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Happy Father's Day to the REAL Dads out there!


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This is for those men (and women) who teach children to be strong, courageous, inquisitive, and happy. (Duggars not included)

May the deity of your choice smile on you today. :u-rock:

Edited for clarity

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My friend posted that single mothers are both mommy and daddy. She wants to wish all the mothers happy father's day. Sorry but a mother will never be father. A father will never be a mother. Father's Day is for any man who made a difference in a young persons life, uncle cousin, friend, mentor, father, brother, nephew, foster father, neighbor. Just like mothers day is for women who made a difference in someone's life.

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Fathers Day for REAL dads... ?

Hows this?! My cat son and I spent time with his REAL "daddy" at the beach. Make fun! But "Daddy" is a forensic psychiatrist, and get this; he doesnt think we're crazy for having a cat for a son! :D :lol:




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My friend posted that single mothers are both mommy and daddy. She wants to wish all the mothers happy father's day. Sorry but a mother will never be father. A father will never be a mother. Father's Day is for any man who made a difference in a young persons life, uncle cousin, friend, mentor, father, brother, nephew, foster father, neighbor. Just like mothers day is for women who made a difference in someone's life.

Is this a joke?

What is a woman but a man with more estrogen and progesterone and less testosterone? Please get a decent grasp of biology before asserting what you think you know about gender relationships. Mother's Day and Father's Day are for celebrating how awesome each parent is and acknowledging their contribution toward their children's well-being.

Some people have mothers who were assigned male at birth and have only recently started celebrating Mother's Day. Some mothers are single mothers who taught their sons how to shave.

You can choose any day at all to thank your mother for giving birth to you. Arbitrary distinctions do no one any favors. Ask yourself why you care so much about whether a parent has the correct genital configuration to be celebrated on a holiday honoring parental sacrifice.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fathers Day for REAL dads... ?

Hows this?! My cat son and I spent time with his REAL "daddy" at the beach. Make fun! But "Daddy" is a forensic psychiatrist, and get this; he doesnt think we're crazy for having a cat for a son! :D :lol:




You have a beautiful son. I have one son and two daughters of the same species as him. Hence "Furbabies."

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