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Kansas militia plotted attack for day after election day.


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How's this for scary?



The “Crusaders” knew they wanted to kill Muslims — and with luck, use the “bloodbath” to ignite a religious war — but for months they couldn’t settle on a plan.

The easiest way would be to grab guns, go to the predominantly Somali-Muslim apartment complex they’d been surveilling and start kicking in doors, court documents said. They would spare no one, not even babies.

In the end, they decided to set off bombs similar to the one Timothy McVeigh used in 1995 to kill 168 people in Oklahoma City. They planned to strike after the Nov. 8 election, investigators said.

Curtis Allen, Gavin Wright and Patrick Eugene Stein face federal charges of conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction to blow up an apartment complex, a mosque and Muslim immigrants from Somalia, the Department of Justice announced Friday.

I hope these cheeto worshiping fuck muppet asshole shit gibbons go away for the rest of their natural lives.  And that said lives are very, very long.

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This reminds me of the Charles Manson plan to ignite a war between the 'blacks and whites' wherein the blacks would kill all the whites (except, naturally, for the cowardly Manson Family and Charlie himself, who hid in a tiny fucking cabinet.)  Anyway, so the blacks would be, how to even say it?, unprepared to lead, so the Manson Family would crawl out like cockroaches and rule the world. That didn't work out in the end. How is this any less fucked up?

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With the fire bombing in NC today, combined with militia recruitment at rallies, etc, I think we might see an unprecedented pattern of crazy acts ... pretty scary stuff.  I hope LE and the Feds are vigilant and common sense prevails.

I kinda feel like the core of our country is falling apart ... not sure how else to describe it.  These are unsettling times.

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21 minutes ago, MarblesMom said:

With the fire bombing in NC today, combined with militia recruitment at rallies, etc, I think we might see an unprecedented pattern of crazy acts ... pretty scary stuff.  I hope LE and the Feds are vigilant and common sense prevails.

I kinda feel like the core of our country is falling apart ... not sure how else to describe it.  These are unsettling times.

Unfortunately some law enforcement officers are part of the problem.  Like Joe Arpaio and that idiot in Wisconsin trying to egg people on.

I seriously think our country is falling apart.  Ever since the day of Ronald Reagan it's been collapsing in upon itself.  I would love to see this country get to 300 years, or 1,000 years.  But the way people act now I have my doubts we'll make it to 300.

I remember this scene in Deep Space Nine


I think you could substitute United States for the Klingon Empire and it would be as every bit as true and valid.


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It says they wanted to wake people up...wake up to what? The fact that there are serial killers, mass shooters, terrorist and sociopaths? That is already pretty well known. What was killing random Somalian immigrants going to accomplish? We were all going to see your point? 

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34 minutes ago, Mercer said:

I'm glad the plot was foiled. Hopefully they were acting alone and there won't be any further attempts at violence.

If I had to guess I'd say they were acting alone but I wouldn't be surprised if there were further attempts at violence. I'd honestly be more surprised if there weren't.

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I know I don't post much, so I have no idea if anyone even remembers I'm both Canadian and Muslim.  I'm also American - my American side of the family is from Kansas.  The Somali refugees they wanted to blow up, almost all of them work at the chicken processing plant.  As a friend of mine that lives near there said, they do the jobs in that plant that white Kansans, white people in Garden City, refuse to do.  They're doing the messy jobs, the long hours, and the low pay.  And they pretty much leave everyone else alone (which I find is common among refugee communities - they don't tend to know who is safe, so they stick together).  

What kills me is that this story broke on Friday, and there's been only little stories here and there.  CNN had it as it's headline at 6:30 on Friday night, but by midnight it was something else.  If this had been the opposite way around, if it had been Muslims plotting to blow up a church (because part of this apartment building is a mosque), it'd still be HUGE news.  It'd be everywhere.  It wouldn't be a story here or a story there, it'd be THE story, eclipsing some of the election coverage.  But it's not.  The targets were racial minorities, religious minorities and not citizens.  It just seems that the majority of Americans either don't know about it, or don't care.  It's not even trending on Facebook.  

Those people left the terror of Somalia as refugees (likely because they were not of the same tribe as whoever's in charge of Al-Shabaab at that particular moment) and find themselves in the position of terrorists trying to attack them in the US too.  I cannot image how scared they must be - how do they or any of the rest of us know that there's not more people involved in this plot?

I have no idea who turned them in (if it was the girlfriend that one of them alienated that I read in another article that they were afraid would rat them out) or something else happened and someone noticed something, but I'm grateful that whomever made the initial report made it.  But I will note that when a Muslim (brown) person plots one of these that the entire Muslim/brown community is harassed to apologize and explain.  I see no one trying to force white Kansans (or Christians) to explain and apologize.  Yet again, the double standard is amazing.

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7 hours ago, canbritam said:

What kills me is that this story broke on Friday, and there's been only little stories here and there.

Sometimes I think there is a good reason for something not getting a lot of time in the press.

Undercover agents spent eight months investigating this group. It is reasonable to believe this is something the FBI does often- have undercover agents go into suspected terrorist-type  groups . The more press it gets, the more paranoid other groups are going be that there are agents among them.

Just like there have been people captured by terrorist groups or North Korea and you don't hear anything about it until a long time after. More media coverage can make them more likely to act impulsively.  Then paranoia at that level can mean people get killed. 

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