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More victim blaming: being at a bar is now asking for it


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An appalling case of victim blaming:

http://jezebel.com/5941373/its-your-fau ... om-arizona

It’s Your Fault If You’re Sexually Assaulted by a Drunk Cop, and Other Lessons from Arizona

Katie J.M. Baker

Earlier this summer, in an egregious case of power-tripping entitlement, Arizona police officer Robb Gary Evans drove drunk to a bar, showed his badge at the door to get in sans cover, walked up to a friend of a friend and put his hand up her skirt so he could "run his fingers" across her genitals without consent. When bouncers threw him out, Evans told them he was a cop and could have them arrested.

Now, we're not police officers, but it seems like Evans managed to do everything a cop (or non-cop) should absolutely never do under any circumstances: operate a vehicle after drinking eight beers, abuse his title to receive better treatment, and sexually assault a virtual stranger. It's shocking that he didn't manage to torture any small animals on the ride over, but no man has time to get everything done off his checklist, especially when he's wasted.

Some justice has been served: a jury convicted Evans of sexual abuse and the police force fired him from his post. But Judge Jacqueline Hatch — appointed by Jan Brewer, who currently holds the title of America's Worst Governor Ever (a very competitive ranking!) — decided that Evans didn't deserve jail time because he didn't have a criminal record and because his friends really like him. Also, because the woman in question is a total whore who occasionally leaves her house at night to socialize in public spaces.

According to the Arizona Daily Sun, here's how the slut-shaming went down:

Bad things can happen in bars, Hatch told the victim, adding that other people might be more intoxicated than she was.

"If you wouldn't have been there that night, none of this would have happened to you," Hatch said.

Hatch told the victim and the defendant that no one would be happy with the sentence she gave, but that finding an appropriate sentence was her duty.

"I hope you look at what you've been through and try to take something positive out of it," Hatch said to the victim in court. "You learned a lesson about friendship and you learned a lesson about vulnerability."

Hatch said that the victim was not to blame in the case, but that all women must be vigilant against becoming victims.

"When you blame others, you give up your power to change," Hatch said that her mother used to say.

We wouldn't be surprised if Hatch decides to write an inspirational self-help book for young women sometime in the near future. Chapter One: Friends Don't Let Friends Get Fingered by Drunk Cops! Chapter Two: Be the Change You Want to See In Yourself by Not Blaming that Police Officer for Sexually Assaulting You! Chapter Three: The "Bright Side" of Rape!

It's Your Fault If You're Sexually Assaulted by a Drunk Cop, and Other Lessons from ArizonaThere are so many more mind-blowingly horrible aspects to this story that you might want to stop reading for a second and do a little rage-dance before continuing. We'll wait.

Alright, let's continue with the never-ending shittiness:

-A witness said Evans also pinched another woman on the ass an hour before sexually abusing the victim in this case, but Judge Hatch decided that "the incident would be prejudicial if it was allowed to be admitted as evidence." Ah, and now we have an inkling of why Evans has such a sparkling clean criminal record: because people are intimidated by cops and scared that no one will believe them if they speak up against them, and because our system is fucked. Moving on.

-So sad on so many levels: Evans' former girlfriend said it didn't really matter what Evans did because COPS. "These people put their lives on the line every day," she told the court. "I hope you'll be lenient on him. To me, this is one way we can give a little back to those in law enforcement who give so much to us everyday."

-Oh, she also said that Evans wouldn't be able to go hunting anymore, which is totally a punishment in itself, right? Numerous "hunting buddies" also told the court that hunting was "one of Evans' chief passions." And this is relevant because why?

-Former Flagstaff Police Lt. Randy Weems, recently a candidate for Flagstaff chief of police, said "this is the second time in 25 years that I feel the system didn't work" and that he didn't "necessarily agree with the way this case got to be here." Awesome. We're sure Flagstaff's women are thrilled he's around to protect them.

-Perhaps most depressing at all, the victim said she had been harshly criticized by both strangers and friends in the community for pursuing prosecution. "I sincerely hope this trial will prevent other women from being victimized in the future," she said. "I am more exhausted than I have ever been. I stood up for what happened to me for reasons bigger than me."

In a more perfect world, everyone would be forced to read a transcript of these trial proceedings to understand the definitive meaning of rape culture. We would print Hatch's words in textbooks across the nation as an example of how not to talk to those who are taken advantage of by people in high-ranking positions. But all we can hope for right now is that more women will ignore everything that ever comes out of Hatch's evil mouth and follow in the victim's brave, brave footsteps.


There's a petition at change.org too: http://www.change.org/petitions/arizona ... abuse-case

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A woman at a bar, at night? Wow, nothing says asking for it like enjoying a few drinks with your friends. What is with all these women supporting rapists? Are these the same women with few to no female friends because 'they're all jealous bitches'?

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Ah, yes. I often thank my local police officers for their hard work by going out in public, thereby inviting them to stick their fingers up my skirt and stroke my genitals.

wtf is wrong with people? I would think the fact that he is a cop should mean that he is held to a higher standard than the general public, and as such issued a harsher penalty- abusing a position of authority and all that.

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Okay, so let me get this straight: The victim was in a bar drinking. Under these circumstances, neither her being at the bar nor her drinking were in any way illegal.

Enter drunk pervy cop. He had driven drunk to the bar, which is illegal. He used his badge inappropriately, which is illegal. He sexually accosted a woman, touching her against her will, which is illegal.

The judge looks at the facts in this case and determines, even while claiming to the contrary, that the victim shares some of the fault for the cop's illegal behavior - behavior that started well before he reached the bar and used his badge to threaten his way out of paying the cover - because the woman he accosted was engaging in a perfectly legal social activity.

As a result, the now-former police officer - thank God - gets a slap on the wrist from this judge, and his victim gets a fucking lecture!

Hatch then adds insult to injury by saying, “"When you blame others, you give up your power to change" - a statement that does not even apply here, since the blame actually does rest totally and completely with the perpetrator.

Exactly what lesson is the victim supposed to learn from this? That women, though allegedly granted equal rights under the law, should not be out and socializing after dark?

I wonder if this judge is aware that many women are raped in their own homes, in hospitals, and in long-term care facilities – all places where they are legally permitted to be. I wonder what lessons the victims in those situations are supposed to learn.

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Ok another state not to visit. Sad part...I could see where the victium would have gotton more tine for socking him in the face with her drink glass...if she had

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Sorry phone. Let me clarrify. In that environment, I could see where the victium would get a worst punishment than the cop if she fought back.Say hitting him in the nose with her class.

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Jesus fucking Christ! The victim is not to blame for rape. Ever. Never ever ever. I don't care if she was drunk/high/coked out of her mind and partying it up naked in the streets, IT'S NOT HER FAULT. I feel like I have had to say this more times in the last three months than I have in my entire life. I find it disturbing that I have to say it at all.

Sorry for the rant, I know most on FJ are appalled by this too and I'm preaching to the choir, but it seems every day there is another hideous story like this. I feel that women's rights and the issues surrounding them have gone to hell in a handbasket lately and it seems like it's going to get worse before it gets better. And it pisses me the fuck off! Now I'm going to go drink and have every right to do so without getting raped.

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-Perhaps most depressing at all, the victim said she had been harshly criticized by both strangers and friends in the community for pursuing prosecution. "I sincerely hope this trial will prevent other women from being victimized in the future," she said. "I am more exhausted than I have ever been. I stood up for what happened to me for reasons bigger than me."

What a brave woman. She's anonymous but I'm sending good vibes, really wish I could send money or something.

Those quotes are ludicrous. If you get assaulted somewhere, not being there would mean you wouldn't have been assaulted! DUH. That includes if you're, say, at school, or in your bed in your house, or going for a walk around your neighbourhood. When we have sexual assaults happening under all circumstances it's ridiculous to even mention "if you hadn't been there it wouldn't have happened". No, because if someone is going to do that they'll do it regardless of who is there or where they are! Even if assaults only happened in bars it would still be a ridiculous comment. Car crashes only happen in cars :roll:

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I feel like I have had to say this more times in the last three months than I have in my entire life. I find it disturbing that I have to say it at all.


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We need laws that punish judges for saying crap like this.

Abuse of power by both the police officer and the hates-her-own-gender judge.

Y'know, maybe "it's hot, but not humid" somehow affects the ability to reason. What is it with Arizona?

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A woman at a bar, at night? Wow, nothing says asking for it like enjoying a few drinks with your friends. What is with all these women supporting rapists? Are these the same women with few to no female friends because 'they're all jealous bitches'?

"Maybe if I side with power I can be one of them and they won't do anything bad to ME..."

So so seductive but completely false, as any number of women can attest to.

Nothing limited to rape culture/patriarchy/sexism issues either, you can find plenty of people in repressive regimes who just turn on the people currently being oppressed the hardest because "well, they surely deserved it, if I condemn them maybe those in power will see just how much I'm on their side and won't do anything to ME..."

Divide and conquer, works every damn time.

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What a brave woman. She's anonymous but I'm sending good vibes, really wish I could send money or something.

Those quotes are ludicrous. If you get assaulted somewhere, not being there would mean you wouldn't have been assaulted! DUH. That includes if you're, say, at school, or in your bed in your house, or going for a walk around your neighbourhood. When we have sexual assaults happening under all circumstances it's ridiculous to even mention "if you hadn't been there it wouldn't have happened". No, because if someone is going to do that they'll do it regardless of who is there or where they are! Even if assaults only happened in bars it would still be a ridiculous comment. Car crashes only happen in cars :roll:

Definitely go her.

As for the "oh, it's nothing, just wrong place wrong time, these things HAPPEN" BS, I read somewhere an interesting thought experiment of imagine if these "incidents" we're talking about were men getting suddenly castrated? I mean, sometimes, you go out with someone, and then boom, dick cut off! But you shouldn't have been there, you should have been careful...

Yeah. No way that'd be brushed off the same...

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There is a reason that rape is the most under reported crime in this country and this right here has a hell of a lot to do with it. Even if you can get the cops & prosecutor to believe you, you then have to worry about judges like this blaming you. Revictimizing a victim is never right but when another woman is doing is...bitch is too kind. Disgraceful.

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There is nothing wrong with a young adult female going to a bar. No, let me repeat that.

There is nothing wrong with a young adult female going to a bar!!!

I used to go to bars when I was young, newly legal and newly single. I had a large male friend I brought with me because his presence kept creeps away and I always had someone to escort my young drunk ass home. This is what the judge is saying this woman should have done--I think.

In retrospect, the person statistically most likely to assault me in that situation was the male friend who came to protect me. I was wide open for an assault, not in the bar but in my own home or in his car or whatever. He was never less than a gentleman, even though he had to help me change once because I was shit-faced enough to puke all over myself and also too drunk to wriggle out of a tight dress.

The person who prevented rape in that situation was not me, but my friend. He did not rape me, even when I was stumbling around half-naked and sloppy drunk asking him to help me get a dress over my head. I did not deserve to be assaulted and my friend is awesome but does not deserve any Nobel prizes for failing to rape me. Common decency, men can haz it too.

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Sorry for the rant, I know most on FJ are appalled by this too and I'm preaching to the choir, but it seems every day there is another hideous story like this. I feel that women's rights and the issues surrounding them have gone to hell in a handbasket lately and it seems like it's going to get worse before it gets better. And it pisses me the fuck off!

But remember, it's all in our head. There is no War against Women. /fuck all that

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But remember, it's all in our head. There is no War against Women. /fuck all that

According to one of my husband's facebook friends it's actually Obama that's waging war on women.

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