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The "false god" of modern medicine


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As a Christian, and a conservative/orthodox one at that, this kind of thing makes me scream and spit nails. :angry-steamingears:

thinkingmomsrevolution.com/christianity-and-the-false-god-of-modern-medicine/ (hoping I broke the link right. :? )

What is worse is that this is not just her opinion, but in a reply to one commenter she implies that it is "from God".

This is by far not the only or worst post I found. But it is a fantabulous example of Mommy-Warring.

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I just can't with these people. There is so much disinformation spread amongst these conspiracy theory groups that they make me physically ill.

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When we vaccinate our children, we are attempting to improve upon the immune system that God has given us. Plain and simple. We are trusting that man knows better than God how to keep us healthy. Therefore, we get only MAN’S best instead of God’s best. So where is that getting us? We are trading diseases that we once had that were TEMPORARY, such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella, etc, for diseases that are usually PERMANENT, such as autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, and the countless number of other chronic illnesses that we see today, including increased rates of childhood cancers. And as the number of vaccinations that each child receives grows, so does the number of chronically ill children (and adults).

Yes, those diseases were so TEMPORARY... until your kid died, which is also PERMANENT.

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Right... because vaccinations totally work that way. One must have chicken pox in order to avoid asthma, and if one has the chicken pox shot, one will have to deal with autism. Perfect. I must immediately go tell my little brother that because he had the chicken pox vaccination, he is going to get ADHD some day. I will also use this opportunity to gloat about how, since I had the chicken pox (the vaccine was new, so my parents were wary of getting me vaccinated, but my little brother is so much younger than me that the vaccine had been around for a while at that point.) I am immune to cancer.

What a perfect, perfect way to one up my younger sibling.

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So, let’s say you have a study that says vaccines do not cause autism. But, on the other hand, you have thousands upon thousands of parents who have witnessed their children regress into autism immediately following a vaccine. Our society discredits those parents by calling their testimony “anecdotal evidenceâ€. But what does the Bible say? It says that by two or three witnesses is every fact established. So what about the thousands of parents giving their eyewitness testimony to what happened to their children? What is the biblical basis for discrediting and throwing out their testimonies?

(from her reply to a comment)

Ah, this is a new one, but it could explain a lot of how fundies think about this kind of stuff. Apparently there is a Biblical method of statistics that is obviously more accurate than the real thing! Who knew? Who cares about how society develops its knowledge through the ages and improves upon its methods - it's in the Bible! (Although by her logic, the fact that there are more than 2-3 parents out there whose kids did not develop autism after receiving vaccines refutes her point because that proves autism doesn't cause vaccines.)

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Oh, for God's sake! God gave us the intelligence to prevent us from dying. He had to know that our curious minds would develop vaccines so just use them. In 20 years your kid will thank you when they don't die from pertussis or get measles, or chicken pox that can lead to shingles. I just do not understand the warped thinking. :roll:

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As others may have noticed, a hobby of mine besides the fundie watching, is the fundie eaters watching (aka extreme "real food" blogs, GAPS, Weston A Price and the like.) I wandered onto one today that had a post about vaccines that was just so nonesensical that I couldn't finish reading it. She had taken actual facts but somehow interpreted them in a bizarre way.

MyGutsy.com has a series right now about how she's being healed and she was so glad that one of her alternative doctors was a Christian, so it was okay that he used Charkas.

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I'm alive and functioning today because of modern medicine. I'll take that over prayer and chakras any day.

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I'm alive and functioning today because of modern medicine. I'll take that over prayer and chakras any day.

Oh yeah. Me too. I wouldn't have been born alive. (not to mention a few times in between then and now where I might not have made it.)

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well at least the false god of medicine actually cures the blind and saves lives. lets get the percentages of how many people god saved verses medicine.

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Well, I hope the writer went to see a practitioner of that "false god" for her breast cancer.

What's with this autism-vaccination thing that people are still shaking their hands about? The stupid study was discredited after and its primary researcher disgraced. His paper has been repudiated by everyone. There's been numerous studies done shows no connection between autism and vaccination.

I love how these people talk about how they did their "research" and read about about the quackery of modern medicine yet not one actually understands how medicine works, nor picked up an actual medical journal. I'd be far more impressed if these conspiracy nuts could bring in an article they found on pubmed. I may be a snob here but I tend to dismiss these vaccination claims when the mother can't even explain to me how vaccines work. Hint, start with a basic understanding of immunology and go from there. Don't just say you know God gave us a wonderful immune system and you KNOW it works well.

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GAH!!! I hate blog posts like this. You CAN be a Christian, pray, and go to the doctor. The night before gallbladder surgery, I definitely prayed... that my surgeon would get a restful night of sleep so that he'd be alert while operating on me!

I thank God for modern medicine. Without it, I wouldn't be here.

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I'm alive and functioning today because of modern medicine. I'll take that over prayer and chakras any day.

Leaving aside how I got to today (how many of us would be alive?), I had a shocking headache a few hours ago and thanks to modern medicine it's now gone. Hurrah!

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I say let the anti vax and ant modern medicine people believe whatever they want. We need to decrease the world population so let survival of the fittest run its course. I am waiting for polio to return to the states. I wonder if they will continue to believe in not vaccinating after watching one of their children get it.

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I just...I just...can't. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

Have any of these fucks considered that maybe God gave us the intelligence and ability to have modern medicine?

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I say let the anti vax and ant modern medicine people believe whatever they want. We need to decrease the world population so let survival of the fittest run its course. I am waiting for polio to return to the states. I wonder if they will continue to believe in not vaccinating after watching one of their children get it.

What scares me is that they can and DO affect those who do follow modern medicine and vaccinate. An unvaccinated person transmits diseases to those who can't be vaccinated, and also can allow diseases to mutate and then the vaccines don't work as well.

But I think that we both agree that if they understood, and saw, what these diseases could do, they would vaccinate.

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(from her reply to a comment)

Ah, this is a new one, but it could explain a lot of how fundies think about this kind of stuff. Apparently there is a Biblical method of statistics that is obviously more accurate than the real thing! Who knew? Who cares about how society develops its knowledge through the ages and improves upon its methods - it's in the Bible! (Although by her logic, the fact that there are more than 2-3 parents out there whose kids did not develop autism after receiving vaccines refutes her point because that proves autism doesn't cause vaccines.)

There were two or three eyewitnesses to the aliens landing at Roswell so I guess it must be true.

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You know, she isnt the only one. Check out Jacinda from Growing Home on FB. The majority of them dont vaccinate because the evil government and drug companies profit. They also refuse the Pertussis one they give you after birth. Their reason: God will protect them. Let me know how that works out for you if they contract something deadly.

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This is only semi-related but I have to put it out there: a couple of weeks ago my otherwise normal, German, goes-to-church-only-on-holidays colleague says to me "I don't like this new chicken pox vaccine they're giving kids now. Have you noticed that kids these days get way more colds than they used to? I think it's because of that vaccine."

After my inital stunned silence, I managed to mumble something about my siblings and I getting loads of colds as kids and that I didn't really think things were different now. I never found out whether she thinks it's the vaccines that are giving kids "more colds", or the chicken pox that prevents colds? In any case I did not care to continue the conversation. She's like 25 by the way, so still a bit young for "kids these days" types of comparisons I would think.

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I just...I just...can't. :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead: :angry-banghead:

Have any of these fucks considered that maybe God gave us the intelligence and ability to have modern medicine?

Well, the 12 years of my eldest son's (aka Cuteneurorad) medical training are a complete waste of time. I think it is a better idea to stop being a medical specialist, starts his own (tele) church and courts an available and desirable meek, fertile SAHD, 'helpmeet', Sarah Maxwell? Of course with counselers like Zsu's regarding alternative medical cures and nutricion, Kendal for homeschooling skills and Lori Alexander for marital advice.

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That post is full of so much fail.

We are trading diseases that we once had that were TEMPORARY, such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, rubella, etc

Except for when they, you know, KILL YOU. Or in the case of rubella, kill or cause permanent injury to your fetus.

Our doctors today are not practicing the same kind of medicine as Luke the physician did in the Bible.

Thank God for that!

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I suppose the upside is if we do get a major pandemic, more of the anti vaccination groups will die off, percentage wise.

I have long said that if any family member of mine got one of the diseases from one of these people's kids who went unvaccinated, I would try to sue them.... older people's vaccinations wear off, (though now, there are more boosters offered) and the whole premise is that the children who are most often impacted by the diseaes and are little germ factory carriers, are vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

My physician gave me the pertussis booster a year ago and said it would help protect kids I came into contact with-=- I said I cared more about being protected from them.... (I am mean like that sometimes.)

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