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TLC Show suggestion - Kids by the Dozen -where are they now?


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I was just on the Ardnt thread and it got me thinking.... TLC should do a special of "Kids by the Dozen - Where are they now?" with the Ardnts and Jeubs and Heppners (don't remember the others off hand)

Then another special - "Kids by the (almost) Dozen, a new batch" and feature the Rodriguii and Shupe and Penningtons and Maxwells and Lockwoods and Phillips (doug is a tool) and SevenSisters!  (I would genuinely like to watch more about the seven sisters)

Then in the promo, TLC could link to each of their blogs and general people might start seeing through this patriarchy BS.

So who would you want an update from on the original Kids by the Dozen? Who could be featured on the new "Kids by the (almost) Dozen, a new batch"?


DEAR TLC: Please feel free to steal my idea, but make sure you interview the 4 oldest Jeub daughters and Alicia Pennington and they all get their own paycheck. And if you book the Maxwells, please interview Elissa's family. - Sincerely, QuiversR4hunting

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This is a great idea, QuiversR4hunting. There was another large family I was fascinated with. I can't remember their name, but it was a mix of an Irish father & German mother. She had a few kids w/a previous husband, then a bajillion w/her Irish husband. I'd love to see what they're up to lately.

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13 minutes ago, LadyCrow1313 said:

This is a great idea, QuiversR4hunting. There was another large family I was fascinated with. I can't remember their name, but it was a mix of an Irish father & German mother. She had a few kids w/a previous husband, then a bajillion w/her Irish husband. I'd love to see what they're up to lately.

3SetsofTwins(Siobhan and Kit Healy). I think she trolled every forum/board on the planet. She enlisted. She used to have a fairly open facebook and posted pictures after she enlisted, all the time, looking rather...well...yeah, I don't even know how to describe it. I haven't seen anything about her in a couple of years though.

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I keep occasional track of Jaynie Lockwood on fb (every 6 or 8 months), who I still think is a very dear person, who dearly loves her children.  Yes, she is annoyingly fundie.  She will never leave her hubby, but that is her choice.  My sense is that she is a deeply spiritual and devout woman and this would have manifested in her life for any spiritual path -- Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, whatever. 

Kid #1 is off at bible college (training to be a missionary) and maybe kids 2 and 3 are close to aging out of the system, i.ed., getting close to 18.  Daniel, as far as I can tell, is steadily employed and supporting the family.  Awhile back, one of the boys was working (McDonalds?), but don't know if the girls would be allowed to do that.  I also mentioned in a post 6 or so months ago that there was a picture of one of the little boys setting the table for lunch, so I'm guessing that although there are gender roles in the family, they aren't so extreme as to preclude little boys from helping with lunch as part of assigned chores. 

She gets tons of support from her family, Daniel's family and her church. 

She just had 13 teeth removed!  Floss and brush, y'all.  

Yes, I'm creeped out by this (see highlighted), but I think it means "not a permissive household".  I don't recall her ever mentioning anything about physical discipline & she doesn't strike me as a spanker, but you never know. 




Jaynee's facebook, dec 13

It's been one week since they extracted (i.e. mercilessly and violently hammered, pryed and ripped out of my head) 13 teeth. Things I have learned or was reminded of this week:
* Toothbirth is harder and takes longer to recover from then childbirth... Both result in immediate weight loss and sleepless nights.
*Every time I'm sick or in major pain, I WANT MY MOMMEEE! 
*There are advantages to my children growing up without permission... They did above my expectations in keeping things running (housework, meals, school, laundry etc...) while I was dying (recovering) in bed
*My dear husband took the washed clothes each evening down to the laundry mat to dry them...After 3 days of doing that, a working dryer suddenly appeared in my laundry room wink emoticon 
*Immediate dentures ("healing denture " that is placed immediately following extractions and remains in your mouth while your gums/jawbone heal over the next several months) sort of make me look like a cross between duck and a monkey. 
*I can't really sing, but I can talk... Sort of... I've got that cute 1st grade lisp wink emoticon
*I love my church family... Prayers, meals delivered each night for dinner, calls... I'm glad I survived because I really want to hug every one of them
*Volunteering to bake 400 goodies for the community toy drive 5 days post extractions may not have been the most thought through decision I've ever made, but I'm glad God gave me the strength to do it... And it was loads of fun!






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@Howl thanks for the recap. I hadn't looked at her f/b for awhile. So if they were to be on the "Kids by the (almost) Dozen, a new batch" episode I hope TLC goes to Mexico and interviews their form neighbors and the people that benefited from their missionary.

Apparently there are still issues in paradise (from her Facebook which is public) :


Asking prayer for our family. We've been going through a trial for quite some time. Asking prayer for our faith to grow, our eyes to keep on the Savior, our hearts to meditate on truth, for wisdom, and for Him to be glorified in all. The Lord is so faithful and so good, and I am so thankful for His love :) 


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Yes please.  Mainly because I want to see Christ and Wendy Jeub explain the not one, not two but FOUR that got away.   

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12 minutes ago, clueliss said:

Yes please.  Mainly because I want to see Christ and Wendy Jeub explain the not one, not two but FOUR that got away.   

OH! And the Kellers have to be on the new  "Kids by the (almost) Dozen, a new batch" so they can explain their smart children and explain how they gave Anna to slimy Smuggers.

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13 minutes ago, quiversR4hunting said:

OH! And the Kellers have to be on the new  "Kids by the (almost) Dozen, a new batch" so they can explain their smart children and explain how they gave Anna to slimy Smuggers.

Not to mention Mike Keller's other two husband picks for his (still fundie) daughters.   No wonder Suze ran when she did.

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I would love an update on the Winter family.  They lived in the NE and loved to dress like the amish.  The mother was very dominant and bat-shit crazy and the father very meek.  The kids seemed more intelligent than most in this situation, but they were definitely stunted.  

The Heppners were pretty interesting as well and a bit more mainstream than the rest.  Those manboys seemed to have a path to escape.

I can't seem to find a line-up that lists all the family names who were featured...

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1 hour ago, MatthewDuggar said:

I would love an update on the Winter family.  They lived in the NE and loved to dress like the amish.  The mother was very dominant and bat-shit crazy and the father very meek.  The kids seemed more intelligent than most in this situation, but they were definitely stunted.  

The Heppners were pretty interesting as well and a bit more mainstream than the rest.  Those manboys seemed to have a path to escape.

I can't seem to find a line-up that lists all the family names who were featured...

I found it on IMDB (love that site!) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1077724/episodes?season=2

On Jan 15 2007 Arndt; Jan 22, 2007 The Heppner Family; Jan 29, 2007 The Jeub Family; 10/15/07 The Sentmans; 10/22/2007 The Winters: Anything but Average; 10/29/2007 The Gonyas; 11/5/2007 The Casons; 11/12/2007 The Sentmans: Part 2.

In my searches yesterday The Casons had a daughter (Jessica) that was moving out in 2007 (per the plot on IMDB) and I was able to see the mom's blog and Mom (Christi) had a baby recently and so did the formally(?) estranged daughter. http://thecasoncrew.blogspot.com/ The parents are up to #18. The blog is not updated often but the blog does link to her f/b and both her and Dave (dad) twitter accounts. Looks like the blog started in 2009 only 64 posts since the beginning. It also seems she is into natural herbs.


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I always remember the Winters! Her oldest was Destiny but at some point she switched to orthodox Jewish names like Tsippora. I think she said she had been obsessed with Fiddler on the Roof. 

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I think the Sentmans were the Catholic family in I believe Massachusetts.  They were fairly normal.  Had a bunch of kids since they married young and didn't use birth control.  I'd be interested to see what they are up to. The youngest would be about 13 now.  

I don't remember the Gonyas.  And the Jeubs have 15 now?  I always remember that they only do one birthday celebration a year, in the summer.  They would save turkeys that they got free at Thanksgiving and cook them in the crockpot to make pulled turkey sandwiches.  

The crazy S'Mortons would need to be on the new show!  I'd love to see them in action. 

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1 hour ago, JMO said:

I think the Sentmans were the Catholic family in I believe Massachusetts.  They were fairly normal.  Had a bunch of kids since they married young and didn't use birth control.  I'd be interested to see what they are up to. The youngest would be about 13 now.  

I don't remember the Gonyas.  And the Jeubs have 15 now?  I always remember that they only do one birthday celebration a year, in the summer.  They would save turkeys that they got free at Thanksgiving and cook them in the crockpot to make pulled turkey sandwiches.  

The crazy S'Mortons would need to be on the new show!  I'd love to see them in action. 

The link I posted above (http://www.readbag.com/lepetitpapillon-files-sentman) is about the Sentman but not sure when it was written. Yes they are Catholic. She started homeschooling but couldn't take it after 6 kids so they put the kids in Catholic School. (Yeah for recognizing you can't do it all!) From the short story about their life the kids have been around and seem like they get to make decisions.

The thing I remember about the Jeubs in the special was how they talked about the one (at that time) disowned daughter. I remember thinking, well that is odd. You disowned a daughter for doing what you did when you were teenagers. Little did I know (until finding FJ) the rest of the story.

I've never gotten into reading about the Mortons. Maybe one day I will go down that rabbit hole, or I may stay at the number I am currently watching :)

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5 hours ago, JMO said:

I always remember the Winters! Her oldest was Destiny but at some point she switched to orthodox Jewish names like Tsippora. I think she said she had been obsessed with Fiddler on the Roof. 

I forgot about the Fiddler On The Roof names!   They also lived in a very bizarre house which seemed like a make-shift set of shacks.   I also recall the mother setting up a sweatshop for the girls to make dresses to sell in a store or something.

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3 hours ago, JMO said:

I think the Sentmans were the Catholic family in I believe Massachusetts.  They were fairly normal.  Had a bunch of kids since they married young and didn't use birth control.  I'd be interested to see what they are up to. The youngest would be about 13 now.  


If this is the family I'm thinking of, I think that as of the show I had seen them on, their oldest son was going to a college that's in my area. Silly, I know, but I got a kick out seeing him in a tshirt for the college itself. (And the school is a very good one, too.)

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3 hours ago, quiversR4hunting said:

The link I posted above (http://www.readbag.com/lepetitpapillon-files-sentman) is about the Sentman but not sure when it was written. Yes they are Catholic. She started homeschooling but couldn't take it after 6 kids so they put the kids in Catholic School. (Yeah for recognizing you can't do it all!) From the short story about their life the kids have been around and seem like they get to make decisions.

The thing I remember about the Jeubs in the special was how they talked about the one (at that time) disowned daughter. I remember thinking, well that is odd. You disowned a daughter for doing what you did when you were teenagers. Little did I know (until finding FJ) the rest of the story.

I've never gotten into reading about the Mortons. Maybe one day I will go down that rabbit hole, or I may stay at the number I am currently watching :)

I've only read/watched 1/5 of the materials on them/the Smiths and while it is a big rabbit hole to fall down it is so worth it I can't even tell you.  The wedding videos/photos alone are worth it.  And since they seem to be relocating to Paraguay they are taking their patriarchal dominionist crazy across continents!

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Is Jaynie Lockwood's FB private? I check her blog occasionally, but it's been ages since she updated. Can't find her on FB.

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11 hours ago, quiversR4hunting said:

Lydia left with Cynthia: http://cynthiajeub.com/2014/10/we-didnt-kick-you-out/

Lydia's facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lydia.jeub?fref=ts she is 7 months pregnant.

Lydia is pregnant, presumably out of wedlock? Wow, according to Jeub standards, they sure aren't batting 1000 with their kids.

The oldest, Alicia, had at least one kid out of wedlock. Maybe 2. I don't believe she has married but she lives with her partner and their kid(s). She was not their golden child, since she was tossed out of the home as a teen.

Alyssa married a Muslim man. Enough said, there.

Lydia is pregnant and I haven't seen mention of a godly headship!

Cynthia ratted out on her parents' abuse, lives on her own, earns her own living and isn't able to see her siblings. 

Sadly, I don't think the boys will follow this heathen path. Young Micah seems pretty bonded to his father. Makes sense, the patriarchy offers a better life for boys (not great, but better). 

I don't know how fundie Chris is. I always gave him points for letting his kids go to college, and training them in speech and debate. They learned to think critically. . . which he may now be regretting. He did seem to enjoy spending time with his kids, even as teens.

Wendy, though, was deeply immersed in the Above Rubies lifestyle. I'm sure she sees her oldest girls as failures. I wonder what she thinks went wrong? Maybe it's all Alicia's fault? Yes, let's scapegoat Alicia!!

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2 hours ago, Mary C Doates said:

Is Jaynie Lockwood's FB private? I check her blog occasionally, but it's been ages since she updated. Can't find her on FB.

No, not private, she updates that a little more. She is Jayne Lockwood on fb

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