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Would You Like to be Married to Josh D.?


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I don't know the Duggar's personally but Josh seems like a very self-promoting and catered to young person. Would you like to spend your days at home with the M posse and at the car lot? How about being serenaded at the alter?

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Ditto. First of all, I would hope my husband would have a different job then owning a used car business. If he had sang to me then I would run for the nearest exit or punched him in the mouth.

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No. I like my husband who respects my privacy enough to not force me to give birth twice on TV and go on tour with the very real possibility of giving birth on a bus full of 20-something people. I can't stand Josh's voice sometimes (at times he sounds hoarse and like he's drooling as he talks) so listening to him would drive me crazy.

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First off, even when I was 20, I was an intelligent, outspoken young woman and never would have gone out with a Jesus freak whose uniform was polos/khakis. I would have never LOOKED at that guy.

If I happened into a debate with the guy, I would have probably been arrested for assault after smacking him upside his smugass melon for saying something incredibly stupid.

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Can I just answer for the board? "No."

But, I could totally be wrong. Where are the FJ Smuggar Lovers? Show yourselves!

Okay I admit, he wasn't too bad looking pre-weight gain and for a while I wanted to corrupt him. As in "drop him off at a strip club with a fistful of ones and a lot of shots, or drop him off in the middle of Mardi Gras to where he can get flashed and eat something that has nothing Chicken-etti or tater tot-related in it" corruption ;) :lol:

But as far as marrying him? Hell to the naw. The smugness would annoy me to the point where if I survived a week with him, I'd be fortunate.

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Smugness aside, Josh will always be a man-child. I don't doubt that all of the male Duggar offspring will always be man-children who will expect the women in their collective lives to take care of them. They don't even have a rudimentary education, they are lacking in social graces due to being sequestered on the compound, and are forbidden to think for themselves. Without TLC money, they would never be able to be contributing members of society and I'm not even sure that will help. Their futures pretty much disgusts me. Since some of the younger ones didn't have the same rigid brainwashing thanks to being thrust into the national spotlight maybe they'll be able to break away, but I am less than hopeful, because I also think they've had even less education than Josh, JD, and the older girls.

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Better than the options I have "He is fortunate or doesn't survive the week and I end up spending the rest of my life in jail."

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Smugness aside, Josh will always be a man-child. I don't doubt that all of the male Duggar offspring will always be man-children who will expect the women in their collective lives to take care of them. They don't even have a rudimentary education, they are lacking in social graces due to being sequestered on the compound, and are forbidden to think for themselves. Without TLC money, they would never be able to be contributing members of society and I'm not even sure that will help. Their futures pretty much disgusts me. Since some of the younger ones didn't have the same rigid brainwashing thanks to being thrust into the national spotlight maybe they'll be able to break away, but I am less than hopeful, because I also think they've had even less education than Josh, JD, and the older girls.

Breaking away would be the hard part, lack of education can be fixed. Especially if you get money from being on TV, which the younger Duggars may or may not have to sue their parents for, and have someone who can help them figure things out.

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I am barely twenty now and I hope I am way more intelligent then the smuggster. If he was married to me he would be running for the hills. I would not be popping out baby after baby. If your going to have Anna birth babies at home, at least get her a nice King-sized bed to do it in.

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Breaking away would be the hard part, lack of education can be fixed.

I absolutely disagree with you there. Education isn't just knowledge, it's critical thinking skills, too. After a certain age they become harder and harder to acquire. By the time they are adults, there is going to be little chance that they can be "fixed". They will never be able to reach their full potential, because they will never be able to fully develop those thinking skills. They will forever be at a disadvantage, because they've never been taught how or allowed to think for themselves when they were children and while their brains were developing. That's why I already said that the younger ones have a better chance. Unfortunately, the uneducated often don't realize that there are other options, which is why I'm not hopeful for them.

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No way! I want to marry a man with a real education, work ethic, and knowledge of how to clean house and fix things when needed. Not an overgrown, smug boy who will probably be beholden (right word?) to Daddy for a living the rest of his life and who expects wifey to do all the cooking and cleaning and pop out kid after kid.

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Even if I were fundie I would not want to marry him. Used care salesman is just about the shadiest job title you can have. I know there are many great used car salesmen out there, but Josh is exactly the type that ruined their reputation in the first place. He's definitely sleazy and probably would be regardless of his upbringing.

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No. Among other things, he seems like he would be really bad in bed. You have to think about those things if you aren't allowed to "test drive" the goods ahead of time.

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When he did the voice over for the Duggar special (the name escapes me; was it 16 children??), he seemed like a nice young man.

Anna seems over the moon w/ him. Maybe she sees that she can get her way even within this patriarchal culture? As much as others have said Josh forced his wife to give birth on TV, I have yet to see her do anything that she seemed reluctant to do. She consistently seems enthusiastic to be in the spotlight, especially during the TH segments.

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I absolutely disagree with you there. Education isn't just knowledge, it's critical thinking skills, too. After a certain age they become harder and harder to acquire. By the time they are adults, there is going to be little chance that they can be "fixed". They will never be able to reach their full potential, because they will never be able to fully develop those thinking skills. They will forever be at a disadvantage, because they've never been taught how or allowed to think for themselves when they were children and while their brains were developing. That's why I already said that the younger ones have a better chance. Unfortunately, the uneducated often don't realize that there are other options, which is why I'm not hopeful for them.

The critical thinking skills would need to be there before the Duggar kids could break away in the first place. The good news is, some children acquire the ability to think for themselves, without being taught. It usually starts at a very young age, with a little voice inside the child telling him or her that something is wrong with their family. I've often heard adults who did well in life despite abusive or dysfunctional backgrounds saying things like, "As far back as I can remember, I knew my parents were nuts and I didn't want to be like them." These kinds of kids usually grow into adults who question everything.

Josh is definitely not this type of person. With some of the other older Duggars, it's hard to tell because they're quieter and we don't hear what's going on inside their heads. Besides, a dissident Duggar would know that he or she has to tow the party line. Body language can sometimes give them away-- Jana's sadness, Jinger's eye rolling, Joy's miserable expressions, Jennifer's avoidance of her parents, and even little Jordyn's stink-eye indicate that they're not totally with the program.

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Oh yeah, I'd definitely choose Josh over my boyfriend because my boyfriend:

He works for Accenture, an ebil and secular company that keeps him away from me from 8:00-5:00 monday-friday

He helps me out around the kitchen and even cooks for me sometimes

He actually includes me in decision making

He doesn't believe in him being the authority of me (although he jokes about a lot)

He doesn't want a lot of children, only 2

We've kissed, held hands, hugged, snuggled, went on vacation, *cough**cough*

Oh and he's from South Africa..the accent makes me think of impure thoughts.

Yep, Josh is way better.

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