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Happy 18th Josiah


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Happy 18th birthday, Josiah.

If I could wave a magic wand, here's what I'd wish for you -

That you understand you don't have to live as your family lives, believe what they believe, or do what they do.

That you find work that suits YOU as an individual who is intelligent, creative, sensitive, energetic, articulate and funny.

That you encounter many people in your adult life who are kind, tolerant, open-minded, and fun to be with - who believe in human rights, human dignity and the desirability of each person finding the path in life that's right for them.


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So he's not a minor anymore. *ahem*

No, but still entirely under his father's "umbrella of protection" and control, reliant on his family physically, emotionally and financially. Let's all be decent human beings. Please?

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No, but still entirely under his father's "umbrella of protection" and control, reliant on his family physically, emotionally and financially. Let's all be decent human beings. Please?

I didn't say anything in particular for that very reason.

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Happy Birthday, Josiah.

RUN!!! You could actually do something legitimate with your life. Tell everyone at ALERT to go fuck themselves and run!

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Happy Birthday Josiah, my favourite male Duggar!

Now youre 18, if you choose to, you can move out of your parents house and do whatever you want to do, and nobody can stop you.

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RUN SIAH!!! You have sane family members outside of your house. If it makes you feel comfy in a group I'm sure you have siblings who want to leave to.

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I want to watch 19KAC so I can "get to know" some of the Duggar kids like Josiah.

But it is just so damn boring, I can barely get through an episode.

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Happy birthday, Josiah! I enjoy the fact that you have a personality.

Why is he at alert so much? What's the point? What kind of job are they going to make him do? It's going to be home based, anyway. I can only hope Alert was to squash rebellion and that he still has some fight left in him.

Go be a wild man, Josiah! Go be an accountant!

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Happy Birthday Siah. I hope you get everything you didn't know you even wished for...I hope you get to find out what it is like to live as your OWN person.

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I want to watch 19KAC so I can "get to know" some of the Duggar kids like Josiah.

But it is just so damn boring, I can barely get through an episode.

Yes, this is the downside. Try supplying yourself with many treats before you start. I always have a cup of tea, some snacks and a little crochet on hand.

Alternatively you could just drink heavily throughout the show.

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Yes, this is the downside. Try supplying yourself with many treats before you start. I always have a cup of tea, some snacks and a little crochet on hand.

Alternatively you could just drink heavily throughout the show.

I have always enjoyed a good old Duggar drinking game.

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Seriously, Josiah, RUN!

I don't really have the ability to *ahem* "detect" very well, but you just ping so much you sound like a broken alarm clock!

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None of the pictures on the duggars instagrams for his bday look new, so I am guessing he is still at hell camp.

Poor guy.

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Seriously, Josiah, RUN!

I don't really have the ability to *ahem* "detect" very well, but you just ping so much you sound like a broken alarm clock!

Yes, yes, and yes!

Jinger and Josiah, I can't help but feel so sorry for them.

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I suspect, wherever he is, that he's signing some contracts today.

I hope, wherever he is, that people are trying to make the day special for him...in a good way.

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I wonder when the kids turn 18, do they realize they're legally an adult?

I suspect that the "laws" of their cult are more important to them than legal laws. So it doesn't acutally matter that he turned 18. They are not considered adults until they're married. Oh, and women are never considered adults, because they will always be under some kind of headship.

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I wonder when the kids turn 18, do they realize they're legally an adult?

I wonder about that too. With the focus on marriage and children, it seems in their book you are not an adult until you are married. That being said, John-David seems to have moved out and work (which is the closest he can have to a normal adult life for the moment I guess). But I wonder if the girls know they are actually adults. The whole headship idea just makes them minors, all the time. They are never TRULY independent, are they?

On the other note: I truly hope Josiah had a great day. He's such a great individual and a little sunshine within that family. I hope he gets to live life the way he wants and achieves everything he wants to.

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Happy Birthday Josiah! Your gift is a new box for you to live in. Your box is shallow and flexible. I hope you enjoy these features as they will allow you to easily step out of your box to experience new adventures and to explore the world around you. Your box offers you amenities such as the pursuit of dreams and desires, risk taking and the making of choices for yourself.Your box has no room for outside judgments, stuffed feelings or unhealthy and/or unreasonable boundaries so please, do not move these items in with you.This box only has room for you, wonderful, wonderful you.May this first day of your adult life be a doorway for a lifetime of pursuits, freedoms, pleasures and fulfillment all of which will be on your terms.

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I think they know, because of Jill's comment about parents kicking their kids out once they turn 18. But I'm sure the Duggar parents have some kind of thing to work to their advantage... seven adult children, only two that we know of have left the nest, and they only left because they got married.

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