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Delurking with a 19th-century opinion...


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Mothers of Many Children.—"Ponder every subject with careful attention, if you wish to acquire knowledge." What is then to be the mental status of that mother who has a perpetual baby in her arms, and only time to "ponder" that baby, so weary is her body with its "ponder"-osity? Where is the Solomon to answer this question? Baby knowledge she may indeed have; but the baby will grow up by and by, and how is she to acquire "knowledge" under such circumstances, and be a fit intellectual companion for it then? That's what some people want to know, when little brothers and sisters tread so fast on each other's heels, that the mother has scarcely breathing time between.

Found in Caper-Sauce by Fanny Fern, who had no idea Quiverfull would turn into a thing, or how perfectly she was describing so many of its adherents!

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Back in the days, people knew what was like to have a dozen children. It wasn't by choice and people raised their children with varying degrees of neglect by today's standards. My parents, both of whom came from large families often remind me that they never received the type of attention and care that I received because it wasn't possible with a large family. However, there will always be people who love children and want to have a brood. The problem is when quiverful because a mandatory lifestyle and not a choice by loving parents.

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