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Baptist Preacher Willing To Burn To Death To Stop Gay Marria


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quick get this idiot a match. me thinks he ahs been watching too many Buddhist monks doing it. now he wants to take their method. How much you want to bet he does not go through with it since it will send him to hell.

http://reverbpress.com/religion/baptist ... -marriage/

News from the UK Independent reported Saturday that Texas pastor Rick Scarbourgh has found a way to stop the threat of gay marriage in its “sinful†tracks. Scarbourgh pledged on the National Emergency Coalition Show, a right-wing Christian propaganda outlet hosted by E W Jackson, that he was willing to die by burning to death in order to stop same-sex marriage.

On the same show, Scarbourgh also stated that in the fight against the persecution of Christians that preachers and other leaders need to be out front saying, “Shoot me firstâ€. Uh, who the hell is going to be shooting at them, an army of gay and lesbian militants?

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...On the same show, Scarbourgh also stated that in the fight against the persecution of Christians that preachers and other leaders need to be out front saying, “Shoot me firstâ€.

The perfect circular firing squad scenario. Lock and load, guys!

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This guy is only saying that because he knows gay marriage will be made legal, and he will never be put in the position where he'll be called out on his shit. It's so easy to say things like this when you know you'll never actually have to commit or be held to your word.

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This guy is only saying that because he knows gay marriage will be made legal, and he will never be put in the position where he'll be called out on his shit. It's so easy to say things like this when you know you'll never actually have to commit or be held to your word.
but God never forgets.
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but God never forgets.

Unfortunately for him. I like to think that judgment day is God showing you every embarrassing moment of yourself on a projector and laughing his ass off at you.

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I have a lighter - and I can buy the petrol, too.

Go ahead, dumbass; burn yourself to death. You'll spend the last few choked minutes of your life wishing you'd never been born.

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I have a lighter - and I can buy the petrol, too.

Go ahead, dumbass; burn yourself to death. You'll spend the last few choked minutes of your life wishing you'd never been born.

If he goes through with it, I like to think that God will say " :wtf: were you thinking?" :music-tool:

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If only he meant his words. I'd buy a front-row seat to the festivities.

no you would not it is a horrible way to go. but we know he is all mouth and no fire. Now he needs to be first in line to marry his gay lover he is hiding.

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no you would not it is a horrible way to go. but we know he is all mouth and no fire. Now he needs to be first in line to marry his gay lover he is hiding.

Agree with doggie.

If doggie is wrong and you really would want the front-row seat -- well, that would be saying something about yourself that is definitely not good.

I do think this is all talk. Bad talk.

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If only he meant his words. I'd buy a front-row seat to the festivities.

Meh - I wouldn't; don't like seeing people die by fire.

But I really would provide both the lighter and the petrol. Dumbass wants to BBQ himself because people of the same sex of sleeping together, then hey...free country!

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Do it. Self immolation has been used forever to protestprotest. Don't make promises you don't intend to keep.

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My heart aches for the family of this thoughtful and decent man. I am sure they are devastated.

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A Texan pastor set himself on fire and at first I thought it was the hateful man described here...but it was not. Reading this pastor's words were very heartbreaking. I really wouldn't want to see the baptist preacher burn to death either.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morn ... 5098753980

This brought tears to my eyes. While I can't wrap my mind around this kind of sacrifice it makes a profound statement.

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His beliefs are clearly quite profound. I cannot fathom how they led him to this action, though, especially considering all he was able to do for the causes he believed in while still alive. He sounds like he was tormented by something deep.

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A Texan pastor set himself on fire and at first I thought it was the hateful man described here...but it was not. Reading this pastor's words were very heartbreaking. I really wouldn't want to see the baptist preacher burn to death either.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morn ... 5098753980

The self-immolation of Reverend Moore does remind me of the self-immolation of that of Buddhist monks and nuns. I'm old enough to remember when Thich Quang Durc set himself on fire in a Saigon intersection to protest the South Vietnamese government's oppression of Buddhists. Self-immolation is considered to be a form of ritual self-sacrifice.


Rev. Moore's suicide also reminds me of that of Seth Hubbard in John Grisham's novel Sycamore Row. They may have chosen different methods, but I think their motives were similar.

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Moore left a book about Tibetan monks who protested via self-immolation for a colleague. The article was not very clear but seemed to allude he left this book as a means of explaining his choice.

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Good, get me some lighter fluid!

Seriously, conservative preachers like that have probably had a hand in up to several LGBT suicides, because at 10% of the population, there would, at some point, be LGBT and closeted young people in his church. This pastor then teaches that homosexuals are evil. Person gets depressed and commits suicide because he believes the pastor.

I always say, conservatives (we have Bachmann here), have blood on their hands in this respect.

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This just in: Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum have signed on to this preacher's “Pledge in Solidarity to Defend Marriageâ€. No word on whether that means they, too, will be self-immolating if SCOTUS rules against their definition of marriage.

http://reverbpress.com/politics/huckabe ... bt-rights/

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Why on Earth would self-immolation make any difference? Or any kind of suicide for that matter? The pro-gay marriage people would just think "well that's one less bigot in the world" and the anti-gay marriage people would just uphold him as some sort of martyr.

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I wish Ken Paxton, the Texas Attorney General, would consider self immolation. Instead, he has requested ahead of the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage, that Texas county clerks to hold off on issuing marriage licenses to gay couples until his office "has given them direction."

I remain prayerful that the Court will heed millennia of family tradition, Judeo-Christian instruction and common sense and will respect the role of states...[if the Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage], the state must "reflect" on the ruling to determine "how to proceed consistent with the rule of law."

He's thinking, somehow, some way, with God on his side, he's going to do an end run around a ruling by SCOTUS by invoking some states rights bullsh*t. But actually, Ken, no reflection is required. As noted by Neel Lane, the attorney representing the two same-sex couples challenging Texas’ ban on same sex marriage,

Attorney generals aren’t supposed to be in the business of praying but in the business of interpreting the law, and in this case the Supreme Court is going to be quite clear when it rules. Clerks should not delay any further.
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