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The Wisdom Teeth Episode


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i was remembering the wisdom teeth episode b/c my son had his out this morning. I'm really steaming now remembering how Jim Boob brought the kids into Jana's room to stare at her and how swollen she was. What a dick thing to do, especially to your own kid!

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Oh, wow. :shock: I didn't see that episode. My parents razzed me when I had mine out as a teen, but my own brother was really kind...lots of jello bringing, no gaping and teasing.

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That episode made me both very glad my wisdom teeth never formed (as well as a few of my permanent teeth, which means I'll need dental implants to replace the baby teeth still hanging out in my mouth), but also really pissed at JimBob. If my parents had a camera in my face while I was worrying over a big medical procedure, I'd deck 'em. :evil:

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Guest Anonymous
i was remembering the wisdom teeth episode b/c my son had his out this morning. I'm really steaming now remembering how Jim Boob brought the kids into Jana's room to stare at her and how swollen she was. What a dick thing to do, especially to your own kid!

What did you expect from the same guy who "pretended" to kidnap the Bates kids during a visit and whose idea of a "surprise" was to order his eldest daughers to donate blood?

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That episode made me glad my parents didn't do stuff like that, and that my brother was nice enough to bring me jello or something else when I needed it.

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My mom was wonderful when I had my wisdom teeth out a little while ago. For the first few days she waited on me hand and foot. If my parents had just brought people in to boggle at me I probably would have socked someone, or at least tried to. Talk about degrading.

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