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Are there any documentaries that profile QF families?


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Who aren't the Duggars. I just wondered if there are any that show others. I saw a special called "Born to Breed" but that's the only one I can think of. Does anyone know of any others?

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TLC also used to have a show called Kids by the Dozen that profiled several different families. I don't know if they intend to make any more episodes.

Weren't the Jeubs on Born to Breed? I don't think I ever saw it, but would kind of like to. The Jeubs are some of my "favorites".

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Yes, I believe they were. I think perhaps Vickie was also in it (from NLQ). But I could be remembering wrong. It was YouTube before it was pulled and that's where I saw it.

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Wasn't there an episode of the Secret Lives of Women on quiverful families as well? I think the Jeubs were on that too.

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Wasn't there an episode of the Secret Lives of Women on quiverful families as well? I think the Jeubs were on that too.

I think they're one in the same. It was called "The Secret Lives of Women: Born to Breed.", so it wasn't a standalone documentary but just one in a series. I believe they have one on Polygamists as well for anyone interested.

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The Jeubs were definitely on Kids by the Dozen too. But KBTD isn't just about QF and fundies. They made some attempt to get a variety of families and at least one of them wasn't particularly religious at all.

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The Jeubs were definitely on Kids by the Dozen too. But KBTD isn't just about QF and fundies. They made some attempt to get a variety of families and at least one of them wasn't particularly religious at all.

The Catholic family they had on there was awesome. I loved them.

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You know, back in the day, I wish TLC were around, to have filmed a documentary on my family...only it would have been "Kids by the Half Dozen." My mom, two master's degrees under her belt, stayed at home from the mintue the first one of us was born, claiming it was the most important job ever. My father had a Ph.D. and put all six of us through college on that salary alone. Frugal...Duggars can't hold a candle to my folks! And, GOD FORBID either my sister or I suggested we wanted marriage and kids BEFORE college, even though it was my mother's biggest hope that we too would have large families and be "able" to stay home with them. Why did we need college? Well, she would have told you that if you had to ask you'd never understand the answer. Why can't TLC find more of those families. I KNOW THEY ARE OUT THERE.

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My parents both have master's degrees and a family of 7. Yeah, why no shows on more normal large families? We were hella frugal and my parents were in graduate school when I was young, which equals poverty.

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Has anyone else noticed that most of the TLC families are born-again Christians? I mean in a lot of cases it's in name only but the Roloffs, Kate, Duggars etc. All Christian, "nice" families. I said to my mum one day, "I wish they would show a family who isn't white, Christian or a big family with relative means."

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Has anyone else noticed that most of the TLC families are born-again Christians? I mean in a lot of cases it's in name only but the Roloffs, Kate, Duggars etc. All Christian, "nice" families. I said to my mum one day, "I wish they would show a family who isn't white, Christian or a big family with relative means."

I love the Little Couple. Religion is not mentioned on this show. I love that she is a MD and that they treat each other with repect.

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From seeing about one episode, I can't stand Mark Roloff :/

Thanks for the title suggestions, though, guys. I would be interested to look them up.

Not quiverful, but a large family, are the Hayes family who used (I am assuming) hormone treatments and so ended up with twins, twins, and then sextuplets. (They're Catholic, and from that I assume that they couldn't use IVF itself, hence no control of the number of implanted blastocysts, and also that they wouldn't abort.) They had a brief run in a show called "Table for 12", which I really enjoyed - they're respectful and loving to one another, and I do think the older four have had a little too much placed on their shoulders in helping the littlies, but the parents still respect them as individuals and seem to make efforts to give them individual space and time.

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