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fundie bunkbeds at walmart.


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Are they stacking cribs? Or just the floor-sized display model of a regular bed?

Floor model, missing most of the length so it fits on the shelf!

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Perfect for any closet or other small space.


Those would be perfect for dear Emily. I bet she could rig them so that an extra set of slats could be installed/balanced above the lower cage. Baby on top, Little Dna (the kid who fell into a coma) on the ground underneath the bottom cage, and a couple more in the bottom cage and the slat-platform balanced between the two cages. This lovely set of bunk cages could easily sleep 4 kids, and there is still plenty of room in the closet to play on the filthy floor, with Brad the bathroom dog.

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Sadly, with the addition of 2 crib mattresses, this bed would be better for Jennifer and Jordyn Duggar than those wretched pack and plays they are in now...

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Oh god, don't let LiaS see them. She's only got 8 costco shelves and 10 kids. She would snap that floor model up in a hot second, take one of the desks out of the kids' room and put that sucker in its place. I'm sure they must be ready for #11 by now...

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meh, not impressed. They could easily make it a triple bunk, look at all the wasted height! At least there's plenty of space for one more to sleep on the floor.

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Hard to tell from the picture, but it looks as if the only thing attaching the top and bottom bunk is a single piece of metal on the back, left post.

Does not look safe at all.

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Hard to tell from the picture, but it looks as if the only thing attaching the top and bottom bunk is a single piece of metal on the back, left post.

Does not look safe at all.

That makes it even more attractive for Emily. She thrives on putting her kids in danger.

FWIW, I think there are usually pegs/dowels that go inside the posts and help stabilize the bunks.

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Is it just the angle of the picture or are these extraordinarily high for bunk beds?

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How does the top person get in that contraption? Does he climb a ladder and dive in? Or are those cribs and you toss the baby in the top part and hope you make the basket?

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They're floor models but this is so wrong, it is going to give fun-dies ideas!!!!

We have these same exact bunk beds for my 10yo. They are attached incorrectly in the photo because the upper bunk is not that high. They also use regular, twin sized mattresses and there is a ladder to climb up to the top bunk. Also, a nice sized guard rail. She doesn't share a room with anyone, it's just an extra bed for overnight guests. :)

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I swear, I can't go into Costco, look at the heavy-duty shelving units they've got for sale, and not imagine broods of fundie kids bunking on them.

You hags have obviously warped me forever.

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They're floor models but this is so wrong, it is going to give fun-dies ideas!!!!

true and when they go out of date they can buy them at a discount.

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They're actually held together while in use with pegs that fit into the top of the bottom leg and the bottom of the top leg. That little piece of metal is only to keep anyone from taking it apart in the store.

And they're up on a shelf, that's why they look so high.

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Please stop. I'm crying with laughter here. I'll never be able to look at shelving or bunkbeds properly ever again. Thanks to you I'll always be calculating how many kids can be crammed into them. Thanks a lot. :clap:

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