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Church goers= terrible tippers


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I work 35 hours a week for two weeks, and then 28 the third week. For minimum wage.

I am not allowed to receive tips in my line of work (a certified nurse aide), nor would I want to (most of these people live on social security and medicare), but it warms my heart the many times I am offered tips in a day. Many of them are confused so it's really more like "I wish I had some money, you girls do so much for me" or the occasional "how much do I owe you", but you can tell they really appreciate you, and I like that.

It doesn't help pay my bills, no, and I really need a second or different job, but it's still sweet.

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I imagine that when the Duggars eat out they are considered a party over 8 and the gratuity is added on to their bill, however this by no means excuses them from leaving an additional tip for the worker bees cleaning up after all the children.

I know the Maxwell family does tip. They too are a party over 8, and they also leave extra on the table that is collected from everyone. They are actually very generous.

My niece is a bar tender at a trendy club in Las Vegas. The worst tippers are the wealthy stars who come in with an entourage and pay nothing for food or drinks. They then leave, with their entourage in tow, without so much as leaving a dime on the table for the wait staff. All the workers cringe when they see them all coming in, always hoping they sit in some else's section.

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I'm a server and I've gotten the tracts-with-no-tip treatment twice now. We have a large Jehovah's Witnesses population in my area, and after they go knock on everyone's doors on Sunday afternoons some of them usually come in to our steakhouse for lunch. They're the worst kind of table, too- they suck down lemonade like it's their job, instead of asking for everything they need at once they send me running back and forth on eight seperate trips, and they usually leave a 5% tip and a tract behind. A couple of times when the younger people weren't present, they've just left tracts in the book with no tip. They're my least favorite table and I try so hard to avoid them, but all the other servers treat them horribly, so they always request me.

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I actually had a woman take my hand and tell me that the service was just great but they would not be leaving me a tip because that would just encourage me to work on the Lord's Day and I shouldn't be doing that (They'd come to the restaurant for lunch after church, of course). She just wanted me to know why I wasn't getting a tip. Bless her heart.

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But...but... then who would serve them when they went out to lunch? *headexplodes*

I hope someday one of those groups comes in and berates the server for working on a Sunday. But little do they know, it's the servers last day of work. And then, the server could take off their apron or whatever, and say, "Oh wow! You're so right! I'm sorry, I have to leave to go pray. Is there still a church open somewhere? I know you won't mind not having your lunch, because it means my soul will be saved!" And then runs out the door.

That would be the best.

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I am totally anti tips based economy - all it does is screw over servers. 2.13 per hour is a sick, twisted joke, leaving someone's ability to pay for the basic necessities of living on generosity. In Japan we don't tend to tip, nor do we in my home country - instead service staff are paid a reasonable wage, included in the price of the food. Honestly, this also make I easier for e - what I see is what I pay.

When people argue that eliminating tips will lead to worse service, I always mention Japan as a counterexample. In my experience, the quality of service is much more consistent there than in the United States.

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Nearly always tip. You have to be a real bastard not to get a tip off me. Taxi drivers, hairdressers, waitstaff...if I go to a restaurant, take a taxi or opt for a non DIY haircut, it's a treat anyway and I appreciate the workers.

It's like saying "Thank you" to bus drivers when you get off the bus. Why would a person not do that? Cloaking a non tipping habit in religion is even worse, and eating at a restaurant on a Sunday then complaining people serve you on a Sunday is frankly insane.

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Nearly always tip. You have to be a real bastard not to get a tip off me. Taxi drivers, hairdressers, waitstaff...if I go to a restaurant, take a taxi or opt for a non DIY haircut, it's a treat anyway and I appreciate the workers.

It's like saying "Thank you" to bus drivers when you get off the bus. Why would a person not do that? Cloaking a non tipping habit in religion is even worse, and eating at a restaurant on a Sunday then complaining people serve you on a Sunday is frankly insane.

THIS! Seriously, what kind of tool (women also can fall into this group since a seam ripper is a tool) takes advantage of an offered service then gives a lecture on morality. "What a splendid blowjob, but since sex is forbidden outside of marriage, let me just fasten my pants and leave without paying you." What was that about causing others to fall into sin?

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I tip well and often! and I'm horrified when people rationalize their lack of tipping with any excuse - but to use their religion takes it to a new level of hypocracy.

New Rule for Eating in Restaurants: If you can't afford the tip> you can't afford the meal!!!!

What would happen if you engaged the person who accuses you of working on the sabbath or whatever, or leaves you a tract (do tracts show who they come from?) and find out what church they go to- then contact their minister directly? Maybe one of his upcoming sermons could hit these offenders where it hurts! He might want to know what kind of ambassadors he is loosing on the unsaved world.

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I'm a server and I've gotten the tracts-with-no-tip treatment twice now. We have a large Jehovah's Witnesses population in my area, and after they go knock on everyone's doors on Sunday afternoons some of them usually come in to our steakhouse for lunch. They're the worst kind of table, too- they suck down lemonade like it's their job, instead of asking for everything they need at once they send me running back and forth on eight seperate trips, and they usually leave a 5% tip and a tract behind. A couple of times when the younger people weren't present, they've just left tracts in the book with no tip. They're my least favorite table and I try so hard to avoid them, but all the other servers treat them horribly, so they always request me.

Treat them horribly as well. They will find another restaurant to torture.

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I knew a guy (in the U.S.) who worked in a restaurant that paid over $7 an hour, and after that he stopped tipping. He said he made plenty of money, and that filling drinks etc. was what he was paid to do, and no one deserved a tip over that unless they offered really spectacular service. He only had that job for one summer, during which he crashed at a friend's place, so I guess he thought he was making a lot of money because his only expense was food? And he knew that not all places pay minimum wage to servers, but decided that his experience was representative anyway. It was weird. (I didn't like the guy for a myriad of reasons, so when he quit tipping there was no love lost.)

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There are a couple of instances where I don't tip or haven't tipped:

1. A horrible Brazilian wax that left, well, wounds. The woman felt bad, but seriously this was not my first time getting waxed and I know how it's supposed to come out. I contacted the owner and told her why I wouldn't be repeating my business.

2. I frequent a local day spa (not the one in #1), and a hair salon in my town. When I schedule with the owners of each place I do not tip them. I can't remember where I read this, but I did look up tipping etiquette at one point and this was the advice. I actually asked each of the owners how they felt about this and they both stated they'd much, much, much rather have repeat business than a one-time tip.

3. When I schedule at their salons, with their employees, I do tip and tip well.

That being said, I was a waitress for many years. I started when I was 15, and waitressed until I graduated college in my mid 20's. I worked my butt off for those tips. I hated the church crowd, the order putzy stuff--lots of desserts, coffee, hot chocolate (the restaurant I worked at you could get a free refill--they ALWAYS had to have the free refill). The desserts were the PITA types that required us to try and have 1/2 warm pieces of pie with ice cream ready all at the same time, without having the ice cream melt all over the place. The coffee better be very, very hot. Bowls of soup better be very, very hot.

Honestly, at a small Perkin's style restaurant these large crowds (15-20 people) had no idea how hard it was to get all of those things out at the same time, exactly the way they wanted it.

I had more than my fair share of tracts, under tips, and no tips from this crowd. We'd argue who had to take those tables.

I've never forgotten it, and although my standard of service might be high, we tip pretty well. My father is a horrible tipper and it's embarrassing. We make sure we have tip money with us when he pays.

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You all realize that The Holy Observer is a satire site, right? It's the Christian-focused version of The Onion. The article was a joke.

Um...yes? Those of us blessed with basic reading comprehension skills have actually figured that out. It does not mean that cheap jerks who use Jesus as an excuse not to tip don't exist.

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Um...yes? Those of us blessed with basic reading comprehension skills have actually figured that out. It does not mean that cheap jerks who use Jesus as an excuse not to tip don't exist.

Um... no need to be a dick about it, then. Since no one brought it up in 4 pages, and people kept going on that it made sense since most Christians are conservatives and most conservatives are notoriously stingy, I thought I'd mention it.

I'm glad you were blessed with basic reading comprehension skills, but you do realize that you just called everyone who didn't realize it stupid, right?

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Um... no need to be a dick about it, then. Since no one brought it up in 4 pages, and people kept going on that it made sense since most Christians are conservatives and most conservatives are notoriously stingy, I thought I'd mention it.

I'm glad you were blessed with basic reading comprehension skills, but you do realize that you just called everyone who didn't realize it stupid, right?

Actually, dropping in a condescending post 4 pages into a thread about lousy tippers with "you all realize this is a satire site, right?" is what constitutes being a dick. I'm simply responding to your superior tone. If a poster did not realize it was satire, or simply never read the original article, does that mean their experiences as restaurant employees are less real?

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Actually, dropping in a condescending post 4 pages into a thread about lousy tippers with "you all realize this is a satire site, right?" is what constitutes being a dick. I'm simply responding to your superior tone. If a poster did not realize it was satire, or simply never read the original article, does that mean their experiences as restaurant employees are less real?

Maybe you should brush up on those comprehension skills, because I never said anything about anyone's experience as a server. The thread had devolved into two topics, one about experiences as a server and the other about Christians as tippers. I didn't realize I had to comment on both to be a part of the thread. Thank you for the absolutely-non-condescending correction though.

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Maybe you should brush up on those comprehension skills, because I never said anything about anyone's experience as a server. The thread had devolved into two topics, one about experiences as a server and the other about Christians as tippers. I didn't realize I had to comment on both to be a part of the thread. Thank you for the absolutely-non-condescending correction though.

I almost forgot, you are the bestest teacher in the world who would never ever use social media during the school day, unlike all those other inferior educators. And the poster who started a thread about wanting a baby and then jumped down the throats of other posters who offered well intentioned suggestions to achieve that goal, because OMG you were totally joking!!! and it was everyone else's fault for not realizing that and understanding your clever cultural reference. You win, I defer to your specialness.

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I almost forgot, you are the bestest teacher in the world who would never ever use social media during the school day, unlike all those other inferior educators. And the poster who started a thread about wanting a baby and then jumped down the throats of other posters who offered well intentioned suggestions to achieve that goal, because OMG you were totally joking!!! and it was everyone else's fault for not realizing that and understanding your clever cultural reference. You win, I defer to your specialness.

Wow, psycho much? Calm down, killer, this is just a message board.

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