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Somebody needs to be accountable

Bad Wolf

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Who held a gun to her head to have all those children? SHE is the one accountable. Your boyfriend in jail, get you another boyfriend who will pay. I'm sure you can have a few more with him.

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I'm sort of in 2 minds about this. Granted I think one kid is too many, never mind 15, but I guess people make their own choices. Her boyfriend is in jail, maybe she had no idea he was involved in anything illegal and this is a massive shock to someone who has been a stay at home parent for years, the video doesn't really make that clear.

OK so she does come accross as threatening, gesticulating at the camera and ranting but could that be down to editing on the part of the TV station or even just someone having a really crappy day and needing to vent. The fact is her kids need food and they need support. They didn't choose to be in these circumstances and the younger ones probably don't even really understand what's going on. I don't think it's advisable to have 15 kids but once those kids exist and are alive then they are human beings like anyone else, regardless of who their parents are. It's good that her rent is being paid so at least she has a roof over all their heads but how much are those kids missing out on?

Bottom line is it's easy to blame the parents for their choices but little children shouldn't have to suffer as a result of circumstances they had no say in.

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It sounds like this woman is in a difficult situation, but she is the parent, and as the parent it is her job to figure out how to do right by her kids. It's good that she's getting some financial help, but it sounds like she also has an urgent need for empowerment to help her see her way beyond the victim role. I hope she is receiving some type of emotional as well as financial support, and that the organizations who are helping her are guiding her on a path toward independence rather than further down the rabbit hole of feeling she has no choice but to rely on others.

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People have birthed large families forever. It's just some have turned it into a media attraction lately. True, sometimes, you don't know your SO.

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I'm speechless. Those poor babies. I wonder if she receives WIC, and the school-age children have free lunch.

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They should definitely get help, but I hope others learn a lesson from her story.  If you're going to choose to have a large family, please get your ducks in a row before doing it.  Make sure you have a plan on how you're going to survive if the breadwinning parent dies or otherwise finds themselves unable to work.  Have adequate life insurance in place.  Make sure each spouse has a skill on which to build a career if necessary.  Actually, you should do these things prior to reproducing whether you plan to have a big family or not.

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The story is a little older, 3-4 years I think, no? I definitely remember it to be shown over here at a "what´s going on in the world?"  news part. It was a longer segment though, there was a really upset uncle of her´s, who told the reporter something along the lines of  "Look, my niece is a batshit crazy march hare and we really would like to take in her poor children".


I wonder whatever happened to her and the children?

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I remember reading an article (Reader's Digest?) about a mother of 12 whose wonderful, devoted husband decided that he wanted to live life with his rediscovered original teen-age love and, with zero warning, walked out on all 13 of them.   Zero. Warning.   Yes, get many, many ducks in a row before having a ton of kids or even 1.  As I recall, this was an "inspirational" article about how she successfully dealt with the situation.   

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