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Baby tests positive for cocaine


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I know we are often appalled by the conditions many of our fundie families' kids must endure.... this news story just disgusted me to no end.  

Mom and Dad do coke; Mom thinks if she waits 12 hours to breastfeed, everything will be just hunky-dory.

People should have to get a license to procreate.


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Ugh, why not choose formula if you're going to be doing drugs?

also, who was watching the baby while they were high?

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Disgusting animals (& that's an insult to animals). I hope the baby can get the care it needs & a loving home, too.

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27 minutes ago, bingbangboom said:

Ugh, why not choose formula if you're going to be doing drugs?

also, who was watching the baby while they were high?

As an FYI, cocaine is a stimulant. They were likely perfectly capable of taking care of the baby while on it. 

Cocaine is not like meth or crack. You don't sit in the corner starring at nothing.

Its the drug of choice for professional athletes and partiers, because it keeps them awake and alert longer.

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I know cocaine is a stimulant, but stimulants can cloud judgment, like BFing a baby while there is Coke in the mom.

I wouldn't be ok with someone in that condition around my kids, much less being responsible for the child in case of emergency.

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This is just beyond comprehension.  I just cannot figure out why people make such stupid choices when it comes to caring for children.

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That poor baby! The mother should have gotten help for her addiction before she got pregnant or during the pregnancy. 

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26 minutes ago, bingbangboom said:

I know cocaine is a stimulant, but stimulants can cloud judgment, like BFing a baby while there is Coke in the mom.

I wouldn't be ok with someone in that condition around my kids, much less being responsible for the child in case of emergency.

Honestly? In my experience (and I have a lot of friends who have done stints in rehab) you have likely already been around someone who is responsible for your kids who is using coke. I taught with several teachers who used while at work (and everyone loved them, they were the best teachers ever according to parents, students and the school board).

I'm not sayng people should do it, plus the 12 hour thing isn't completely stupid - that's the usual rule for alcohol consumption. Some people aren't that bright or educated and would assume that all drugs metabolize at the same rate.

You mention that cocaine can cloud judgement. Where do you get that from? (ie. medical source) It can cause paranoia, but it doesn't impair your judgement the way alcohol does. I can't find any medical references to support this, nor, in my anecdotal experience with the drug (never used it myself, but I have been around people on it on many occaisions) the opposite is true.  

2 minutes ago, princessmahina said:

That poor baby! The mother should have gotten help for her addiction before she got pregnant or during the pregnancy. 

Umm I don't think you read the article. The woman was 26. Her husband was 40 something. They are TV reporters. 

They may be addicts, or they could just be casual users. The article doesn't give us enough information to know for sure. 

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10 minutes ago, devoe364 said:

Umm I don't think you read the article. The woman was 26. Her husband was 40 something. They are TV reporters. 

They may be addicts, or they could just be casual users. The article doesn't give us enough information to know for sure. 

I did read the article. I don't know how you got that I didn't. It's possible neither has an addiction, but I doubt most people are doing hard drugs around infants if they don't have some sort of problem. 

I'm much more familiar than most with that particular drug. It's definitely not something that should be done around children and absolutely changes the way you think about things while you're on it. I would personally consider that clouding judgment. 

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When I was a cashier at Wally World the advice was to wash our hands on a regular basis because of all the stuff that cash had on it.  There had been a test done on the cash one time and it tested positive for all manner of stuff, such as crack cocaine.

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1 minute ago, princessmahina said:

I did read the article. I don't know how you got that I didn't. It's possible neither has an addiction, but I doubt most people are doing hard drugs around infants if they don't have some sort of problem. 

I'm much more familiar than most with that particular drug. It's definitely not something that should be done around children and absolutely changes the way you think about things while you're on it. I would personally consider that clouding judgment. 

So am I incidently. My ex is a recovering addict (who stil slips from time to time) and one of my good friends died of an overdose that included coccaine. Four more friends are also in recovery for an addiction, and I know dozens of hockey players that use regularly. Some of them are even left with their kids while they are on it. Again, I don't think that's a good thing.

However, people think of "high" as someone starring blankly in a corner, or seeing things that aren't there, or being a moron like they show in stereotypical pot movies. As a medical marijuana user, I have to fight against those stereotypes every day. Having spent much of my twenties addicted to Oxi, I have spent a considerable amount of time around people who use. 

I got that you didn't read the article because you went straight to addiction. Not everyone who uses recreational drugs are addicted to them. 

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2 minutes ago, devoe364 said:

So am I incidently. My ex is a recovering addict (who stil slips from time to time) and one of my good friends died of an overdose that included coccaine. Four more friends are also in recovery for an addiction, and I know dozens of hockey players that use regularly. Some of them are even left with their kids while they are on it. Again, I don't think that's a good thing.

However, people think of "high" as someone starring blankly in a corner, or seeing things that aren't there, or being a moron like they show in stereotypical pot movies. As a medical marijuana user, I have to fight against those stereotypes every day. Having spent much of my twenties addicted to Oxi, I have spent a considerable amount of time around people who use. 

I got that you didn't read the article because you went straight to addiction. Not everyone who uses recreational drugs are addicted to them. 

I jumped straight to addiction because again, I don't think people do cocaine around a 4 month old unless they have a problem with it. 

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2 minutes ago, princessmahina said:

I jumped straight to addiction because again, I don't think people do cocaine around a 4 month old unless they have a problem with it. 

And I believe that some people are really, really, really stupid. I mean, really stupid. 

Like, the highway is closed, but I'm going to call my sales rep and yell at them because my paper didn't show up stupid. Or they order the wrong product and yell when it is EXACTLY WHAT IT SAID IT WAS online.

Plenty of people make stupid choices. That doesn't mean they are all addicts. 

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Okay, if they are so stupid stupid stupid that they make a choice like that, they need some intervention before that baby comes back. 

I'm part of my town's Le Leche League and the moms there agonize over taking one cold medicine tablet because of the baby. Thinking, "Oh, some cocaine will be fine if I pump and dump or wait 12 hours" is a sign of disordered thinking or at least incredibly questionable judgement. 

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25 minutes ago, littlemommy said:

Okay, if they are so stupid stupid stupid that they make a choice like that, they need some intervention before that baby comes back. 

I'm part of my town's Le Leche League and the moms there agonize over taking one cold medicine tablet because of the baby. Thinking, "Oh, some cocaine will be fine if I pump and dump or wait 12 hours" is a sign of disordered thinking or at least incredibly questionable judgement. 

Not really. Having worked with marginalized First Nations people in Canada, you'd be amazed and what they think is true. So many urban legends and things like that.

I taught a girl who was 17 who thought she couldn't get pregnant if she was drunk, because you aren't supposed to drink while you are pregnant. Her Mom told her that. Needless to say, at 17, she was having her second baby. 

Again - Doctors tell breast feeding Mom's to wait 12 hours if they drink. Some people are going to assume that all drugs metabolize at the same rate. For myself, if I had a child, I would probably formula feed, because no one knows how marijuana would impact the baby - due to the schedule 1 status of marijuana in the US, very few if any studies have been done.

Of course, I use marijuana daily for my symptoms. So I'm probably just a stupid chronic anyway. 


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1 hour ago, devoe364 said:

Honestly? In my experience (and I have a lot of friends who have done stints in rehab) you have likely already been around someone who is responsible for your kids who is using coke. I taught with several teachers who used while at work (and everyone loved them, they were the best teachers ever according to parents, students and the school board).

I'm not sayng people should do it, plus the 12 hour thing isn't completely stupid - that's the usual rule for alcohol consumption. Some people aren't that bright or educated and would assume that all drugs metabolize at the same rate.

You mention that cocaine can cloud judgement. Where do you get that from? (ie. medical source) It can cause paranoia, but it doesn't impair your judgement the way alcohol does. I can't find any medical references to support this, nor, in my anecdotal experience with the drug (never used it myself, but I have been around people on it on many occaisions) the opposite is true.  

Umm I don't think you read the article. The woman was 26. Her husband was 40 something. They are TV reporters. 

They may be addicts, or they could just be casual users. The article doesn't give us enough information to know for sure. 

My birthdad was a Coke dealer. That's how I know.

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On June 29, 2016 at 0:51 PM, devoe364 said:

Not really. Having worked with marginalized First Nations people in Canada, you'd be amazed and what they think is true. So many urban legends and things like that.

I taught a girl who was 17 who thought she couldn't get pregnant if she was drunk, because you aren't supposed to drink while you are pregnant. Her Mom told her that. Needless to say, at 17, she was having her second baby. 

Again - Doctors tell breast feeding Mom's to wait 12 hours if they drink. Some people are going to assume that all drugs metabolize at the same rate. For myself, if I had a child, I would probably formula feed, because no one knows how marijuana would impact the baby - due to the schedule 1 status of marijuana in the US, very few if any studies have been done.

Of course, I use marijuana daily for my symptoms. So I'm probably just a stupid chronic anyway. 


So the parents did cocaine and it's no big deal? I also don't think it's okay for parents to be drunk with a dependent baby, so it's not like I have some personal beef with cocaine. 

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1 hour ago, devoe364 said:


I got that you didn't read the article because you went straight to addiction. Not everyone who uses recreational drugs are addicted to them. 

..........yet. Most people don't become addicts over night. However cocaine is highly addictive and people tend to build tolerance up quickly.  


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They are presumably familiar with Google which tells you not to feed for at least 60 hours after ingesting cocaine and that you should not breastfeed if you are going to use it regularly (I'm not saying she's a regular user). The list of effects on infants is appalling.

On the other hand you don't have to pump and dump if you've had a moderate amount of alcohol. But you shouldn't be blind drunk and thus a risk to your baby through poor judgement, not being able to hold them safely, likelihood of falling asleep while feeding or co-sleeping etc.

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@devoe364 I don't completely disagree with your second post, I think this is an incredibly gray area. When people start out with Seriously? And Ummm.....it comes across as dismissive, and changes the tone of a discussion. I don't think that was warranted in this situation. 

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4 hours ago, devoe364 said:

Honestly? In my experience (and I have a lot of friends who have done stints in rehab) you have likely already been around someone who is responsible for your kids who is using coke. I taught with several teachers who used while at work (and everyone loved them, they were the best teachers ever according to parents, students and the school board).


Teachers aren't required to undergo periodic drug screening? 

And while I get that the U.S. has a really anal-retentive view of some things (say, marijuana, for example), I don't want the people in charge of my kids for eight or so hours a day to have their judgment in any way impaired by any kind of questionable substance while they're actively teaching. 


re: the idea that there is "no" medical evidence that cocaine affects judgment is jaw-dropping. I don't even know how to respond to that. I'll leave it to the NIH for that. 



Cocaine is an addictive drug that produces numerous psychiatric symptoms, syndromes, and disorders. The symptoms include agitation, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, violence, as well as suicidal and homicidal thinking. They can be primary to the drug's effect or secondary to exacerbation of comorbid psychiatric disorders.


One investigator has postulated that cocaine may produce impatience, irritability, paranoia, and edginess leading to violent behavior.21 In general, all substance use has been associated with the inability to inhibit hostile and aggressive impulses.22 The neurotransmitter norepinephrine, released by cocaine, is also involved in “fight-or-flight” behavior. Individuals who use cocaine are often hyperalert and “armed to the outside world.”23(p565) Any rapid or unexpected movement by those around them “may be interpreted as hostile.”23(p565) All of these factors may contribute to a cocaine-violence connection.


The most frequently reported cognitive difficulties involve impaired executive functioning (decision making, judgment, attention/planning/mental flexibility), and research has shown that this cognitive domain relates primarily to the functional integrity of the prefrontal lobe.24This area of the brain also regulates impulse control. 



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No excuse, 12 hours or not you should not be breast feeding your child if you have drank or took drugs. The fact they were refusing blood tests at first shows they knew that they had done wrong.

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1 hour ago, Glasgowghirl said:

No excuse, 12 hours or not you should not be breast feeding your child if you have drank or took drugs. The fact they were refusing blood tests at first shows they knew that they had done wrong.

     I just reread this again and what's worse is they knew what was wrong with thier child and refused the blood test. They did not consider that baby's best interest. Whether or not she waited 12 hours or 12 minutes is questionable.

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I gotta say, this is tragic and I in no way condone cocaine use by parents/guardians, but I do think it's possible to talk about this without jumping to calling the parents "animals" and "stupid." That's not necessarily "dismissive," just... basically respectful and savvy to the realities of drug use? 

Education surrounding drug use is awful, and even if these parents did have that knowledge background, I would be inclined to think it does a disservice to all the parents that do struggle with drug addiction to not have an iota of respect to a family in this sad situation. There is just so much stigma out there and that way of talking about it does no good at all- I really just don't see the point.

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Two reporters and neither Googles the effects of cocaine on an infant? That's not ignorance unless you count deliberate ignorance. Criminally stupid, addiction, don't care what you call it. These people are awful. 

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