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Baby Thor

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Kittens!!  Updates, feel good pics, and the random wonderfuls that come with my new baby: Little Thor.  

In happy kitty memory of his litter mates: Little Loki & Little Hestia. 


Entries in this blog

Hims 5 years old!

He's 5. A whole 5 years old! Hims a chonky baby still living in the house with Princess. Life, money & health have all slowed the renovation process. We're in& out pretty much every day whether it's to clean or visit them or deal with things that are stashed inside.  He got yum yums & extra cuddles today.  


Imrlgoddess in Cats

Hims Three!

It's our baby's birthday today ? He's had adventures, a,new fridge to scale, & a new doggie to argue with.  He & Mina are still working out their lap domination dynamic.  Our favorite kitty decided to help himself to daddy's muffins I made the other night.  I woke up to discover a shredded zip lock, and half a muffin clean gone. He'd left tooth marks in several others.  Honey discovered said muffins halfway down the hall into Thor's room.   The muffin destruction was great. 



Adventure Kitty

Someone had a big adventure this week!   We've been trying to get our house sold and some of the feedback mentioned the urine smell from the cats.  So the last two showings I put the Princess outside and took Thor to our office complex along with his litter box.  The first day I had my grandkitty Rowena and he.  One of our buildings has a series of classrooms with an office inside an office, so double doors plus the main entrance doors.  When I put he and Roweenie kitty they stayed in the o



Happy Valentine's Thorsday!

We've had quite the adventures the last few weeks.  Roweenie Kitty has been visiting for a while, the daughter's complex caught on to their dog so she snuck the kitten out just in time.  (They need to pay all their pet deposits)   Two weeks ago the older kitties were sick, I thought Princess had caught mange from somewhere outside but it turned out to be just a case of fleas and some serious scratching.  Some meds and and a good bath got her fixed up.  While she was itching I noticed her sn



Thor Made a Fwend!

Thor made a friend this week. I've been kitten sitting, she's a wee tiny scrap of a thing. Her mom is munchkin, not sure what dad is, but she wasn't a full price kitty. The first day or so was a bit hairy, she's small but has no fear! She was telling those big cats what side their bread was buttered on! By the end of this week she & Thor have been ripping & roaring. They are quite the partners in crime. I give you: Mistress Rowena Longbottom (Rowena, I added all the fun bits) A



Thor, Christmas Helper

He's the most helpful helper who ever helped! He inspected the Amazon box & contents for danger, he kept me company while I worked. He's a very curious kitty. I mean it's entirely possible that I was cutting cheese on the walking around on thing, he had to be ready in case a piece fell.  Thank you @EowynW for the gift idea! I've never made lotion bars before. I do soap pretty regularly but haven't ventured into butter territory. I got some 2oz screw top tins from Amazon, they are purrfe




When you don't have hooman children to dress up, you turn to your pets, lol!  Precious was a hit as a UniPuppy.....Dogicorn?  Thor was quite fascinated by mama's incense, he loves to watch the smoke. Moms candy wrapper pile was pretty entertaining too.  Pretty, pretty Princess stood guard by me while I handed out treats, she enjoyed some Halloween face rubs. 



Helpful Kitty

Yay for a long weekend, but we'll be back at it with a vengeance tomorrow. I have been attempting to do some laundry today but apparently the basket (full or empty) is kitty territory. Thor was being swipey kitty to the Princess through the handle holes until she informed him that she wasn't amused. So now he's just protecting my ungodly swimwear. They'll get put away eventually. 



Black Cat Appreciation Day

So it's black cat appreciation day. He's been such a sweetie muffin lately, as he gets older he mellows out. The Little Hooman moved out for college recently and he was very curious about the boxes & empty room. So far he knows something changed but he's not searching for her yet. (She has to stay gone more than 2 nights for him to miss he) 



Throw Back Thorsday

Ya know, cause there are never enough kitty pictures out there. He was a sweet little jelly bean nugget, now he's a straw stealing, drink dumping monstrosity that gives wet nose kissy apologies.  



Happy 2nd Birthday!

Hims twwwooo!!!! Our little nugget is two years old y'all!  Today he gets wet num nums all to himself  & all the scritches & squeezies he can handle... and some he can't....  I didn't have a party hat in my phone picture doodle thing so a top hat will have to do.



It's Birthday Week!!

Tomorrow marks 2 years since that fateful day when our favorite baby & his siblings crawled their wee tiny little selves out from under my house.  While his sissy & brother went on to kitty Valhalla, baby Thor stuck with us & has become the darling of the household.  Every morning there are head butts & wet nose kissies, every evening there is good night cuddles & squeezes. He lounges. He plays. He meets us at the door every time we come home from anywhere.  He's my



Still a kitten!

I'm finally able to get into my blog!  I've been trying & trying to post but the little plus sign drop down doesn't show any blogs. So I searched & found my way in! Anywho... he's been the ultimate kitty protector since my carpal tunnel surgery. He was nursekitty extraordinaire the first few days after, laying on me to help me sleep, breaking into the bathroom to supervise baths... We caught him being all cute, playing with his ball earlier. For your viewing pleasure: 



Thor-Beir Gardian

However you call it:  Easter, Ostara, Resurrection Weekend, Extra Day off Work, enjoy it! Thor kitty has been stalking the roommates all day & being snuggle kitty at night. We've got windows open, fresh air blowing in, little bit of cleaning happening. A few days ago Thor passed out asleep in Texi's fur.... they stayed like that for quite a while, content in the sunbeam. Thor's currently helping me with my beer situation. He tested out the box & decided he needed to do some QC.



Box kitten

Final semester of school, spent a smidge of financial aid money on a pretty fabulous new stone setting tool. Apparently the box it was shipped in is super comfortable.... even with the item.... still... in... the box. He squoze his little chubby butt into the remaining space, pushing down all the packing paper  If I fits, I sits.  Last pic is from about a week ago. I just couldn't resist those faces. 



Thor the Destroyer

And that's it for the tree.  Second knock down, broke 2 ornaments and he's walking around looking like a sparkle goth kitty.  Little Hooman brushed him down so he doesn't ingest the glitter.  The tree is back in it's box till next year and the floor vacuumed for a second time today.  He didn't do it on purpose, he was doing kitty curiosity things & his claws caught the skirt and down it came.  Le sigh.  It could have been worse.  Should I mention that he attempted to eat the straw from



A Thor Kitty Christmas

The tree lasted 3 days. 3. The Girl was home that morning & said she heard the crash down the hallway. She ran into the living room to find the tree & table both on their sides, the tree leaning precariously on the couch. Thor was freaked out enough to not try his move again but he's still horribly curious and I know he's going to go after the gifts. During tree clean up we found a bunch of his stashed toys.... he guarded them well.  I made bath bombs the other day & thought I b



Finals Week Thor

So South La is having winter this weekend.  That means plenty of sleety, yucky rain.  The Dog Thing is practicing her "fast as possible" potty routine and the cats are a bunch of stir crazy slut bags either running about the house or sleeping all super cute on stuff.  I've been tearing my hair out trying to get some creative ideas to happen with my final project this week as well as simply getting something show worthy together for next semester.  Of course, Thor is the most helpful kitty ever!




Holidays closed in along with the anticipation of finals & midterms. Thor's hair loss has slowed down but he's still got thin patches. He's been on a rip (literally) since the temps have dropped. All the animals seem frisky. This week since the Girl has been off we haven't needed to be up early. So obviously, that means kitties aren't getting the skritches & num nums at the proper time! Thor is obligated to sing & cry & fling himself at the door in hopes that we will come to our



Not A baby, mama

Dis mornin I sat on my mama while she looked at the big light box. She was very warms & gave me nice pets. When the Princess & that dog thing come from outside their fur is cool & schmells different.  My fur is poofy but it itches sometimes.  Mama gived me a hooman bath. I didn't like it but I stopped being itchy.  I'm going to play wif my sparkly ball.  T. Winchestor III



National Cat Day or Something??

Sooo yeah.  Yesterday was apparently national cat day?  I didn't realize!  Well, until the end of the day of course.  Been a roller coaster month.  Husband can't seem to stay out of the hospital, my senior show is rapidly approaching, the girl got her car and has driven it allll over.  Now to just get her officially fully licensed and the Honey back to working order.   I'm tired ya'll.  Like.....Tired.  Thor baby has been keeping me safe and warms.  His fur is falling out again in various p



Thor the study Kitten

Typing, writing, and wailing on metal...these are a few of my favorite things....  Ok not all of'em.  But the carpal tunnel is getting a workout this semester!  Thor says as long as the petting hand is still functional, he's ok.  He even occasionally tests it out with his teefs to make sure the feeling is still there!  Such a sweet kitty.  I've been doing a lot of my online work at the dinner table so his favorite place is on the saddle behind me.  (yes there's a saddle and full tack in my dinin



Ex's & hurricanes & teenagers, Oh My!

(Not so) Wee Wittle Thor is enjoying the window sitting. It hasn't begun to really get crazy here yet but the air is very lively & there are random showers, everything around my town is flooded at least a little.  The storm in and of itself is enough. Add insult to injury, my ex is bound from his northernmost abode to gift his child with a car. Its not an unwelcome thing, I need the freedom it will afford my schedule. However he really thinks he can just show up into another state &




And a pretty pretty Precious!   They really do seem to sleep in the oddest positions!!  Totally separate naps on separate days.  Precious, The Dog Thing, finally went and had her "do" did.   I'd let her grow out quite a bit because her fur was so brittle and thin due to a skin infection. Once it got to the 1982 Tina Turner phase, I called around and found a groomer.  She got a good bath and brush and the groomer tamed the mane and added some bows.  Those bows were out within an hour, s



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