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Men were born to be leaders. That is inescapable. Leadership is proven in crisis. In the moment of crisis a man relies on prior training, experience, preparation, and planning to rise to the occasion- or not. Bradrick Crisis Leadership Network is a full orbed family protection organization. Bradrick trains men to be ready to lead in crisis and networks men together with others who can rally to their aid in a moments notice.

This is from his facebook page. He would hate our family because (and I'm not trying to bash my husband here) my husband is not a born leader. At all. In a crisis, I'm the one that is going to save us, with his help of course, not him.

What the heck is a "full-orbed" organization?

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N/M, google tells me that "full-orbed" is christianese for "well-rounded". Most of the sites that come up for that string are in the reformed, Calvinist blogosphere. I'm guessing it's lifted from the writings of some 17th century presbyterian minister, and used by modern Calvies to add pretension that certain je ne sais quoi.

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Perhaps Bradrick is trying to create and uberfundie version of Blackwater or Xe or what ever that Eric Prince outfit is calling itself these days??? I have to agree with my fellow posters...creepy...

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So I printed off some of this and took it to my firehouse tonight. A bunch of the guys are just getting back from Hurricane Irene disaster relief efforts(I say guys, we have women too, they just didn't go because we were all working) so I thought they would find this interesting in light of that.

In short, "Bradrick: Brotherhood of Protectors" made a lot of people snort their beer tonight. The chief purposed to kick them out of the county should we ever have a disaster and they show up, since free-lancers are considered to be the worst of the worst in emergency services. There are usually set plans and other things and people just showing up causes a lot of problems. But Bradrick: brotherhood of Protectors is probably too busy creating logos and manly sounding names to actually take the National Incident Management System classes offered by FEMA< so they wouldn't know that.

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I'm still a little confused... it sounds like they are trying to create a real-life, Christian fundamentalist version of "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". So, when there is trouble in my community, will the beacon come up flashing the Bradrick logo and the "real" men in my area, who have paid their subscription fee, come running to help? I really don't think Peter Bradrick, even as buff with manliness as he is, could lift me and carry me from a burning building.

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I might be more worried about Bradrick's dipshittery if I could figure out what he actually wants to do with his little organization.

I've posted about this before: Unless the sign-up includes EMR and radio training, or/and Bradrick is developing a network of storehouses that contain materials - e.g., water-purification units, solar kits, generators, etc. - that will prove helpful to communities cut off by disaster, then when the hell good is this nonsense?

Drive in if you can't reach someone in a disaster zone? Good way to get yourself killed for no reason.

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Actually, a "team" of people I know did just go down there to help some of their family members and would be right up their alley though (Tea Party survivalist types, mostly former military, some with Blackwater training, etc)

This is the key point: Former military and Blackwater have specialized training. They might even have some useful equipment in storage. Unless Bradrick has developed at least a basic training course for his peeps, they're just going to make for more bodies to bury when the disaster is passed.

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Hilarious! Homeboy sets his fancy website to password-protected less than 48 hours after its grand opening!

Doesn't bode too well for coping with actual disaster. Given this behavior, I'd expect Petey & friends to run screaming in the opposite direction from any real trouble.

[Edited for spelling!]

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Hilarious! Homeboy sets his fancy website to password-protected less than 48 hours after its grand opening! quote]

Yeah, I had a pretty good laugh at the passwording as well. Who ya gonna call? Somebody else!

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I would guess that in a disaster, the people who need help are going to put out their hands and the people who don't need help are going to offer nothing.

Like, srsly, if I was a broke SAHM of 12, and my covering decided to drive to another state for two weeks to help some other family or decided to give $400 to help them rebuild their barn, I would be PISSED.

This is totally why FEMA is there.

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This is the key point: Former military and Blackwater have specialized training. They might even have some useful equipment in storage. Unless Bradrick has developed at least a basic training course for his peeps, they're just going to make for more bodies to bury when the disaster is passed.

Well, Peter was the VFM Hazardous Journeys Logistics Coordinator. Does that count as specialized experience?

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but FEMA is part of the ebil government!

this is such a crock of shit. aside from shitty design and some rambling, what qualifications does this guy even have for any of this? Nothing? Thought so.

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I can't wait till we see the news story about this guy and his manly men rushing in to save people, getting stranded themselves, and having to be rescued by the ebil government. I will laugh and laugh and laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I am sure its because of us he protected it. 2 of our Bradrick threads appear on the first page on a google search for bradrick. He surely was googling his shiny ,new site and saw our threads(as if he doesn;t already read here) and got his khaki knickers in a bunch. Its still password protected, I just checked.How will anyone know his greatness if no one can read it?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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I am sure its because of us he protected it. 2 of our Bradrick threads appear on the first page on a google search for bradrick. He surely was googling his shiny ,new site and saw our threads(as if he doesn;t already read here) and got his khaki knickers in a bunch. Its still password protected, I just checked.How will anyone know his greatness if no one can read it?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Fundie Marketing 101 for Vision Forum Interns: send your search engine traffic to a.) a password protected website, or b.) a site that makes fun of you.

These are the people who want to take over the country.

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Ding ding ding!

I suspect he has non-profit status because he mentions on the facebook page that bradrick.org is an NGO (non-governmental organization). Sweet tax dodge.

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but FEMA is part of the ebil government!
Bingo. I think that's their problem with FEMA, with the normal city fire department, and with normal civil disaster plans that tell people to sensibly evacuate to the local school gymnasium or city hall where supplies are stocked in advance. Go to a pre-arranged public shelter with all of the unwashed masses? Heaven forbid.

Plus everyone knows public employees just don't have that proper manly swagger, you know, and there's WOMEN involved.

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Bradrick Crisis Leadership Network is a full orbed family protection organization.

First of all, "full-orbed" sounds like a cheesy romance novelist's description of someone with large breasts.

Secondly, "family protection organization" makes me think of the Mafia.

And thirdly, driving into a disaster zone because you can't contact your friends there sounds like about the stupidest thing you could possibly do.

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Lets start the Sisterhood of Protection.

1. Most important, we all get black silky jackets and matching berets with the logo embroidered on "Sisterhood of Protection" We can call it "The Sisterhood" for short and we have secret meetings and stuff.(and maybe a password)

2. We just follow Peter's group around and make fun of them.(oh, and we have cell phones to call the REAL disaster people if they are needed. :dance:

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Lets start the Sisterhood of Protection.

1. Most important, we all get black silky jackets and matching berets with the logo embroidered on "Sisterhood of Protection" We can call it "The Sisterhood" for short and we have secret meetings and stuff.(and maybe a password)

2. We just follow Peter's group around and make fun of them.(oh, and we have cell phones to call the REAL disaster people if they are needed. :dance:


The only thing I'd like to add is a secret handshake, oh and maybe a clubhouse with a sign that says "No boys allowed!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just noticed that this page is available on the oh so awesome Bradrick.org.


When you give through bradrick.org, you don't have to worry about your money going to those sinners or slack Christians. Nope, only "exemplary, faithful, Christian families" are going to get help. The rest can just starve for all they care. That is what Jesus would do.

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