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Josh Duggar, Admitted Child Molester - Part 9

happy atheist

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Josh, the oldest Duggar child, admitted to molesting five young girls when he was 14 years old.

It's clear that 4 of his victims were his sisters, who, at the time, ranged in age from 4 - 12.


19 Kids and Counting has been pulled from the air, but not officially cancelled (yet). A lot of advertisers have dropped out.



 !  {TEXT1}:
Do not speculate about the 5th victim (the non-Duggar). She deserves her privacy.


Do not start threads for every random article about this.


BREAK LINKS to non-news sources.


Keep other speculation reasonable. Yes, there were most likely other crimes committed, but a random person on the internet with a gut feeling is not the same as someone with actual knowledge, and is not going to prompt an investigation or charges.


Read before you post. The conversation runs a lot more smoothly when new people aren't popping up to post the same link over and over and over. Nobody earns any prizes for being the first to post something.


And if you refuse to read the thread before you post, don't act butt-hurt when other people call you out on it.


Police Report: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26063

Second Police Report: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26237


Part 1: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26047

Part 2: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26066

Part 3: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26077

Part 4: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26105

Part 5: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26130

Part 6: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26169

Part 7: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26189

Part 8: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26215


Where are Josh and Anna thread: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26289


People Magazine thread: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26184


Scandal Fallout Mega Merge thread: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=26106

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I am not sure if this was posted already, but I think this is pretty relevant and quite interesting.

I am sorely disappointed by this whole lack of respect for the workplace. It was a major turning point for me.

When Josh was trying to get to his home on the hill so he could be at work on time, Jim Bob did everything he could to derail it.

Think about your parents acting this way about your job. What kind of ethics is he teaching these kids, much less the altruistic message he is giving to their fans? Most who think if the Duggars can do it, so can they?

He thinks his kids jobs are just some sort of pretend play and his being with them duing that time is him playing along. Like, “Oh, don’t worry, you don’t need this job. You may WANT the job, but you will always have reality TV, the dregs of television viewing, to pay your bills if this little ‘job’ doesn’t work out. “Because, hey, after all, they will never cancel us because I have something on someone at Discovery and they are going to keep us on the air forever!â€

Not sure if she is just assuming this or if JB has made reference to this at some point. Regardless, I think this statement is pretty powerful and especially interesting that it is quoted.

Posted On April 11, 2015

http://wesayso-foundation.tumblr.com/po ... le-lack-of

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I am not sure if this was posted already, but I think this is pretty relevant and quite interesting.

I am sorely disappointed by this whole lack of respect for the workplace. It was a major turning point for me.

When Josh was trying to get to his home on the hill so he could be at work on time, Jim Bob did everything he could to derail it.

Think about your parents acting this way about your job. What kind of ethics is he teaching these kids, much less the altruistic message he is giving to their fans? Most who think if the Duggars can do it, so can they?

He thinks his kids jobs are just some sort of pretend play and his being with them duing that time is him playing along. Like, “Oh, don’t worry, you don’t need this job. You may WANT the job, but you will always have reality TV, the dregs of television viewing, to pay your bills if this little ‘job’ doesn’t work out. “Because, hey, after all, they will never cancel us because I have something on someone at Discovery and they are going to keep us on the air forever!â€

Not sure if she is just assuming this or if JB has made reference to this at some point. Regardless, I think this statement is pretty powerful and especially interesting that it is quoted.

Posted On April 11, 2015

http://wesayso-foundation.tumblr.com/po ... le-lack-of

I think Gothard is anti working for anyone other than yourself. Something about the workplace infiltrating your mind.

It's dysfunction at his best, and a way to control people.

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Plus, you could accidentally find yourself working for A WOMAN! Or someone who doesn't put religion above every single other thing. Plus, I hear gay people have jobs too, so you could work for one of those. Green hair, etc.

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JB is an example of a parent who sees his kids as extensions of himself so therefore it's what he wants, what he wants to do, what he thinks. That they might have other things to do like perform a job or get to a job just isn't on his radar. It seems that if his kids are not going to do what he wants all the time, then he will stall, disrupt, or flat out disregard what his kids need to do.

It's not just disrespecting the workplace but disrespecting his kids too. That's the bad message he's sending.

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Plus, you could accidentally find yourself working for A WOMAN! Or someone who doesn't put religion above every single other thing. Plus, I hear gay people have jobs too, so you could work for one of those. Green hair, etc.

One of my friends who has short blue hair was accused of being lesbian satan or something by a fundie when she was at work. Imagine the horror!

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These fundies are just lazy as fuck. Seriously, these super ™ should read what their bible says about slothfulness, work ethic and providing for your family.

Which one of these fundie patriarchs does even hold a real job? Seems pretty much all of them rely on tv shows and shameless grifting.

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These fundies are just lazy as fuck. Seriously, these super ™ should read what their bible says about slothfulness, work ethic and providing for your family.

Which one of these fundie patriarchs does even hold a real job? Seems pretty much all of them rely on tv shows and shameless grifting.

I know many will disagree, but I could not agree more.

The Duggar motto is "the easy way."

"If God wanted us to see sunrise, he would have made it much later in the day." Jessa/Jinger Duggar.

What's a main difference between life at the TTH and life at the Dillard home? "The day starts and ends much earlier in the Dillard home." Jill Dillard, Fall 2014

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One of my friends who has short blue hair was accused of being lesbian satan or something by a fundie when she was at work. Imagine the horror!

Lesbians are the new witches! Goody Proctor is a LESBIAN!

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I just read an article on Recovering Grace from 2011 that details in the most excruciating way, how children, and boys especially, are trained to respond to their awakening sexuality, and even the attractiveness of girls and women, under Gothardism.

According to the article, which was written by a man whose family bought fully into ATI when he was 12 years old, the amount of repression, guilt and shame these children were forced to suffer, as well as the command to confess every feeling and thought to the father (daily- in this boy's case), cannot be understated.

I can easily imagine JB enacting these same insanely twisted and unhealthy strictures on his own children, as the power hungry and obviously fucked up father in this story.

I do find myself having some sympathy for Josh and how comfused and deviant this worldview must have left him. I truly wish he would come forward and tell the truth about his parents and Gothardism.

And apologize to his sisters and the other victim. That goes without saying.

The story is at Recovering Grace: When the Umbrella Breaks: Sexual Abuse in ATI A Different Kind of Sexual Abuse

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I'm way behind but I saw this and thought "That's the replacement show for 19KAC"

tlc.com/tv-shows/tlc-presents/man-born-without-limbs/ Same Christian fan base...without the scandal...

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Apologies about the previous name speculation for M4. I didn't realize that there had been discord on this topic. Just meant it as a small bit of ironic humor.

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This may have been mentioned before, but does anyone know who's paying for that bodyguard Josh hired? Would TLC be anteing up for that? Constant protection cannot be cheap and Josh is out of a job, and given the cost of living in D.C., even though his salary with the FRC was good, I can't imagine he had much saved up unless it was a pile from his and Anna's previous appearances on TLC.

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This may have been mentioned before, but does anyone know who's paying for that bodyguard Josh hired? Would TLC be anteing up for that? Constant protection cannot be cheap and Josh is out of a job, and given the cost of living in D.C., even though his salary with the FRC was good, I can't imagine he had much saved up unless it was a pile from his and Anna's previous appearances on TLC.

I wonder who paid the rent on his home?

That was some hefty rent for a young couple with 3 kids.

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I wonder who paid the rent on his home?

That was some hefty rent for a young couple with 3 kids.

It HAD to have been TLC paying rent on his home, and if it wasn't that, maybe his "executive director" salary was amazing? About the bodyguard, though, that's interesting. I see that he was Kate Gosselin's former bodyguard, which could either be because TLC fronted the costs for both of them ... or maybe it's just that TLC is a small "world" and he got the guy on a recommendation.

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It HAD to have been TLC paying rent on his home, and if it wasn't that, maybe his "executive director" salary was amazing? About the bodyguard, though, that's interesting. I see that he was Kate Gosselin's former bodyguard, which could either be because TLC fronted the costs for both of them ... or maybe it's just that TLC is a small "world" and he got the guy on a recommendation.

The bodyguard is well-known as a TLC employee.

Somebody here calculated (based on what, I don't know) a guess at Josh's FRC salary at just over $100K. Based on comparable entry-level jobs, maybe. Plenty to be able to pay that rent.

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The bodyguard is well-known as a TLC employee.

Somebody here calculated (based on what, I don't know) a guess at Josh's FRC salary at just over $100K. Based on comparable entry-level jobs, maybe. Plenty to be able to pay that rent.

According so some newspapers, the rent was 3500 $ a month (correct me if I'm wrong). That's a lot of money, and even with a good salary of 100000 $, it's probably not a financially wise idea to spend such a huge chunk of your income on rent. The rule of thumb in my country is that the rent shouldn't cost you more than 1/3 of your net salary.

Providing for a family of 5's day-to-day life isn't cheap, and then there are such things as taxes (don't know how high there are in the US for this income bracket though) and payments for the pension plan, which also need to be considered in the family budget.

I'm pretty certain they got some TLC money for their appearance on the show. Otherwise I'm not sure if they could sock away enough money while they were in Washington.

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According so some newspapers, the rent was 3500 $ a month (correct me if I'm wrong). That's a lot of money, and even with a good salary of 100000 $, it's probably not a financially wise idea to spend such a huge chunk of your income on rent. The rule of thumb in my country is that the rent shouldn't cost you more than 1/3 of your net salary.

Providing for a family of 5's day-to-day life isn't cheap, and then there are such things as taxes (don't know how high there are in the US for this income bracket though) and payments for the pension plan, which also need to be considered in the family budget.

I'm pretty certain they got some TLC money for their appearance on the show. Otherwise I'm not sure if they could sock away enough money while there were in Washington.

My mortgage is higher, but I cannot imagine paying that for rent and only making $100,000 with so many young kids still in the mix.

I'm thinking TLC was kicking in- aren't these the people who do not even believe in mortgages or debt of any kind? I call bullshite on that, but anyway.

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According so some newspapers, the rent was 3500 $ a month (correct me if I'm wrong). That's a lot of money, and even with a good salary of 100000 $, it's probably not a financially wise idea to spend such a huge chunk of your income on rent. The rule of thumb in my country is that the rent shouldn't cost you more than 1/3 of your net salary.

Providing for a family of 5's day-to-day life isn't cheap, and then there are such things as taxes (don't know how high there are in the US for this income bracket though) and payments for the pension plan, which also need to be considered in the family budget.

I'm pretty certain they got some TLC money for their appearance on the show. Otherwise I'm not sure if they could sock away enough money while they were in Washington.

Agree with all of this and that is the same rent/income ratio recommended in the US. According to this old thread, they were paying $2500/mo. viewtopic.php?f=87&t=19818&p=644438#p644438

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Agree with all of this and that is the same rent/income ratio recommended in the US. According to this old thread, they were paying $2500/mo. viewtopic.php?f=87&t=19818&p=644438#p644438

My bad, Daily Fail failed again in this case:

"On Tuesday several cars and trucks could be seen outside the 3,300 square foot five-bedroom, four-bath home in Oxon Hill that the family had been renting for about $3,500 a month since 2013."


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was going to post this on the anna thread but they are being merged. To the comment people think they are staying with Jill & Derick that would be beyond messed up and wrong. As for her saying she knew something, do you honestly think if she didn't she would now admit that? Go against the duggar family where some of them from day one didn't accept her. Which leads me to why didn't like her, shouldn't that be directed at Josh? Things are already a mess and stressful. I can't imagine her agreeing to marry him knowing this or her family knowing it. I cannot imagine telling my young attractive daughter yep he molested five of his sisters marry him. I would like to think he family isn't that messed up. She wasn't beyond marrying age, she was cute she didn't need them. So why would she agree if she knew anything? Even the lure all of things duggar back then . Yes she wanted to be a duggar and michelle 2.0, but there would be no reason she or her parents would agree here go marry knowing he messed with his own sisters. I think she is saying she knew because that is what the duggars want. I pray they are not staying with Jill & Derick. I don't I care how forgiving you are being around someone who had molested you would be one trigger after another. You deal with triggers thru out the year but being put back into that situation no and personally I'd rather have been homeless then ever step in a room with the person that abused me.

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I really think you guys are giving TLC too much credit, paying for the bodyguard and paying Smugger's rent. I sincerely doubt that. TLC paid $40,000 an episode to JB and possibly a very small amount separately for Smugger when he and his family were featured. Why do you think they would pay for his bodyguard? They are not filming now and they may never film again. You have to view the Duggars as Independent Contractors-- TLC pays them a certain sum per episode but they don't pay for insurance or residuals or for anything else.

The more interesting question to me is how much Derick and Ben get, if anything? Would Cathy have been apid? People in the wedding? The wedding planner? You start breaking down how many people outside the family get included and those paychecks could add up. Maybe they get paid by the minutes aired? Or maybe by the hours spent filming? I would be interested in seeing some figures.

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I really think you guys are giving TLC too much credit, paying for the bodyguard and paying Smugger's rent. I sincerely doubt that. TLC paid $40,000 an episode to JB and possibly a very small amount separately for Smugger when he and his family were featured. Why do you think they would pay for his bodyguard? They are not filming now and they may never film again. You have to view the Duggars as Independent Contractors-- TLC pays them a certain sum per episode but they don't pay for insurance or residuals or for anything else.

The more interesting question to me is how much Derick and Ben get, if anything? Would Cathy have been apid? People in the wedding? The wedding planner? You start breaking down how many people outside the family get included and those paychecks could add up. Maybe they get paid by the minutes aired? Or maybe by the hours spent filming? I would be interested in seeing some figures.

NOOOOOOOO- let's not go down the who gets paid what road. I'll need alcohol for that discussion and I try to abstain during the week. LOL.

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