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Lori Alexander 84: Stay Away from the Pool

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It's really telling that she's limited commenting. I think if she hadn't, she'd have gotten some pushback on the sin against God comment. She always limits comments when she's aware she's on shaky theological ground. I mean, with that 'decree,' she's effectively shutting down women whose fathers are abusing their grandchildren. They can keep their  children away from him to stop the abuse, but now, thanks to Lori, they can't report his behaviour to the police, because that's not honoring him!

Just when I think she can't get any more disgusting...

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1 hour ago, Xan said:

Lori is on about adult children who complain about their childhoods.  Apparently, you're supposed to keep your family's terrible secrets even though your parents were awful.  She's limited who can comment.  Is she afraid that one of hers will finally rat her out?

Oh good grief.  This woman has done nothing but complain about her parent’s relationship since she’s been on SM. Remember Aunt Ginny finally stepping in to set the record straight and Kennyboy correcting her?  What a tool he is and what a witch she is. 

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On 7/11/2024 at 7:48 PM, Melissa1977 said:

They don't need Lori to brainwash. Steven is married to a very fundie woman from a very fundie family. Her sister lived with Lori and Ken while courting. They are all the same brand.


I think Emily's family isn't that fundie.  I know that her sister (not the one who just got married) did her PhD and is a professor at a university.  Her mother helped out with the kids while she was doing this and was very proud of her accomplishments.  Her mother also worked. Steven also employs a lot of women at his practice.  Have a look at his FB business page. 

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@usmcmom I read it as conception and adoption being difficult. Wasn't her son IVF? And adoption is not easy these days. They had a different birth mother change her mind very late in the process before adopting their daughter, too. 

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13 hours ago, Celtic Rose said:

Steven also employs a lot of women at his practice.  Have a look at his FB business page. 

just anecdotal, but while Steven and Emily are still conservative Christians, they are also more mainstream and Steven and  his whole office did a Barbie movie themed dress up for Halloween and until she went private, she posted on FB her thoughts on sending to kids to regular school (she was fine with it). I also seem to recall that Emily got a bachelor's degree and was studying for a law degree (I don't think she finished it) when she met Steven and they got married.  I kind of see them as one foot in, one foot out. 

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Lyin' Lori is lying. AgaIn.

Her latest screed is that women breast feed in public and post photos of it because they want to show off their naked bobbies to the world. As Lyin' Lori says


 ........ women love their nudity.

Lori however was oh so modest and never once showed her breasts to any one except Ken even though 


I nursed four babies for at least a year.

Well ,,,.... uhh ,..... yeah ........... ummmmmm ...... ahhhhh ...... No.  No she didn't.  She didn't breast feed her 4 children for a year each.  She was sleep training them with CIO at 3-6 weeks

She didn't do middle of the night feeding because her rest and sleep was so much more important than feeding her children. I cannot remember her even once saying she breast fed her children.

Lord know it's not because she's modest. We all know all about her 5-10 minutes and some lube sex life; her fixation with padding the bare bottoms of women in thongs, and her preoccupation with anal sex.

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I think she has claimed before that she breast fed, but when and where is something I could not say. I just recall her saying words to that effect at some point. She did NOT breastfeed them until they were one year old, in my opinion, and I highly doubt she even did so until they were six months old. Six weeks, more like, IF they were lucky. You can't breast feed a very young baby for weeks or months without getting up at least once or twice in the middle of the night to feed them, especially at the beginning. Even if you put the baby down at 11 and morning starts at, say, 6, that's 7 hours. Babies generally wake up at least once in that 7 hour period for a feed, and if they're under 2 or 3 months old, more than once. Going on my own memories of breastfeeding and observations of my DIL's experience this past fall and winter, at any rate. If you let them CIO, your milk will dry up sooner rather than later, and you'll almost certainly not be still breastfeeding at one year. Yep, once again, Lori is a liar.🙄

I can believe, though, that she never exposed her breasts to Ken while breastfeeding. She probably never exposed them, then or now, during sex, either. And now I'm going to go off in search of some brain bleach... :my_sick:

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And @Loveday, at least when you’re exclusively breastfeeding, you can’t go too long between feedings because you’d feel like you’re about to explode! 

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On 7/25/2024 at 4:40 AM, louisa05 said:

@usmcmom I read it as conception and adoption being difficult. Wasn't her son IVF? And adoption is not easy these days. They had a different birth mother change her mind very late in the process before adopting their daughter, too. 

Alyssa says she got pregnant after 1 or 2 years of following a special diet, both she and Jon. As far as I know, she has never said she used IVF. She had a hard pregnancy, though.

Sometimes "hard work" is not due to the kids being difficult, but describes how the mother lives the process. A healthy quiet child may be "hard work" for some moms. I'm not sure what Alyssa meant with her comment.

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On 7/18/2024 at 1:07 PM, Liza said:

  @usmcmom  This sounds like the Michael Pearl method for teaching his kids to swim only he threw them into the lake.  I thought Alyssa was the outlier.  Anyway, does anyone have a screenshot of this?  Not doubting you but just curious how she explained it all.  Thanks to anyone.

I'm not surprised. She probably has found a shiny happy theory about "natural swimming" that gives her an alibi to do as her mother but looking modern and cool.

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Two recent thoughts from She Who Speaks For God And Must Be Obeyed. That font of all older woman wisdom and godliness. The godliest women ever:


God commands women to be sober. Yet, many women love their wine

So most women are winos?

Hmmmmmm ....... I remember when Lori used to love sangria. She told us all about it. She raved about how good it was. But that was before she became even more godly and better than everyone else (the bestest Christian evah) and decreed everything women do is bad bad very bad and Wrong. Wrong. Wrong,  

Well I guess all we can do is drink up Jezebels -- "Drinkin' wine spo-dee-o-dee drinkin' wine wine spo-dee-o-dee drinkin' wine / Wine spo-dee-o-dee drinkin' wine pass that bottle to me"

Then today Dr. Lori tells us that women's bodies are NOT designed for sports ... but men's are.


The simple fact is that men were created and built by God to be the protectors and providers of women and children, therefore, they have the natural body mass, strength, and testosterone for hard-core sports. Women weren’t. We were created to marry, bear children, and guide the home.

The fangirls/ leghumpers floved this and chimed in that sports makes women masculine, increases testosterone to unnatural levels, makes them bruise their knees, destroys their breasts, makes them infertile, is a form of transgenderism, competition and trophies are just wrong for women, etc., etc., etc. 

Women -- Go home, make dinner, keep house, and have all the bay-bees, Keep thin and fit, But no sports. No sports at all.  No sports. Ever. Never.  No. Sports.

One sane person did comment:  "According to this page, nearly every interest a woman can have is wrong/inappropriate/etc."

Ain't it the truth. Ain't it the truth.

I suspect this comment will be gone soon.

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Lori drinks (or drinked) and posted about wine. At least one of her daughters drinks. I'm not sure what *sport* means in Lori's head, but again one of her daughters is working out in a daily basis, lifting weighs, etc. I don't know how their relationship works, but Lori is constantly posting against everything Alyssa does, including very sensitive aspects like adoption! But they still seem to be in good terms... It's shocking.

Edited by Melissa1977
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I'm always stunned that Lori has an opinion about everything and it's always wrong.   Apparently, all women can do is be wives and have babies.  Before that they are chaste young maidens.  After that, they're wise old women.  I'm not sure how they're supposed to become wise since Lori thinks women can't go to college, do sports, have jobs, tell men how to do anything, eat out, or pump their own gas.  Her leghumper male fans just love it.  It's pretty pathetic that they can only feel good about themselves if they think they're better than someone else but Lori is okay with that, as long as they think she's the bestest Christian female ever.

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Alyssa was a professional ballet dancer for years and still trains quite a bit. Lori needs to explain to me the difference between a dancer and an athlete. 

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3 hours ago, Red Hair, Black Dress said:

makes them bruise their knees

I can think of non sports related activities that can bruise knees ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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And now a word from Ken. This is the biggest goddamn red flag I've ever seen. He's always made my skin crawl. Now I know why.



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26 minutes ago, livinglongerthanyou said:

And now a word from Ken. This is the biggest goddamn red flag I've ever seen. He's always made my skin crawl. Now I know why.



Wait is he calling Josh excellent? 🤢

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He needed a comma,after fantastic. He's complimenting Boobchelle, saying they have an overall good track record and are good for the felon.

We will agree to disagree. 

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I haven't fully gone down this rabbit hole lol but have seen a lot of references over the years... So, just an FYI - people.com has a recent article about the TradWife "trend." Thought you might be interested to read (it's free).

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17 hours ago, Xan said:

Apparently, all women can do is be wives and have babies. 

The list of things that women can't/shouldn't do grows by the day according to Lori:

  • have a job
  • talk in church
  • be "contentious"
  • limit the number of children they want
  • have short hair
  • question or disagree with your husband
  • send your kids to school
  • have friends or socialize
  • have any dreams or ambitions beyond marriage and having babies
  • expectations of any kind of your husbands or your marriage
  • NO FEELINGS or EMOTIONS  at any time except "sweetness and joy"
  • drink coffee
  • drink alcohol
  • get your nails polished (toxic you know)
  • read books or watch tv (unless your husband gives you specific approval after deciding it's appropriate)
  • leave the home except for occasional Costco or "health food" store runs and church
  • go to Bible studies
  • wear yoga pants and/or leggings
  • NEW play sports especially basketball which is hard on the knees or any other the sports because the uniforms are skimpy and immodest and everyone knows it's just to create stumbling blocks for men which leads to porn
  • Attend sports events as that is the men's realm (presumably)
  • listen to their doctors when/if it contradicts your husband (doctors aren't "god" after all )
  • breastfeed in public
  • go to the beach or pool lest they be influenced by those evil thong-wearing jezebels
  • get a tattoo
  • get a piercing except in the ears (I'm not sure which Bible verse states the ears are ok?)

Conversely here are the thing women are ALLOWED to do under Lori's rules:

  • grow their hair long
  • wear pretty floral dresses
  • get married at 16, or 18 or in your 20s (she isn't always clear and the number seems to change)
  • have sex with their husbands on demand any time of the day or night
  • cook (but only if it's "nutritious" food from scratch)
  • bake bread
  • sit in the front yard and spy on the neighbors so you can judge them for their lifestyles later online
  • laundry
  • sing in church (but DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TALKING) even though Lori's says that women are commanded to be SILENT in church, but not sure how singing gets a pass?? According to Lori, "that's different"
  • smile -- particularly at your husband when he comes thru the door
  • homeschool
  • sit on the couch and rest for two hours a day while you lock the kids in their rooms
  • buy expensive organic things and woo products online. 


Did I get that all right? What did I miss? 

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2 minutes ago, SongRed7 said:

get married at 16, or 18 or in your 20s (she isn't always clear and the number seems to change)

I read that the other day too.  Apparently, she thinks that females are the most fertile at 16-18 and males are the most sexually active then too so you should forgo college and just get married early so you don't end up fornicating.

In LoriLand, everyone is uneducated and procreating like bunnies.

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10 hours ago, onekidanddone said:

Wait is he calling Josh excellent?

I think it's a typo...he meant "except" for Josh...I think


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Lori would have us believe that some young girls were delighted to meet her at church. 


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 Lori -- Lying makes Baby Jesus cry. Don't make Baby Jesus cry

The Lori Do/ Don't list -- Oh dear Rufus kill me now

In Lori Land (i.e., what passes for her "brain") Lori believes everyone who is single is "fornicating" all the time, with an astronomical number of  people.

To be more specific, she believes everyone who is a single woman is "fornicating" all the time, with an astronomical number of people.

Men, presumably the people women are "fornicating" with, are just being men, boys will be boys, sowing wild oats, tempted beyond endurance by slutty jezebel feminists wearing their slutty immodest outfits.

Marrying women off at 13-14-15 ..... 18 will stop them "fornicating". Plus marrying young means even more years to pop out all the bay-bees. Bonus points for keeping women out of college, possibly from graduating high school.

Men -- Continue you on as you were.

Edited by Red Hair, Black Dress
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18 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

Lori would have us believe that some young girls were delighted to meet her at church. 

"Yes, they were beautiful, godly young women.  And their guts!  They had the most beautiful guts!  I've never seen more holy spleens and livers than these girls had.  Of course, they recognized me because everyone who is pure and not fornicating reads my Facebook page and can see my picture.  I told them to continue to be chaste and not speak to any men and they agreed immediately.  That shows what holy vocal cords and lungs they have.  Like I said -- beautiful inside and out."

Also, of all the things that didn't happen to Lori at church, that didn't happen the most.

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