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Manly Man defaces national park to save the CHILDREN!!1111!!

Chowder Head

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A boy scout pack leader pushes a boulder over in a national park - one with all those nifty balance wind blown carved rocks that took millions of years to get - to save the "children and families" that might have been KILLED if it fell over. Roar i am man and other shit like that. :oops: Best part he filmed it during a troupe outing and he is suppose to be on disability .

http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/31/us/utah-b ... =obnetwork

http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/21/us/utah-b ... oy-scouts/

:popcorn2: have a fun time reading the comments "its just rock what is the big deal" :pink-shock: sigh

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I am sure the guys don't even think the boulders are millions of years old.

They probably cannot even begin to understand such concepts as millions and millions of years old - what absolute morons! Crimes like these make my blood boil... Nature is something that was here before us and will be here after us, you just don't fool around with it.

This reminds me of an unfortunate event a few years ago when a Finnish tourist (I wasn't proud to be a Finn that moment :embarrassed: ) who was visiting the Easter Islands was arrested while trying to get a piece of a Moai statue's ear to bring back home as a souvenir! I don't know what happened to him but I do hope he's still sitting in jail and thinking about what he did. You just don't do things like that to ancient statues/rock formations/whatever that belong to no-one, that are our common history.

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My step father was an outdoorsman and hunter but he pushed respect for the land and animal life. When we would go into the woods, he always preached that you should leave everything as you found it. He also thought that you shouldn't kill what you don't eat and hunting just for trophies were wrong. An individual can be 'manly' (have traditional masculine traits as defined by society) and still care for the environment.

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I am going to go out on limb here and assume that this dumbass never realized that federal penalties tend to be much stiffer than state ones.

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If he was really concerned about safety, why did he not go to a park ranger and talk to him about... I don't know... These things called safety rails to keep the kids at a safe distance?

I'm sure there were many many ways of addressing such concerns that did not include defacement of federal property.

Also, I read that the guy previously filed a disability claim for a bad back... Yeah, because even on their good days, people with back problems can push boulders.

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If he was really concerned about safety, why did he not go to a park ranger and talk to him about... I don't know... These things called safety rails to keep the kids at a safe distance?

I'm sure there were many many ways of addressing such concerns that did not include defacement of federal property.

Also, I read that the guy previously filed a disability claim for a bad back... Yeah, because even on their good days, people with back problems can push boulders.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if this guy also railed against "welfare queens" and recipients of government aid...

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Oh yes, SO concerned for the children's safety, as he's singing that all-time classic WIGGLE IT :cracking-up:

(For those not familiar with the song:

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Did it happen again, or is this the same story from last summer? Either way, I can't believe the disrespect some people show nature.

Warning: Rant against littering

So I spend a fair amount of time in my state and national parks. Most people do the "leave no trace" thing - if you bring it in, you pack it out. It's not such a big deal here to pack out your human waste (poop), because, for the most part, our trails are not as heavily used as, say, Yosemite. However, there are a fair amount of people who will bag their dogs waste and hang it on a tree and forget about it. It's like people think that the national parks (and state parks) have janitors or something. The most popular trails tend to have remnants of parties (beer cans/fire circles) and I just can't imagine leaving trash places. So annoying.

/end litter rant

What this guy did pisses me off, but I know that erosion happens and it might have fallen over eventually anyway. Rock slides happen all the time. I've not been to the location so I don't know how soon that would have happened. It SUCKS that he did that before more people got to enjoy it. It sucks that he ruined such a unique formation. His attitude toward nature pisses me off, and while I hate how prejudice I sound, I would bet that he also left litter, probably was obnoxiously loud and rude on the trails, and probably made a fire that was much larger than it needed. When I first saw the video, with no context, I assumed he was just another drunk "redneck" who thinks that destruction is cool and probably has never been backpacking. Once I read he was a boy scout I was surprised and saddened. Is that what we are teaching boy scouts now? I thought they were pretty big on the "leave no trace" philosophy.

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