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Karissa Collins: Quiverfull Public Facebook, Instagram, and Blog


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Karissa Collins has a public Facebook which she treats as a daily preachy blog. She has a beautiful family and 7 kids (and counting). She is proudly quiverfull and anti-feminist. She also takes good photos everyday but photoshops them a lot. Most of her daily Facebook public posts are about being quiverfull, feminism, and spanking. She recently had her 7th baby, a premie named Ansjer “Answer”. All kids have names beginning with A. She also hands a free copy of Be Fruitful and Multiply book to anyone who asks. 


Here is is a recent snippet:

”Meant to be...

"Whatever is meant to be will happen." I hear it all the time. We say this a lot. It is most often said as a way to escape responsibility for a decision we just aren't sure how to make. We are too afraid to make a wrong decision so instead of seeking God, we do what is the most comfortable and comfort our decision with this blanket statement. 

I hear this the most when it comes to family planning. We are too afraid to have a baby too soon, we don't want to put our dreams on hold, we never planned on more than three children, we don't feel like we can afford more, we don't want to mess up our body, we don't have good pregnancies, we had a scary birth, we had a NICU baby, our doctor tells us it is too dangerous to continue and so on. We stand firm on the Word in other areas. We recognize fear in other situations and stand firm against it but when it comes to having children, we rationalize fear to be okay. We rationalize the world's ways to just make sense. We call children a blessing but only when we get to plan it out. So instead of making the hard decision, (the one frowned upon even in the church today) and trust God to give us as many children as He sees fit, we chalk it up to destiny. Whatever is meant to be will happen. 

Let me just challenge this thinking for a minute. If this is true, if whatever is meant to be will happen, then why take a pill every month that is laced with chemicals? Why insert a foreign object in hopes to terminate a possible pregnancy or stop one from forming? Why get surgery to remove body parts if God will give you as many as He wants anyway? Why aren't more women having babies in the midst of birth control and surgeries? Yes, it happens (science is flawed) but it is very rare. 

A lot of people look at me and think I was just made for this. I must have dreamt of having children as a child. I must have made motherhood my mission growing up. And this couldn't be further from the truth.  First of all, I mother in God's strength (well most days) and therefore when we trust God, we are all made for it. Secondly, I never pictured a life of motherhood. I pictured a life in the spotlight traveling the world and singing for millions. But God changed my heart when I dug into His Word and sought His will. 

All I did was align my desires with His desires. 

As Christians, we can't have this whatever is meant to be mentality. That mentality discredits our trust in God. If all non- Christians and Christians can live however they want and they will all have as many children as God allows, then there is no point in striving for God's will. There is no point in faith and trusting in God. This gives believers and non-believers the same end result. And whether you trust in God or not you'll get His will. And that is definitely not the Bible I read every day. 

So why are so many women limiting their family size? Why is birth control and surgery the norm in the church? Why do our families look so much like the world? Why do most pastors give the same advice as a secular counselor when it comes to family planning? First of all, spiritual warfare. Satan is destroying the family unit. Through divorce and fear. He is blinding us from the truth. Bibles are even being translated to remove the word children and replace it with blessing. The feminist movement started a revolution for women to become men and abandon their God-given ability to bear children. To instead pursue careers and prove they can do what men do. And it is destroying Christian families. Secondly, this topic is flat out off limits in church. No one talks about it. Not many preach on it. It is a "personal" decision that is off limits. So why would Christians go against the norms of society to pursue God's Word when there isn't anyone educating Christians on God's Word and will in this area. How much easier is it to make our own decision in comfort and fear and say well..."whatever is meant to be will happen anyway." 

A lot of people even use ministry as an out. They say that a lot of children will prevent them from spreading the gospel and limit their outreach and ability to serve. And personally this couldn't be farther from the truth. The more children I have, the more opportunity I have each day to spread the gospel. People stop me everywhere I go. Everyone wants to know why and how. The more children I have, the harder I press into Christ. The more I trust God in this area especially, the stronger my faith becomes. And the more children I have, the larger my outreach becomes. When I am gone, I can rest assured that God will still be lived out, spoken about and multiplied. 

And there isn't anything more intimidating to satan. 

The hard truth is that a lot of us are missing out on great blessings for our families and for the kingdom.

Galatians 6:7-10
"Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith."


She also reposts all the pics and blogs to her public Instagram:   https://www.instagram.com/thecollinskids/?hl=en



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Did you see how she spelled the name Aynjel instead of Angel? 


Ansyr, Anissa, Andrae, Annistan, Andersyn, Aynjel, Anjalie

So not only do they start with A, but they all have an “An” sound at the beginning of the name. She’s running out of An names. 

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Is anyone else bothered by the first picture that was posted.  When I was in x-ray, I x-rayed far to many children who had accidents that coud have been prevented had the parents not been colossal idiots.

I am also trying to figure out how they can ignore God speaking to them through others.  YOu're told by your OB/Gyn that having more children would put your life at risk.  Hello, maybe that is God trying to say STOP HAVING BABIES YOU FUCKING MORON!


And, as far as not having what is meant to be mentality:  Isn't she doing exactly that with allowing God to give her as many children as HE wants?  If God means for her to ahve 7 and ony 7 children, isn't that the same as what is meant to be.

Fundies drive me crazy (and they also drove me to my Goddess).  God always says what they want him to say.  Then they ignore clear signs that they are being told it's time to stop, or it's time to get in the freaking boat that was sent to get them off the roof!  I

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Her kids are absolutely gorgeous! She seems undereducated. One entry she says "Muslims, Buddhists, Islams and more don't have the divisions Christianity has." Uh, OK. 

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I just... ugh. For disclosure, I’m a Christian. I have a larger than normal family. I have four boys. I knew after my third, that our family wasn’t complete. A few years later we had my youngest. 

I knew the second he was born, he was the last missing piece to our family. My husband got a vasectomy and we went on. 

We found out in May that my youngest is special needs. We don’t have a diagnosis yet but its looking like severe sensory processing disorder and/or autism. We luckily got into a program from the state that costs us nothing for therapies but he’s going to have speech, occupational, developmental, and physical therapies until age 3. My husband and I are doing a great job with balancing all our sons needs and some of their wants. We are teaching our older sons to help with their brother in little ways and I think we are really living out Mister Rogers message of “I like you just the way you are”.  Another child I think would throw us over the edge. Why would we do that to ourselves or our children? 

Why just have child after child and not worry about what it’s doing to them?! What are you doing to the gifts that you believe God have to you if there is never enough time to go around for everyone?! 

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1 hour ago, CelticGoddess said:

Is anyone else bothered by the first picture that was posted.

that picture is giving me all sorts of anxiety. Toddler leaning over a stove, children perched precariously on the cabinet, a dog being thrown high into the air! That is not safe! None of that is safe!

2 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

So not only do they start with A, but they all have an “An” sound at the beginning of the name. She’s running out of An names. 

She has limited herself more than Courtney with her C names! 

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Anyone else see a flying dog in that picture? Please tell me that's photoshopped and the kid didn't throw that poor pup in the air like that 

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24 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

That picture is giving me all sorts of anxiety. Toddler leaning over a stove, children perched precariously on the cabinet, a dog being thrown high into the air! That is not safe! None of that is safe!

I'm pretty sure that a good deal of it is photoshopped. There are other similar photos that are completely impossible physically speaking. So while it may evoke feelings of chaos and fear, I think it was meant to. But I don't think the kids were actually in danger.

Does make me wonder how she had time to do such extensive photoshopping and blogging every day. 

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Whew, the racism and bigotry in some of the comments on those posts makes me sad for the world. 

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46 minutes ago, Anonymousguest said:

I'm pretty sure that a good deal of it is photoshopped. There are other similar photos that are completely impossible physically speaking. So while it may evoke feelings of chaos and fear, I think it was meant to. But I don't think the kids were actually in danger.

Does make me wonder how she had time to do such extensive photoshopping and blogging every day. 

yes, there's a *lot* of *heavy* photoshopping on her instagram

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After our second daughter had severe GI problems, we opted to not have any more kids.  Our youngest daughter was a surprise from the pregnancy to the birth (she was emergency c-section due to placement) and is still surprising us today.  

Then I got a tubal and later, a hysterectomy.  I'm surprised out.  

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9 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

Ansyr, Anissa, Andrae, Annistan, Andersyn, Aynjel, Anjalie

So not only do they start with A, but they all have an “An” sound at the beginning of the name. She’s running out of An names. 

And yet no "Anne" (I suppose our Anne Shirley would be too modern for her)


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It’s kind of unfortunate that her kids are so photogenic. It probably gets her more followers. 

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I read quite a bit of her Facebook page.... something seems off to me. I mean yeah she believes in letting the lord choose family size and perpetuates some pretty dangerous views on following medical order but she seems like s weird forgiving version of fundy. She talks about her faults A LOT. I just find it unusual compared to other fundie types.

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If it's meant to be, why Photoshop? God didn't mean your kid to be climbing the doorway or throwing the dog.

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8 hours ago, pandorasjen said:

I just... ugh. For disclosure, I’m a Christian. I have a larger than normal family. I have four boys. I knew after my third, that our family wasn’t complete. A few years later we had my youngest. 

I knew the second he was born, he was the last missing piece to our family. My husband got a vasectomy and we went on. 

We found out in May that my youngest is special needs. We don’t have a diagnosis yet but its looking like severe sensory processing disorder and/or autism. We luckily got into a program from the state that costs us nothing for therapies but he’s going to have speech, occupational, developmental, and physical therapies until age 3. My husband and I are doing a great job with balancing all our sons needs and some of their wants. We are teaching our older sons to help with their brother in little ways and I think we are really living out Mister Rogers message of “I like you just the way you are”.  Another child I think would throw us over the edge. Why would we do that to ourselves or our children? 

Why just have child after child and not worry about what it’s doing to them?! What are you doing to the gifts that you believe God have to you if there is never enough time to go around for everyone?! 

Exactly, why have child after child and not be able to feed them or take care of them?  I am not directing this at you, I think you sound wonderful. I'm just agreeing with you but since you said you have 4 kids I don't want you to think that's what I meant!

Is this Karissa actually real?  Her pictures look as photoshopped as it gets, and I'm kind of not going to be surprised if she is fake.


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39 minutes ago, Briefly said:


Is this Karissa actually real?  Her pictures look as photoshopped as it gets, and I'm kind of not going to be surprised if she is fake.


How would she photoshop so many pictures though with the same fake  kids day after day?

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Karissa also runs the same insta blog posts on her Facebook account that she’s set as public. She is a photographer as well. 

Her views are pretty bad and akin to Lori Alexander but her family is strikingly gorgeous and so beautiful.

Here are some of her wildest photoshops:

















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4 minutes ago, Tim-Tom Biblethumper said:

Yes. She said her dream was to be a famous singer and didn’t want children. She says that she was “selfish”. She went on to say that women are “becoming like men” and are “selfish” to pursue careers rather than “bearing children”. 

She had a YouTube channel where she has made the kids memorize songs and sing them.

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I would have loved to have more kids...however, it was not to be. So, you take what you can reasonably and responsibly take care of. We had a few hard years there and one more kid would have tipped us over the edge. 

Oh damn, there's that responsible child bearing thing again...

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