betsy, one to myself, and the "E" charm, carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. I had to buy postage for both envelopes, so I explained to the clerk what I wanted, put the package together, paid and left.

Two days later, I opened my mailbox to find the envelope addressed to me, containing BOTH THE "E" CHARM AND THE ENVELOPE ADDRESSED TO BETSY!!!. I HAD REVERSED THE ENVELOPES AND MAILED THE CHARM TO MYSELF!!

The next day, I once again RETURNED to the post office with 2 envelopes, and the "E" charm to try again.  I explained what I was doing to the clerk, (different one), who said I should use P.O. Priority Mail envelopes, meaning I would have to redo my envelopes, and I would save 70 cents.  Taking no chances of a second fuck-up, I declined, much to her surprise and it kind of put her out that I rejected her suggestion. But it went on its way.  It's 3 days later, $20 in postage later, and the envelope hasn't come back.  I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that Betsy will soon be sending me the "A" charm for Aubrey. However, if the "E" comes back, I'm just going to Pandora and buying another "A" - it's cheaper!!!!

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UPDATE: Betsy received the "E" charm which I had bought for her and called me.  "Aunt K," she says, "I finally understand why you were asking me about the initial, "A" charm, BUT, the charm that you gave me was NOT the initial "A," it was a little kitty cat holding a Christmas present.  I kept looking all over it for an "A," and could not find one."

LIGHT DAWNS! Just then I REMEMBER, that I was considering 2 different charms for Aubrey, the 8-year-old, a little  kitty cat charm and the initial, "A." Obviously,  I had decided to give Aubrey the cat charm and Betsy the "E" initial charm, but in the flurry of buying, wrapping and giving, I FORGOT what I had bought! 

Mystery solved, but I fucked this up in so many ways that it will be a part of our family lore for years! Crazy ol Aunt K!

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  • 3 months later...

My family members were into giving gifts at Christmas, which meant shopping for 16 people and mailing their gifts to Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, and Austria from California--a lot of work for anyone, especially a young mom with a child.  One year my father came out for Thanksgiving and left some of his triple-x-sized tighty whities. I decided to wait and mail them to him when I mailed the gifts. I got everything wrapped and packed and addressed. My brother received his package and couldn't wait 'til Christmas to open it. His childlike eagerness quickly became shock and disgust when he didn't find a new piece of camping or hunting gear. He called our mom and asked "What is wrong with Laura???? She sent me underwear for Christmas that is huge! And it's USED and STAINED!!!!!" When my mother called me to gingerly evaluate my state of mind, I laughed so hard it too a few minutes to explain that I hadn't bought used, oversized undewear for a gift like they thought. I was just a harried young mom who mixed laundry with the Christmas gifts and sent it to the wrong person. 

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  • 2 months later...

@AuntK what a good aunt you are!  You went to a lot of trouble for your nieces.

Glad everything worked out.

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