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Is JimBoob the new Joe Kennedy?


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With Boobs newly acquired millions, Christian conservative public platform and ATI power; I see similarities between Joe Kennedy's political goals for his sons with Boobs goals for his male blessings. Boob got what Joe had; just not Democrat Irish Catholic.

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I don't think JB has as much money as Joe Kennedy had and I KNOW his children have not had the educational opportunities that the Kennedy children had.

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nor the charisma.

They're ill-prepared to appeal to the masses; Jessa and Ben in the spotlight for just a few months and already stumbling over themselves.

And JB made his millions selling his family in a falsified way, letting them become fodder for snark, nothing like Kennedy who bootlegged during Prohibition -- providing a way for people to get their fix and find a way around stupid "godly" laws against drinking. :lol:

They might have money influence for a while, but not if they can't figure out a way for their grown kids to be self-sufficient. They're all used to living a high lifestyle. And we all heard the stories about how Josh is looked down on by his educated peers in DC.

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Both Boob and Joe were failures as politicians. Boob was rated one of the five worst lawmakers during his time as an AR state senators and lost badly when he ran for US Senate. Plus he has no political persuasion, most of the candidates he has endorsed...Santorum, Akin, Mourdock Romney didn't win. Joe has a better touch but he was a lousy Ambassador to Britain and was fired for making derogatory comments about Britain's chances of beating the Nazis. He only got the job as a reward for helping FDR get elected. Like Joe I can see Boob demanding a favor from a politican he endorsed that was elected, such as giving Ben a real job. Contrary to popular belief Joe did not bootleg boooze during Prohibition. He did aquire licenses to sell alcohol, but that was after the Volstead Act was repealed but before the repeal went into effect. Joe was definitely a crook with all the insider trading and tax evading he did but there is no concrete evidence of bootlegging.

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Both Boob and Joe were failures as politicians. Boob was rated one of the five worst lawmakers during his time as an AR state senators and lost badly when he ran for US Senate. Plus he has no political persuasion, most of the candidates he has endorsed...Santorum, Akin, Mourdock Romney didn't win. Joe has a better touch but he was a lousy Ambassador to Britain and was fired for making derogatory comments about Britain's chances of beating the Nazis. He only got the job as a reward for helping FDR get elected. Like Joe I can see Boob demanding a favor from a politican he endorsed that was elected, such as giving Ben a real job. Contrary to popular belief Joe did not bootleg boooze during Prohibition. He did aquire licenses to sell alcohol, but that was after the Volstead Act was repealed but before the repeal went into effect. Joe was definitely a crook with all the insider trading and tax evading he did but there is no concrete evidence of bootlegging.

oh sorry.

SOTDRT strikes again. :embarrassed:

i agree one definite similarity between the two is shady goings-on.

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oh sorry.

SOTDRT strikes again. :embarrassed:

i agree one definite similarity between the two is shady goings-on.[/quote

Exactly my point! Plus, physical energy, plenty of cash, plenty of family to push your beliefs! Education has nothing to do with it. Joe had his challenges with prep schools and Harvard! Thank you.

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The other difference is every American knows of the Catholic church. I'd venture to say most don't have a clue what ATI is. That makes a huge difference pulling the "Catholic vote" actually means big numbers there are millions and millions of Catholics in this country pulling the "ATI vote" can't amount to more than 500,000.

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The other difference is every American knows of the Catholic church. I'd venture to say most don't have a clue what ATI is. That makes a huge difference pulling the "Catholic vote" actually means big numbers there are millions and millions of Catholics in this country pulling the "ATI vote" can't amount to more than 500,000.

Except they'd just play the Baptist card. :pull-hair:

I couldn't believe all the humpers lining up to support Romney, a Mormon, since that seems like more of a stretch than "conservative homeschooling" that's a legit cult but can pretend to be mainstream.

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Except they'd just play the Baptist card. :pull-hair:

I couldn't believe all the humpers lining up to support Romney, a Mormon, since that seems like more of a stretch than "conservative homeschooling" that's a legit cult but can pretend to be mainstream.

But a presidential election or any high level election would force people to dig and do we have loads of stuff for the opponent.

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I could see one of them running for President, and thus doing the GOP the favour of concentrating all the crazies in one place while the real candidate got nominated.

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I could see one of them running for President, and thus doing the GOP the favour of concentrating all the crazies in one place while the real candidate got nominated.

Or third party with a bunch of graphs and charts, to ultimately benefit the Dems. :cracking-up:

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I see many similarities & notable differences between Boob and Joe Kennedy and the same can be said for Gil Bates.

Big difference as already pointed out, Kennedy's were well educated. Boob undervalues formal education.

Boob has just come into wealth & fame due to TLC reality television.

Boob remains a part of Gothard/ATI, which most mainstream Christian denominations would not agree with what Gothard stands for. It would be in Boob's interest if he distances himself from ATI/Gothard.

In some ways Boob seems very shrewd and other times he seems like a complete moronic buffoon.

If Boob or the offspring are serious about careers in politics, they can afford public speaking tutors, public relations people to work on their image etc.

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No, on a very superficial level alone. The Kennedy family has withstood alot of tragedies, maladies and death follow them like the plague. The Duggars on the other hand, for all intentions are blessed. With the exception of Jubilee and "Caleb", all of their children are living and relatively healthy.

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JB and his clan can't successfully run for any higher office because they only have two political opinions: No abortions; No gays.

They have never (to my knowledge) expressed any opinions on the economy (other than "no debt"), international affairs, the military, national security, or any of the thousands of other political issues.

Luckily for us all, you can't become president by just shouting "Save the Babies!!!" at the top of your lungs.

Heck, they can't even find a winning candidate to support. All losers so far, no?

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Outside of education, I will say a main difference is that Joe Kennedy's kids did seem to want to make the country a better place for the poor and minority. They had their own personal problems but it appears they tried to make a difference. I also have great respect for Eunice Shriver founding the Special Olympics, which to me is really the greatest thing from the Kennedy family. Jim Bob's kids have never shown that they give a Damn about anyone other than themselves. The only agenda they further is no abortions and no birth control. They don't care about helping the homeless, sick or disabled. Even their trips to El Salvador are nothing more than to attempts to convert Catholics to their version of Christianity when Catholics are already Christian. They lack a sense of compassion. Let's not even take into account that they are uneducated and come accross as exactly that. They have nothing to draw a crowd to want to vote for them. Plus, at least the Kennedys were dynamic speakers that draw in a crowd. The Duggars, especially Josh, just make people want to nap.

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Outside of education, I will say a main difference is that Joe Kennedy's kids did seem to want to make the country a better place for the poor and minority. They had their own personal problems but it appears they tried to make a difference. I also have great respect for Eunice Shriver founding the Special Olympics, which to me is really the greatest thing from the Kennedy family. Jim Bob's kids have never shown that they give a Damn about anyone other than themselves. The only agenda they further is no abortions and no birth control. They don't care about helping the homeless, sick or disabled. Even their trips to El Salvador are nothing more than to attempts to convert Catholics to their version of Christianity when Catholics are already Christian. They lack a sense of compassion. Let's not even take into account that they are uneducated and come accross as exactly that. They have nothing to draw a crowd to want to vote for them. Plus, at least the Kennedys were dynamic speakers that draw in a crowd. The Duggars, especially Josh, just make people want to nap.

:worship: :worship: :worship: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

amen. To all of it.

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A Duggar in the White House. Now that's a chilling thought. :?

Now I'm going to have nightmares.

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Outside of education, I will say a main difference is that Joe Kennedy's kids did seem to want to make the country a better place for the poor and minority. They had their own personal problems but it appears they tried to make a difference. I also have great respect for Eunice Shriver founding the Special Olympics, which to me is really the greatest thing from the Kennedy family. Jim Bob's kids have never shown that they give a Damn about anyone other than themselves. The only agenda they further is no abortions and no birth control. They don't care about helping the homeless, sick or disabled. Even their trips to El Salvador are nothing more than to attempts to convert Catholics to their version of Christianity when Catholics are already Christian. They lack a sense of compassion. Let's not even take into account that they are uneducated and come accross as exactly that. They have nothing to draw a crowd to want to vote for them. Plus, at least the Kennedys were dynamic speakers that draw in a crowd. The Duggars, especially Josh, just make people want to nap.

The real shame of it is that several of them (like Jana and Jill) have very caring personalities, and if they'd had a chance to experience the world -- if they were actually educated and didn't see the non-Duggar world as sinful -- they could actually BE compassionate and caring to others. If their procreators actually had their children and their best interests, rather than their "hearts", in mind, they could have six or seven amazing adults contributing to the world.

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The real shame of it is that several of them (like Jana and Jill) have very caring personalities, and if they'd had a chance to experience the world -- if they were actually educated and didn't see the non-Duggar world as sinful -- they could actually BE compassionate and caring to others. If their procreators actually had their children and their best interests, rather than their "hearts", in mind, they could have six or seven amazing adults contributing to the world.

I wish I could like this comment ^ a million times. So, so true.

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The real shame of it is that several of them (like Jana and Jill) have very caring personalities, and if they'd had a chance to experience the world -- if they were actually educated and didn't see the non-Duggar world as sinful -- they could actually BE compassionate and caring to others. If their procreators actually had their children and their best interests, rather than their "hearts", in mind, they could have six or seven amazing adults contributing to the world.

Maybe there is still time and hope for some of the kids. As with all things, time will tell. A scandalous tell-all book or a drama-filled exit by one or more kids would be entertaining. But even if one or two of them could leave peacefully, no drama, no cameras... I'd be cheering them on.

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The real shame of it is that several of them (like Jana and Jill) have very caring personalities, and if they'd had a chance to experience the world -- if they were actually educated and didn't see the non-Duggar world as sinful -- they could actually BE compassionate and caring to others. If their procreators actually had their children and their best interests, rather than their "hearts", in mind, they could have six or seven amazing adults contributing to the world.

Jill wanted to be a nurse, she got to be a play midwife.

Josh wanted to be a lawyer, he gets to be the face of an organization that lobbies.

Jessa wanted to be a hair stylist, she got a teen hubby.

The three married kids got screwed. I will say that for whatever reason JD seems happy and seems to be getting to do what he wants. I wonder what he has on them.

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