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Texans will not vote for heterosexual president.


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god this is funny and extremely horrible at the same time. and extremely stupid and shows the ignorance of people.

[bBvideo 560,340:13jds7r1]

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:o For all of the anti-gay rhetoric and the "homosexual agenda" these dipwads don't know that a heterosexual means someone the is attracted to the opposite sex. :angry-banghead:

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this is a bit more info. of course this does not show how many people it took to find these wonderful people.

Do you find it surprising that this many people apparently had no idea what “heterosexual†means?

The psychotic guy that comes in at 1:40 goes by the name of Romeo Rose, as I’ve been able to find out due to his online threats to the video owner. He used to have a Twitter account that he spewed the same filth from (along with things like “Women should stop being such selfish creatures and stop reporting rape. They should put the needs of men first & foremostâ€). Jezebel made a collection of his tweets before his account was suspended, which you can find here. So, yes, he appears to be serious about what he is saying in the video. And according to this site, he does plan to run for mayor, although it’s doubtful that he’ll be anything but irrelevant in that race.

He also garnered some minor fame for wanting to pay for someone to find him a girlfriend, complete with a ridiculous list of “qualifications†necessary to be considered. With his complete disregard and lack of empathy for social groups he isn’t a part of, combined with statements like “the more a person gets to know about me the more they realize that they have never, ever met another human being in this world like me,†it seems there’s a good chance he’s a narcissist (a hateful narcissist, at that; and he wonders why he has romantic problems).

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I wonder maybe this just so happens to be a video of hateful homosexuals ...just kidding. I can't believe I entertained the thought of moving there but every state has it's crazies, some are just better at hiding from the cameras. Speaking of crazy I do remember when hitler 2.0 was looking for a mate. I thought I would try to find her but then that list was impossible. I would surely be able to find a unicorn first.

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It seems like a mix of people who really don't know what the word means, didn't listen carefully (since he completely surrounded the word with things an interviewer like that would be likely to say about homosexuals), and/or were stoned/non compos mentis.

Oh, and BTW, we have discussed the bizarre Romeo Rose here at FJ -- read if you dare . . .


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It seems like a mix of people who really don't know what the word means, didn't listen carefully (since he completely surrounded the word with things an interviewer like that would be likely to say about homosexuals), and/or were stoned/non compos mentis.

Oh, and BTW, we have discussed the bizarre Romeo Rose here at FJ -- read if you dare . . .


I thought that was Romeo Rose they blurred out. He has more than a few screws loose. :cray-cray:

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It's ridiculous that some people don't know what "heterosexual" means, of course. But... well, he could have asked hundreds of people to get these few examples. He could have seen just as many "don't know what heterosexual means" responses where the person said, "Of course! You should love who you want to love! I think a gay president would be great!"

And, yeah, Texas in general is very conservative, but Austin is quite liberal.

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Oh man, why did he blur out Romeo Rose, he doesn't seem to mind that his crazy is widely spread. Come to think of it, I don't think I have seen romeo rose speak, just pictures and the writing.

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Oh man, why did he blur out Romeo Rose, he doesn't seem to mind that his crazy is widely spread. Come to think of it, I don't think I have seen romeo rose speak, just pictures and the writing.


He sounds a lot like Cabinet Man in his statements on women's role in the world.

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And, yeah, Texas in general is very conservative, but Austin is quite liberal.

Texas has elected George Bush and then Rick Perry as governors, and Ted Cruz is our current senator. Texas has gotten more tea-vangelical crazy over the years and I don't expect things to get better.

Of them all, Ted Cruz is by far the scariest. He manages to hide the evangelical crazy through his confrontational tactics in the GOP, but his father (an extremely right wing evangelical minister) believes strongly that Ted was anointed by God at an early age to be president. Of the United States. And I'm sure Ted believes it too; you can't be that arrogant without believing that God has made you a very speshul snowflake.

But, I digress.

Most of the people who don't know that heterosexual means to be attracted to the opposite gender* won't be voting, so there's entertainment value but likely little threat.

*I live in Austin. Rather than having two discrete genders, we have a continuum of genders.

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