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Erin and Chad 4: Hoping She Loses the Polka Dot Cape

Coconut Flan

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I swear when they were showing the church to Bobby during the first renovation they pointed out a room that would be the nursery...

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Well, since it's a "Family Integrated Church" they likely expect the mothers to attend the service *with* their infants and toddlers, so there's no one there to watch others' children. They only have a "nursery" for feeding purposes, not for childminding.  Per the Bates' church's website:

"What about children?

We are a family integrated church, and we welcome children in all of our services. There is a nursery room provided for nursing mothers to use as needed. We also have a children’s Bible class available on Sunday nights, where children work on Scripture memory, Bible songs, crafts, and Bible lessons. Parenting is a hard job; it’s our desire to provide encouragement, resources, and Bible teaching to help your entire family be spiritually equipped and strengthened."

And according the website, they'd recently been meeting at a funeral home (?!) and are now back at the Holiday Inn Express so it sounds like their new church building is still out of commission. I thought they'd officially opened it? Or was that just the old building before they tore half of it down?  http://biblebaptisteasttn.com/ 

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4 minutes ago, metheglyn said:

Well, since it's a "Family Integrated Church" they likely expect the mothers to attend the service *with* their infants and toddlers, so there's no one there to watch others' children. They only have a "nursery" for feeding purposes, not for childminding.  Per the Bates' church's website:

"What about children?

We are a family integrated church, and we welcome children in all of our services. There is a nursery room provided for nursing mothers to use as needed. We also have a children’s Bible class available on Sunday nights, where children work on Scripture memory, Bible songs, crafts, and Bible lessons. Parenting is a hard job; it’s our desire to provide encouragement, resources, and Bible teaching to help your entire family be spiritually equipped and strengthened."

And according the website, they'd recently been meeting at a funeral home (?!) and are now back at the Holiday Inn Express so it sounds like their new church building is still out of commission. I thought they'd officially opened it? Or was that just the old building before they tore half of it down?  http://biblebaptisteasttn.com/ 

Gil has explained on facebook that as soon as they opened the renovated church, the building was already too small for the congregation so they had to close it again and are rebuilding.

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Just now, llucie said:

Gil has explained on facebook that as soon as they opened the renovated church, the building was already too small for the congregation so they had to close it again and are rebuilding.

Yeah, I remember that, I just thought the "we're open now!" posts had been after the rebuilding, but I must have been remembering wrong. On reconsidering, I think those pictures were of the church before they tore half of it down. I saw the Carpenters for Christ "barn-raising" episode online, but I wonder how far along they actually are now some time on.  I doubt they're making huge amounts of progress if it's just them.

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When Erin was going to Crown College, they require attendance at the affiliated church.  I think she and Chad began going to other than Gil's church then and never went back to Gil's church.

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1 hour ago, metheglyn said:

Yeah, I remember that, I just thought the "we're open now!" posts had been after the rebuilding, but I must have been remembering wrong. On reconsidering, I think those pictures were of the church before they tore half of it down. I saw the Carpenters for Christ "barn-raising" episode online, but I wonder how far along they actually are now some time on.  I doubt they're making huge amounts of progress if it's just them.

In one of the latest lives before the season finished he still said it was not ready yet. Since they are relying on volunteers i am not surprised is taking so long.

1 hour ago, miss_batson said:

Paine's and Webster's. And about not attending Gils Church. Also i think Erin looks great. 

I am surprised that they post something like this when Gil has a church, its a direct attack to him by two of his own daughters. Maybe he is not the loving father that the show wants us to think. And by the way, what an ugly church.

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6 minutes ago, llucie said:

 Maybe he is not the loving father that the show wants us to think.

Gil Bates is not a loving father, if he was he wouldn't have quit his job with benefits/insurance to grift. Resigning his children to poverty, while child after child crowed into an already crowded home. A loving father would never have put himself and his ego above his children.

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6 minutes ago, Carm_88 said:

Gil Bates is not a loving father, if he was he wouldn't have quit his job with benefits/insurance to grift. Resigning his children to poverty, while child after child crowed into an already crowded home. A loving father would never have put himself and his ego above his children.

Thats a given, but still they make it to seem that he is a very sentimental father, he cries all the time for his daughters, it kinda seems sometimes that they are closer to him than to Kelly, but this, idk if they were close to him they would not throw shade like this.

Maybe i am explaining myself wrong, what i mean is that in the show they make it seem very convincingly that they are a close family, but this makes me think that they secretly hate each other, and is all for show. 

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I've seen all the broadcasts (I think... I should have been learning to play an instrument instead) and I've never seen Gil cry. He pretends to cry every few minutes, though. He has that under-lid-finger-wipe tomfoolery down pat.

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The title of this thread is hilarious & very true!!! Erin is a very pretty girl but that polka dotted cape/shawl/whatever that thing was is horrendous!!! (and I even love polka dots but not that thing!)

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Did anyone else notice with that shower pic (Tori in horiz stripes, Erin's polka dots) that if you barely scroll up and down quickly that that Tori's dress, and Erin's dots to some extent, look suspiciously like one of those cereal box moving picture toys from the 60s?

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3 hours ago, llucie said:

what i mean is that in the show they make it seem very convincingly that they are a close family, but this makes me think that they secretly hate each other, and is all for show. 

Pretty sure most of what we see is all for the show and social media. Erin was the one who had to have a cake for creepy Gothard at her wedding and then, when Gothard was of no use to Gil and Kelly, had the cake lied about. She and Alyssa also got sent off to travel out of the country with him. Gil and Kelly are shit parents and always have been. 

Judging from how young and fast most of the daughters get married I bet the girls especially are miserable. The boys get to have more freedom and normal lives. 

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11 hours ago, llucie said:

I am surprised that they post something like this when Gil has a church, its a direct attack to him by two of his own daughters. Maybe he is not the loving father that the show wants us to think. And by the way, what an ugly church.

I am not sure I would call it a direct attack. If people hadn’t pointed it out I wouldn’t have thought twice about it. It is probably the husbands as spiritual leaders that  decide which church the family attends. 

The building is not very nice indeed. Looks like the entrance of a furniture store from the outside.

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I suspect it's more of a gradual slide than an attack. The timeline probably went something like this:

- Erin goes to Crown, starts attending their church because she's required to do so (OK by Gil, probably still goes to church with the family on holidays and in the summer)

- Erin starts being asked to fill in as organist on occasion, parents are proud of her

- Erin meets Chad, they're both at Crown and attending the same church so now attending church together, plus Erin has musical responsibilities

- At some point either before/after marriage (I think maybe after? Someone else might know) Chad or Chad/Erin decide to switch churches: I suspect Temple Baptist (the Crown College church) is maybe too studenty. They choose Clear Springs instead of Gil's church and settle in, Erin starts playing organ, kids start coming.

- Gil doesn't know how he lost control, but he did.

I don't see Alyssa and John going to church with Chad and Erin as an attack on Gil, either. E&C probably invited them to attend services with them at some point, A&J decided they liked seeing more of E&C and it was a fun thing to do together/they liked the church better and it was closer to how they worship as a couple at home/the facilities were better with the kids. There was probably no attack or deliberate "We're not going to Dad's church", just a "That was good, we should do it again."

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14 hours ago, formergothardite said:

Pretty sure most of what we see is all for the show and social media. Erin was the one who had to have a cake for creepy Gothard at her wedding and then, when Gothard was of no use to Gil and Kelly, had the cake lied about. She and Alyssa also got sent off to travel out of the country with him. Gil and Kelly are shit parents and always have been. 

Judging from how young and fast most of the daughters get married I bet the girls especially are miserable. The boys get to have more freedom and normal lives. 

But you would think if Erin was so revolted by the Gothard situation she would stop attending IBLP conferences. As far as i know, and correct me if i am wrong, she is one of the few married Bates that still attended this year.

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1 hour ago, llucie said:

But you would think if Erin was so revolted by the Gothard situation she would stop attending IBLP conferences. As far as i know, and correct me if i am wrong, she is one of the few married Bates that still attended this year.

Ah but see that's the lawyer-ish part ala Derick Dillard, she said that she is revolted by Gothard. IBLP hs nothing to do with Gothard anymore. Gil and the other members of the board including the ever disgusting Dr. Paine got rid of him, once they couldn't cover up his sleezy sexually assaults. Too much came out and they gave him the boot.

So now they don't like Gothard, but IBLP; well that has nothing to do with Bill Gothard.

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31 minutes ago, Carm_88 said:

Ah but see that's the lawyer-ish part ala Derick Dillard, she said that she is revolted by Gothard. IBLP hs nothing to do with Gothard anymore. Gil and the other members of the board including the ever disgusting Dr. Paine got rid of him, once they couldn't cover up his sleezy sexually assaults. Too much came out and they gave him the boot.

So now they don't like Gothard, but IBLP; well that has nothing to do with Bill Gothard.

I always wonder how they concile such hypocrisy in their heads. Erin, because of her age and the time it happened, had to know the girls abused by Gothard and could have been a potencial victim herself, but somehow still supports the board that basically served as accomplices to the crime helping hiding it.

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2 hours ago, llucie said:

had to know the girls abused by Gothard and could have been a potencial victim herself, but somehow still supports the board that basically served as accomplices to the crime helping hiding it.

Alfred, a man who had Gothard brush aside one daughter for another daughter who had the right "look", said that this was  just a boys will be boys thing. These people will do anything but accept that the men they admire are doing something terrible even if it they know the people being hurt. 

 To admit that both her father an Chad's father participated in something so awful would be to admit they are bad people on some level. I don't see Erin being at a point in her life where she is willing to let herself go there. It is easier to say that the women who tell stories of contacting the board and having their stories brushed aside are liars or that while Gothard needed to step down, he didn't do all the really bad things people say he did. 

Lawson just went with lying and claiming that his dad wasn't a part of the BOD during that time when he obviously was and there is literally no way Lawson didn't know that. 

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20 hours ago, Jigsaw3 said:

I suspect it's more of a gradual slide than an attack. The timeline probably went something like this:

- Erin goes to Crown, starts attending their church because she's required to do so (OK by Gil, probably still goes to church with the family on holidays and in the summer)

- Erin starts being asked to fill in as organist on occasion, parents are proud of her

- Erin meets Chad, they're both at Crown and attending the same church so now attending church together, plus Erin has musical responsibilities

- At some point either before/after marriage (I think maybe after? Someone else might know) Chad or Chad/Erin decide to switch churches: I suspect Temple Baptist (the Crown College church) is maybe too studenty. They choose Clear Springs instead of Gil's church and settle in, Erin starts playing organ, kids start coming.

- Gil doesn't know how he lost control, but he did.

I don't see Alyssa and John going to church with Chad and Erin as an attack on Gil, either. E&C probably invited them to attend services with them at some point, A&J decided they liked seeing more of E&C and it was a fun thing to do together/they liked the church better and it was closer to how they worship as a couple at home/the facilities were better with the kids. There was probably no attack or deliberate "We're not going to Dad's church", just a "That was good, we should do it again."

Has Chad attended Crown? I somehow thought he didn’t get any higher education (if you will call Crown that).

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On 10/8/2018 at 11:03 AM, Jigsaw3 said:

I suspect it's more of a gradual slide than an attack. The timeline probably went something like this:

- Erin goes to Crown, starts attending their church because she's required to do so (OK by Gil, probably still goes to church with the family on holidays and in the summer)

- Erin starts being asked to fill in as organist on occasion, parents are proud of her

- Erin meets Chad, they're both at Crown and attending the same church so now attending church together, plus Erin has musical responsibilities

- At some point either before/after marriage (I think maybe after? Someone else might know) Chad or Chad/Erin decide to switch churches: I suspect Temple Baptist (the Crown College church) is maybe too studenty. They choose Clear Springs instead of Gil's church and settle in, Erin starts playing organ, kids start coming.

- Gil doesn't know how he lost control, but he did.

I don't see Alyssa and John going to church with Chad and Erin as an attack on Gil, either. E&C probably invited them to attend services with them at some point, A&J decided they liked seeing more of E&C and it was a fun thing to do together/they liked the church better and it was closer to how they worship as a couple at home/the facilities were better with the kids. There was probably no attack or deliberate "We're not going to Dad's church", just a "That was good, we should do it again."

Trying to keep toddlers and infants quiet and entertained during a church service is not my idea of a good time, nor likely Alyssa’s. I agree, this is not a big deal. Also, we don’t know what town Erin lives in. The show has never said she lives in Rocky Top, it says Tennessee when they show her house. She could be 30-45 minutes away.

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On the show a while back Erin said that she lived 30 minutes away from her parents' house. They are probably attending a church that is closer to home.

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The Paine kiddos coloured in their cobbled path with chalk and it actually looks very cool and fun! I'm a sucker for bright colours. Dunno how happy I'd be if I were their landlord, power washing off all that chalk would take a while :)


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