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Boy Scouts Face Release Of Damaging Child Sex Abuse Files


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As sorry as I am for the kids that experienced abuse at the hands of BS leaders, I am glad this is coming to light. Maybe now the BS apologists will STFU about what a wholesome, wonderful organization it is.

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It's all good though because they did not have any of them gays in the boy scouts.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/1 ... 88838.html

Or atheists. Don't forget the Boy Scouts are allergic to atheists.

Seriously, though, the defenders of the Scouts are saying this happened because these pedophile abusers are gay. That's simply untrue--they are pedophiles. And this is the other thing: the Scouts have been overwhelmed by church groups (in particular, the Mormon church) over the past several decades. It's my understanding that the Scouts remain highly homophobic because it gets a significant chunk of its operating budget from the Mormon church, along with a lot of its leadership.

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This just confirms my theory: Anything a "fundie", any so-called conservative, family-values type, rails about, they're doing. And they're fighting it internally, either individually or as a collective. But they're so focused that they figure that everyone else must be fighting it just as hard, but because we don't have God on our side we can't help but be less successful, so if they're having this much trouble the rest of us must be on the edge of just exploding all over the place.

Ergo the Catholic Church rallies on about teh ebil gayz and pedophilia and how they will ruin families because they know their ranks are full of male pedophiles who are fighting as hard as they can so we must be ten times worse.

Now the same for the Boy Scouts. Of course all gay men are pedophiles, look at the pedophiles we're already dealing with, the only thing keeping them from raping more boys is fear of the invisible sky daddy didn't stop them. If they think the invisible sky daddy isn't real than nothing will stop them, so atheists must be out of control!

And look at Ted Haggard as an example of an individual. I'd bet that all these men who are totally convinced that all gay men are perverts are all wannabe perverts. All these people who insist that making gay marriage legal would ruin families would totally leave their wives for the right man.

And all these freaks who obsess about modesty really do pop a boner every time a woman walks by. All these bastards who go on and on about women being sluts are that horny and aren't getting any. All these monsters who insist that men are thinking about rape all the time really are thinking about rape all the time.

And the rest of us are going about our business, loving our partners and our families, keeping the world running, more or less mentally healthy and completely oblivious.

So, as a rule of thumb, if someone goes on and on about how this thing is ruining families/women/children/society, then that person is exactly what they are railing about, so keep yourself and your children far, far away.

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