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Yet Another Movie Theater Shooting

Geechee Girl

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It will end when America finally deals with 1) Fixing how we deal with mental illness, both structurally and culturally and 2) Enacting better safeguards regarding gun ownership which, in my opinion, is possible to do in a way that respects the 2nd Amendment but also protects society at large in a way better than what our safeguards do now.

Instead, we're probably going to see the "liberals" calling for the elimination of guns or outrageously strict gun laws while the "conservatives" cry about the preciousness of the 2nd amendment and how guns aren't the problem. All the while, the mental health issues get pushed to the side and extreme partisanship prevents anything from actually being done.

*I put liberals and conservatives in scare quotes because I know that not all members of the groups feel that way, but it's the stereotypes that each side and the media are bound to play into while discussing this issue.

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You hit the nail on the head, DA. Our country's failure at addressing and providing mental health care services will breed an environment where more lives are lost unnecessarily. Guns will be the only talking point.

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Gee the conservatives and fox news are again blaming the victims for being armed. And it's Obamas fault. :angry-banghead:

All this gun violence and Congress isn't doing shit. I've never seen so much gun violence in my life. Funny how this country works when the gunman is white.

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