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Here's my Prediction - Future Cult

Kitchen Princess

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This guy is going to be a cult leader, and death will ensue. In the unschooling community, there is a conference in Dallas that used to be called Rethinking Education, but now it is Rethinking Everything (and has left its original purpose). The person in the below links is the son of the person (a very respected person, by the way) who started this conference in the '90s.


This is my primary evidence. It's got it all, girls, patriarchy, polygamy, an ego maniac, and probably a scam artist, too, but it's all wrapped up in the woo that is not Christianity.


I'm just putting this here so the internet can find it later when it all comes to fruition.

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She shared this pure uncompromising realization with my father saying "you can be on board in full support or we can go our separate ways"
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I've got wonder if she emailed him the questions and he wrote the replies himself because the interview is full of passages like this which help prove how valuable standardized education can be.

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This guy is going to be a cult leader, and death will ensue. In the unschooling community, there is a conference in Dallas that used to be called Rethinking Education, but now it is Rethinking Everything (and has left its original purpose). The person in the below links is the son of the person (a very respected person, by the way) who started this conference in the '90s.


This is my primary evidence. It's got it all, girls, patriarchy, polygamy, an ego maniac, and probably a scam artist, too, but it's all wrapped up in the woo that is not Christianity.


I'm just putting this here so the internet can find it later when it all comes to fruition.

Amen :twisted:

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Oh my. :pink-shock: I'm not sure I have words. I can't believe I read most of that.

I think my favorite part was how he doesn't work because he doesn't believe in it. :lol:

He's not advocating unschooling, he's advocating un- parenting. Unschooling is an alternative way of learning, not an absence of it.

The only thing that made reading all that less painful was knowing that all those naked babies must pee/poop on him on a regular basis. :D

(Apparently I found my words. :lol: )

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Technically, I was "unschooled" my last two years of high school. Health problems led to homeschooling and my mom worked full time. So she told me to focus on what make me happy and interested to learn. Read an unbelievable amount of books, went to a lot of museums, and now I'm about to graduate law school. Worked out for me, but idk to what extent I'd be on board with something else.

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This guy is going to be a cult leader, and death will ensue. In the unschooling community, there is a conference in Dallas that used to be called Rethinking Education, but now it is Rethinking Everything (and has left its original purpose). The person in the below links is the son of the person (a very respected person, by the way) who started this conference in the '90s.


This is my primary evidence. It's got it all, girls, patriarchy, polygamy, an ego maniac, and probably a scam artist, too, but it's all wrapped up in the woo that is not Christianity.


I'm just putting this here so the internet can find it later when it all comes to fruition.

His word salad and bits about Self Designed Perfection and the failure/evil of the world other than those who do as he does made me think of Charles Manson. I suspect you are correct in your assessment

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His word salad and bits about Self Designed Perfection and the failure/evil of the world other than those who do as he does made me think of Charles Manson. I suspect you are correct in your assessment

Yes. Very creepily like Charles Manson. This bit too:

"When I was born my mother realized that this child was pure potential."

Aren't all babies pure potential? What was so special about him?

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What. The. Bloody. Hell. Did. I. Just. Read? :shock:

This is Charles Manson reincarnated, and Manson's not even dead yet. :?

*edited because my smiley went where it wasn't supposed to go.

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Unschooling isn't my thing, but I have seen it work in some cases. This case is pure...something... :pink-shock:

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29. Did you attend college? Was it challenging to get in?

I did not attend college. It would be very easy to get in if that is what I wanted. All information in collage is outdated for technology and consciousness are evolving so fast that by the time it gets standardized, approved, put into text books and integrated into all the teachers curriculums it is WAY WAY far behind.

CollEge (collage is a different thing entirely) will, however, teach you to write a sentence that actually makes sense.

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CollEge (collage is a different thing entirely) will, however, teach you to write a sentence that actually makes sense.

I'm not sure if it makes it better or worse that he spelled it right the first time, but not the second. :?

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His mother shows up in the comments:

January 10, 2011 at 7:52 PM

Barb Lundgren said... 13

I just came across this interview today for the first time! I am Quinn's mom Barb - hi everyone! Quinn is indeed a strong individual and has been his entire life. I have learned so much about how life is meant to be lived, through Quinn and my other two children - who, incidentally and naturally - have completely different personalities, styles and demeanors than Quinn.

Quinn's strength and power does not scare me although I understand that it does for some folks. Fortunately it's not my job, nor Quinn's, to change anyone!

It reads like she's really saying, "My other kids are normal. Don't blame me."

In the interview, dated May 10, 2010, he didn't have any children. By June 2012, he had three women as partners and had fathered two children. The blog writer is a fourth woman who brings her 12 year old daughter along with her to live on the property and observe as an "anthropologist". The blog only has a handful of entries; I hope she got the hell out of there for her daughter's sake.

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I'm a bit worried that the main thing that annoyed me about that interview was the way the interviewer completely ignored the answers.

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Certifiable whack-job. I've been in the unschooling community for 4 years though, never heard of him personally and it's a small enough world that even if you don't know someone personally, you'll have heard of them at some point if they have any presence at all. So if it's any consolation, he doesn't have a large audience among unschoolers. I've vaguely heard of his mother and the Rethinking conference but never attended it and don't know many people who have in recent years. Lots of people seem to have distanced themselves from it though, and if the family that ran it went off the deep end I can see why.

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His baby lullabye is scary.

I am going t have nightmares tonight. And WTF was that pic??

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I'm a bit worried that the main thing that annoyed me about that interview was the way the interviewer completely ignored the answers.

I think she just emailed a list of questions and he answered. It wasn't a back and forth interview.

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I've got wonder if she emailed him the questions and he wrote the replies himself because the interview is full of passages like this which help prove how valuable standardized education can be.

Hmmm, can't half tell he didn't attend college. That's true for high school, but at college you're being taught by people whose job is to keep on top of current research hence they teach you it, too.

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Thank you so much for those links. I have spent the last ?? hours down the rabbit hole. Here is another link to a story about him that is a bit more honest and still so much WTF


What I got out of the first link was that he is not a walking recommendation for his mother's educational system.

I had something to comment on about every two sentences, but eventually I just had to say fuck it, there are not enough hours left in my life to critique this egocentric manchild.

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Payback time. You must listen to his singing


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Hmmm, can't half tell he didn't attend college. That's true for high school, but at college you're being taught by people whose job is to keep on top of current research hence they teach you it, too.

But do they stay on top of Evolving Consciousness? Hmm???

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I am going t have nightmares tonight. And WTF was that pic??

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Hes Jesus!

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