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Almost time for a new Maxwell Horse & Pony show!


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To date: 6 gigs booked, 8 spots open.

1st on 3/1 in Longview, Texas.

Other spots:

3/8 Scottsdale, Arizona

3/11 Northridge, California (hope there isn't another earthquake.... :shifty: )

3/23 Simi Valley, California

5/17 Ft. Wayne, Indiana

6/8 Southington, Connecticut


I wonder what happened to all the Canadian gigs. :think: When they started booking the tour, they said they were going West and to Canada.


*this post refers to the upcoming Maxwell tour.


Edited for clarity, _lilith

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At least the route isn't quite as crazy as last time! But hey, someone might book something on the East Coast between Northridge and Simi Valley!!!

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Dratted people their schedule is off for me. I'll be close enough to Northridge to go the next weekend after the Maxwells are there.

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There's a new post up about how one of their conferences omg! changed a family so that they became just like the Maxwells. I don't know, though. It would take a lot of effort to get that crazy. Still, the post made me feel sorry for the kids in the family who wrote to them.

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I just read the letter from the homeschooling mom and I also feel sorry for the kids in that family. This family isn't the first to become more like the Maxwells. I recall Steve or Terri sharing an email from a family that took Steve's advice against church youth groups. The family said that pulling their kids out of the youth group was a good thing and they planned to follow more of the Maxwells' advice.

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Darn, was seeing if they will be anywhere near me in upcoming months as I am interested in a recon. After hearing so much about them, I just have to check it out.

The Alsip, IL conference last Oct was in my area but unfortunately, we were heading out of town that same day. Though our travels that very same day took us past, where else, Leavenworth!

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Thee is another thread here about the upcoming conferences and a couple of FJers were thinking about going conferences. Someone said that their gym is in Simi Valley and that she didn't mind going. A former FJer was also thinking about going to the Scottsdale conference, but I don't that poster will end up going because of a recent experience with another fundie family.

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Southington CT is the next town over from mine. SO considering popping by!

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I just read the letter from the homeschooling mom and I also feel sorry for the kids in that family. This family isn't the first to become more like the Maxwells. I recall Steve or Terri sharing an email from a family that took Steve's advice against church youth groups. The family said that pulling their kids out of the youth group was a good thing and they planned to follow more of the Maxwells' advice.

Have to agree w/ u. It really bothers me that people want to be like the Maxwells.

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Love Steve's touchy feely response to a leg humper asking if they will be attending the Family Economics conference this year;

"z. on February 13, 2013 at 12:11 pm said:

Hi there,

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet your family last year at the family economics confetence in ch icago…..will you be speaking and/or attending this years’ conference in Missouri?




That just warms your heart, don't it?

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I've seen a lot responses from him like that. I wonder if he just doesn't realize what it sounds like or what?

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I've seen a lot responses from him like that. I wonder if he just doesn't realize what it sounds like or what?

They are so sheltered that part of me wants to give them the benefit of the doubt and I want to think he just actually does not know better. However, most of me hates to give his the benefit of the doubt.

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They are so sheltered that part of me wants to give them the benefit of the doubt and I want to think he just actually does not know better. However, most of me hates to give his the benefit of the doubt.

The children may be sheltered but Steve certainly isn't. He knows what the social niceties are so his cryptic responses give even more credence to how he views himself as the most speshul of speshul snowflakes. Rude, condescending and imperious. That's all the little people deserve.

I'm strongly considering going to the Connecticut gig.

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Love Steve's touchy feely response to a leg humper asking if they will be attending the Family Economics conference this year;

"z. on February 13, 2013 at 12:11 pm said:

Hi there,

I had the wonderful opportunity to meet your family last year at the family economics confetence in ch icago…..will you be speaking and/or attending this years’ conference in Missouri?




That just warms your heart, don't it?

Honesty, the terse replies are a common rookie internet user mistake. When emails and forums first entered mainstream society, many users typed out rude, terse, sometimes angry sounding emails, even if the writer did not mean to sound that way. They didn't realize that there is a form of net etiquette that exists for email users and forum posters.

I'm sure Steve uses "thank yous" and "please" in real life but he's unaware that society has evolved to expect a level of decorum on the Internet as well. Not surprisingly, Steve probably still maintains the same net habit he had since the introduction of the internet into his life. He keeps his family so isolated and avoids most things himself that a new idea hasn't entered his brain since 1987. In fact, if someone informed him that his replies are rude, he'd probably considered polite netspeak a "fad" and we know what Steve thinks of fads....

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Anyone going to Northridge? I could make that one.

how annoying that thats on a Monday. I would want to go just because I wear more makeup than a drag queen and Id love to get a picture with Sarah. Maybe whisper to her that she could run away with me and Id help her...

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There's a new post up about how one of their conferences omg! changed a family so that they became just like the Maxwells. I don't know, though. It would take a lot of effort to get that crazy. Still, the post made me feel sorry for the kids in the family who wrote to them.

That would be the Muncks, who eventually came to their senses and went back to being normal quiverful fundies. Please, god, tell me there aren't more families who drank Steve's Kool-Aid.

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I thought I would be getting tips on how to homeschool. I didn’t know the Lord would speak to me so directly through what you both said.

Heh. It reminds me of what I've often thought when I hear them being advertised as a "homeschooling conference" at various churches - surely that's gotta be quite the bait-and-switch!!

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