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Josh Duggar's Radio Ramblings


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I figured that Josh's appearances on FRC Radio deserved their own thread apart from the social media threads, since he is probably going to be a regular speaker now.


He was on yesterday to talk about the family attending the anti-choice rally in Austin.



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How come this idiot gets a platform for his views handed to him, and some of the most intelligent, articulate people imaginable have to fight to be heard? Right, because Josh Duggar gets everything handed to him...

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Has anyone listened to yesterday's show? I just read about Michelle calling abortion, "baby holocaust". I'm pissed now.

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The unfairness of this is staggering.

I bet he's making Mommy "HOLOCAUST! BABY! HOLOCAUST!" proud...

I'm so freaking sick of the use of the word Holocaust. There was ONE Holocaust, and the world is still reeling. Seeing the bodies and the vats and the barracks, and you can't fucking realize that the difference is...

Please, Holocaust Museum, release a statement.

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I blame TLC and their need to keep renewing seasons. I'm hoping next season they completely throw them under the bus and make them disappear once and for all. They did it with the Gosselins and we rarely hear about Kate and her craziness. Hopefully this will happen soon too.

Besides, the only reason why FRC hired Smuggar was for publicity purposes. Once the Duggars lose their "popularity" and people stop caring, FRC will get bored of him too and will see no point in keeping him.

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Ugh. I don't care how gross you can make aborted fetuses look on a poster. Abortion will never ever compare to the Holocaust.

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Has anyone listen to this? I can't because you have to enter credit card (even though it's free) to 'check it out'.

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The whole holocaust is akin to their shouts of everything turning socialistic or Hitler did the same thing rhetoric. What gets my goat is they are anti gun control because criminals do not follow laws. With that same logic wouldn't making abortions illegal not be of use since women will break the law.

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Has anyone listen to this? I can't because you have to enter credit card (even though it's free) to 'check it out'.

You can find it under Tony Perkins radio; yesterday's date.

But you needn't bother. Josh just rambled about all the poor horrifically murdered and tortured babies and how the state of Texas is now at least going to make sure that clean instruments are used when women seek to kill their babies (under 20 weeks of course). Because we know abortion clinics are all about not sterilizing the coat hangers. :music-tool:

Lying sacks of shit these people are.

Josh rambled so much that Tony had to shut him up at the end and I noticed that his Arkansas accent seems to be much stronger all of a sudden. Sort of like it was back during the 14 Kids and Pregnant Again days. And of course, he mentioned his Prop Sister, Josie.


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Do you think it's a coincidence that abortions in Texas will have to performed in ambulatory surgery centers and Governor Goodhair's sister owns a bunch of these centers?

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Do you think it's a coincidence that abortions in Texas will have to performed in ambulatory surgery centers and Governor Goodhair's sister owns a bunch of these centers?

Given the current political climate, it is probably a coincidence. However, do you have a link that I might post elsewhere?

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Given the current political climate, it is probably a coincidence. However, do you have a link that I might post elsewhere?

Anything's possible with these sleazebags, but I don't think it has anything to do with his sister.

The ambulatory surgical requirement is a way to work around Roe by shutting down nearly all of the clinics for not meeting unnecessary rules like having doors widened for gurneys, blood supplies, back-up generators, etc. Abortions don't involve incisions; there's no medical basis for such requirements.

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Most abortions here are medical (by pills) so need for any specialized anything. Is that true across most of the country?

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Most abortions here are medical (by pills) so need for any specialized anything. Is that true across most of the country?

Not in Texas apparently. From Planned Parenthood:

As of October 1st, 2011, state law now requires all women seeking an abortion to have at least 2 visits to the abortion facility.

Why do I have to make two visits for an abortion?

In the summer of 2011, the Texas Legislature passed a bill that requires women to have an ultrasound at least 24 hours before she has an abortion. Planned Parenthood always puts women’s health first and we fought against this law because there is no medical reason for requiring women to come 24 hours in advance. Ultrasounds have been a standard part of abortion services and are always performed on every patient before any type of procedure is done.

Beginning October 1, 2011 women have to make at least 2 trips for an abortion – the first being for an ultrasound. This is required for the abortion pill and for in-clinic abortions. We understand that requiring multiple visits makes things more inconvenient for women during a stressful time in their lives. We are trying our very best to work with women to help them through these changes.

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Not in Texas apparently. From Planned Parenthood:

As of October 1st, 2011, state law now requires all women seeking an abortion to have at least 2 visits to the abortion facility.

Why do I have to make two visits for an abortion?

In the summer of 2011, the Texas Legislature passed a bill that requires women to have an ultrasound at least 24 hours before she has an abortion. Planned Parenthood always puts women’s health first and we fought against this law because there is no medical reason for requiring women to come 24 hours in advance. Ultrasounds have been a standard part of abortion services and are always performed on every patient before any type of procedure is done.

Beginning October 1, 2011 women have to make at least 2 trips for an abortion – the first being for an ultrasound. This is required for the abortion pill and for in-clinic abortions. We understand that requiring multiple visits makes things more inconvenient for women during a stressful time in their lives. We are trying our very best to work with women to help them through these changes.

Texas apparently wants 24 hours for the "shame" to sink in. :roll: Gotta make women feel like crap no matter what!

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Since Smuggar and his nasty self are in D.C. now, maybe he could spend a day in the Holocaust Museum and see what real genocide looks like. Hint: it looks like actual living people with hopes and dreams being murdered.

Granted, this would probably backfire, but I would love to see a field trip to the Holocaust Museum happen anyway.

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Since Smuggar and his nasty self are in D.C. now, maybe he could spend a day in the Holocaust Museum and see what real genocide looks like. Hint: it looks like actual living people with hopes and dreams being murdered.

Granted, this would probably backfire, but I would love to see a field trip to the Holocaust Museum happen anyway.

Didn't the Duggars go there and come out babbling about how gassing millions of innocent men, women and children was the same thing as abortion?

Ah, yes, they did.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar of the popular TLC Channel series 19 Kids and Counting recalled, “Our family visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. The designers of the museum did an incredible job telling the tragic story of over 6 million Jews who were brutally executed.

A couple of weeks after we went to the Holocaust Museum it dawned on us that there is a holocaust taking place right here in America! More than 56 million lives have been destroyed in our country!" the couple said. "That is over 4000 babies being killed and 4000 women being wounded each day!"

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Didn't the Duggars go there and come out babbling about how gassing millions of innocent men, women and children was the same thing as abortion?

Ah, yes, they did.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar of the popular TLC Channel series 19 Kids and Counting recalled, “Our family visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. The designers of the museum did an incredible job telling the tragic story of over 6 million Jews who were brutally executed.

A couple of weeks after we went to the Holocaust Museum it dawned on us that there is a holocaust taking place right here in America! More than 56 million lives have been destroyed in our country!" the couple said. "That is over 4000 babies being killed and 4000 women being wounded each day!"

If going to the Holocaust museum made you think about abortion, you're doing something wrong..

Also, I'd rather be wounded by a cannula in my uterus than by a baby ripping though my perineum. Being pregnant will lead to pain, but having an abortion has far fewer physical and mental repercussions than giving birth.

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If going to the Holocaust museum made you think about abortion, you're doing something wrong...

Yes, I'd say it makes you a certified failure at life.

I hate to say I hate anyone, but I intensely dislike these people.

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Yes, I'd say it makes you a certified failure at life.

I hate to say I hate anyone, but I intensely dislike these people.

Unfortunately, this is a problem that has been going on for a while.


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While maybe 1000 people came to the Forced Birth rally where Mullet and the Boob paraded Josie around, a crowd estimated at 6000 attended a Stand With Texas Women march yesterday (8 July, 2013) in Austin.

Here's the incredible video: YIVz0qSGy-g

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Anything's possible with these sleazebags, but I don't think it has anything to do with his sister.

The ambulatory surgical requirement is a way to work around Roe by shutting down nearly all of the clinics for not meeting unnecessary rules like having doors widened for gurneys, blood supplies, back-up generators, etc. Abortions don't involve incisions; there's no medical basis for such requirements.

Well, if clinics that perform abortions have to be equipped as ambulatory surgical centers, then surely all birth centers should have to be similarly equipped, right? And homebirth should be patently illegal. After all, birth is much more dangerous than abortion at any stage. We can't possibly trust women and their feeble little brains to know how to manage their own pregnancies.

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