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Japan's newest todd atkins


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Or at least a rape apologist. Jebus the fundies are everywhere! :cray-cray: http://news.yahoo.com/japanese-mayor-wa ... 50746.html

A choice quote

To maintain discipline in the military, it must have been necessary at that time," Hashimoto said. "For soldiers who risked their lives in circumstances where bullets are flying around like rain and wind, if you want them to get some rest, a comfort women system was necessary. That's clear to anyone.
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I didn't understand if he thought rape was an acceptable act for a soldier or if he thought the women were willing prostitutes for the Japanese army.

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While he's certainly a mysoginist and an asshole techinically he isn't a fundy, I doubt hes's religiously, let alone Christianly motivated, that's not how Japanese conservatism goes. But it definitely shows all the unresolved issues Japan has with WWII.

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This guy is a horrible right winger in all KINDS of ways. Rest assured, this is all over the news in Japan too, and largely not favorably.

Predictably the black van set loves him, of course, but...

Anyway the article you linked only has half the story! The same politician (Hashimoto) also asked the leader of US Marine base at Futenma (in Okinawa, the one that Okinawa wants moved) to let the US marines make more use of "local sex businesses" because after all they need to let off steam and that way it's legal (and so, they won't rape people). The US should quit being hypocrites and be okay with legal prostitution, is his angle, because according to him, unlike previous eras when women were forced into prostitution or sold or did it because they were starving, modern ones are all free will chosen and voluntary and it's a good income in this bad economy.

Both statements are getting him a lot of "WTF???" reactions, which is probably just fine by him.

He's definitely not any fundie religious, he's a lawyer and former entertainer.

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I didn't understand if he thought rape was an acceptable act for a soldier or if he thought the women were willing prostitutes for the Japanese army.

Many of the "comfort women" at that time were Chinese, since the Japanese had invaded Chinese territory. Most of them were certainly not willing. Comfort women were for the most part FORCED into prostitution by the Japanese army. They did what they needed to in order to survive the occupation and the camps.

He is such an asshole.

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