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Santorum Produces Wacky Hobby Lobby 'Documentary'


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lets all wait with baited breath for this blcokbuster snooze fest.

http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politi ... ocumentary

A video production company owned by former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum announced it will release a “docudrama†about the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision.

Santorum has been a virulent opponent of women's reproductive health choices and equal rights for the LGBT community. He has described “gay sex†as the equivalent of “man on dog†sex and has opined that contraception “is not okay!â€

The trailer of “One Generation Away; The Erosion of Religious Liberty†(below) opens with a foreboding score as a little girl recites the First Amendment while running through a field, which fades ominiously to white (reminiscent of the “Daisy Attack†TV ad against 1964 presidential candidate Barry Goldwater). The trailer then cuts to the voices of people as they plea for their religious liberties. Mike Huckabee then appears and announces “what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view…â€

The trailer makes great use of Nazi and fascist imagery, including World War II era archive footage, to indicate that the government and 'religious freedom' opponents are Hitleresque figures. Flash forward to present times, where police officers and federal agents are shown arresting Christians and sawing down crosses. However, the savior, in the form of Ronald Reagan's ghost emerges on the silver screen, and rallies the audience to stand up for their religious freedoms. Reagan warns that if Christians don’t fight, “we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.â€

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Yes, where MEN were free. Women don't enter into it.

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Oh, for the love of god. These people are ridiculous. Hobby Lobby having to cover Plan B and IUDs is not akin to a Nazi take over. No wonder people have trouble taking these idiots seriously.

I wonder if they've yet realized that with the Hobby Lobby decision, all they've done is kicked the cost of birth control back to the taxpayers. Last I heard, the nut case that owns Hobby Lobby pays taxes, so he's still going to be paying for it. He also pays his employees' salaries, which they'll use to buy Plan B and IUDs. Therefore, he's still paying for it. No matter how you slice it, if a woman works for him and decides to purchase an IUD, he's essentially paying for it.

It won't be long before he's back in front of SCOTUS saying it's against his religion to hire non-Christians who won't sign a legal document promising never to buy Plan B or an IUD. :roll:

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