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New photo's of Mary's (Maxwell) birthday.


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I think Joe takes better pictures than Chris and Sarah. She mentions our New England weather. So they don't have TV and a newspaper, but I'm sure Stevie reads the 'net cover to cover. :doh:

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ahem-ahem .... the proper nomenclature for the eldest Maxwell daughter, around here, is Poor Sarah, and that gives a clue as to why there aren't more of her birthday "party" photos. It was likely a dull event with a few animal crackers and cheesy gifts and .... oh, yes: pasted-on smiles.

The photo of Joe with his pasted-on smile listening to the old couple (in the previous blog post) makes me sad. It's the same smile that Mary has, that Anna has, that the other J-boys have when their mouths aren't making singing shapes. WeSmileToBringJoyBecauseWeHaveJoy and in fact, the only time WeDon'tSmileIsWhenWeCry over lost souls.

My guess is that they put the cameras away during Poor Sarah's day when they realized she wasn't going to act grateful for the spartan repast and cheap-ass, unimaginative gifts. Scroll back if you dare to when she opened a beautiful, quilted --- Bible cover!!!!!!! on one special day. Now, there's a photo where the polite pasted on smile does NOT reach the eyes.

Unfailingly polite and perfect. Oh, sigh. About knowing about the weather - makes sense, as they need to appear interested and invested in their pigeonscustomers across the continent.

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Where are Sarah's birthday pictures?! Does she not rate? That poor woman! I want to hug her.

They don't want to emphasize the fact that she is getting older and less and less desirable as a fundie woman.

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They don't want to emphasize the fact that she is getting older and less and less desirable as a fundie woman.

They posted them a while ago. They went to that animal park.

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They don't want to emphasize the fact that she is getting older and less and less desirable as a fundie woman.

Lame. It kills me to think that her own family can think that way about her. How is it a forum of "heathens" can see her value as a woman, wife, mother, human, but her family can't? It breaks my heart. And it's not like she's got one foot in grave. She's thirty one. My mom had my sister at 35. My grandmother had my aunt in her 40's. I hope she doesn't think that it is too late for her to have the family that God supposedly made her for.

^^I hope that is all coherent. I have an essay, a summary, a test, and a midterm due Monday. My brain is mushy.

Poor Sarah.

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I'm glad the Maxwells are out and about. I think they are now downplaying Sarah's age as she passes 30. Mary, OTOH, is at prime fundie courtship age and can talk openly of her age, show her stylish hair and trendy clothes. I feel conflicted here about the Maxwell girls. I really hope that Anna and Mary finds good husbands who won't be as crazy as their father, and yet if they do, Sarah will be probably be crushed to see her baby sisters get on with their lives and her stuck at home. It's a win-lose situation.

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Their website just crashed my safari for twenty straight minutes and two turn offs.....accidental? I think not

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I really hope that Anna and Mary finds good husbands who won't be as crazy as their father, and yet if they do, Sarah will be probably be crushed to see her baby sisters get on with their lives and her stuck at home. It's a win-lose situation.

If either sister "escapes" through marriage, Sarah will have a route out as well. But how likely is it? They get stricter with time. It's possible no male suitor may ever be acceptable :(

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Pretty sure it's not a coincidence that Sarah's "I'm so ungrateful!" post came so soon after her 31st. Poor Sarah. I'm not thrilled about turning 30 this year, but if all I had to look forward to was a Bible cover and watching my sisters-in-law living the only life I ever imagined, I'd be pretty damn ungrateful too.

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Is it safe to go kayaking/canoeing in a long denim skirt?

Not really. If you flip, all that fabric will pull you down, even in a lifejacket. :snooty:

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Is it safe to go kayaking/canoeing in a long denim skirt?

The lake they were on looks really, really calm. I doubt a kayak would flip in water that still. A lot of the pictures you can also see the bottom of the lake so if they did fall out they could just stand up. And I am also pretty sure life jackets are designed to keep a lot of weight floating. I don't think what they are doing is dangerous.

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If either sister "escapes" through marriage, Sarah will have a route out as well. But how likely is it? They get stricter with time. It's possible no male suitor may ever be acceptable :(

That's true. If Mary or Anna marry a less fundie guy, Sarah may hop over to live with them. However, whoever they marry will probably see this as an intrusion into Steve's "headship" so I don't see that as a viable route. My hope is that Steve will realize he can't continue to sell his family ministry if all his daughters stay single. In the fundie world, marriage for girls is the ULTIMATE goal (if not the only goal). There's no business if people think the Maxwell lifestyle leads to lifetime spinsterhood for their daughters. That's why I think Steve will eventually push for his younger daughters' marriages. He will either be less restrictive or begin letting his daughters out under chaperoned events with mixed gender groups. Something's gotta give.

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