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What if the Patriarch dies? Succession-plans for Steve M?

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Guest Anonymous

This topic came up on another thread but I thought it was worthy of its own space.


I am deeply fascinated to think about what might happen to some of our more extreme first-generation fundie families, if the patriarch (eg Steve Maxwell) were to die prematurely.


Do we know of any families that confronted challenges or changed course following the death of the Head of Household?


On a personal note, I had a friend in High School, whose father was a fundie of sorts (though I would not have known what the word meant, back then). I am from the UK and was attending a fairly conservative church myself at the time, but this school friend belonged to a family where Dad had isolated the family from other Christians, over a number of years. My friend had siblings who were 10 years+ older than him, so they had already moved out and established their own lives, when he was in his teens, and when his Dad first set up a home church with other families, and then moved to holding his own 'family of 3' church when God told him that the other families were not strict enough. My friend was not taken out of school (it rarely happens in the UK), but his father was extremely strict and they did not allow much socialising and did not celebrate birthdays of Christmas.


Fast forward 10 years and the dad died suddenly - my poor friend was actually present when his dad had a heart attack and tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate him. The day after the man's funeral, his wife, my friend's mum, put on her best dress and went out to lunch with her remaining female friends. She had very devoutly followed her husband's wishes over the 15 or so extreme years, because she had promised to 'love, honour and obey... til death do us part' and she took her wedding vows, and her beliefs about male headship, very seriously. But the day after she buried him, she jumped straight into a new life, and with support of friends, she recovered over time, and lives a very happy conservative-lite Christian life to this day.


The elder siblings had never joined in their father's extreme ways and so were glad to have their mum 'back'. For them, life went on much as usual, after grieving for their dad, as anyone might.


Unfortunately, my friend, (who at this point is more just a 'facebook friend' so I on't see him often) was absolutely devastated by his father's death and took his mother's change-of-heart very badly has still not resolved those issues. He was young enough to have been indoctrinated and taken on his father's beliefs as his own, so after his father died, he was left badly shaken, in a world with no-one sharing his views and beliefs.


Since I have been reading at FJ I have often thought about my friend, and have wondered what might happen in these extreme families, if the patriarch were removed.


What with all the '"My life is so great!!!!" posts on Titus2.com recently, many of us have been speculating about how the children might be stuffing down huge disappointments and resentments about their lives, and it makes me wonder what might happen if Steve were to be 'taken home' sooner than he expects. I would imagine that technically, Nathan would become Head of Household, (though Christopher would be the one best suited to the death-mongering-preacher job, IMO) but I wonder who might take their chances and jump ship, if the opportunity to think for themselves presented itself.


Do we know of any fundie families where Daddy has died prematurely, and the consequences have been played out online?


(Sorry for the morbid nature of this post... :oops: )

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Hmm... I don't know. But, I did have to add this:

The elderly loved the music.

IT's a tagline to one of Sara's latest photos on the Maxwell's blog. Isn't that weird? Not, "The elderly people loved the music" or "The people loved the music" or even "The elderly generally love our music", but "The elderly loved the music". There's something wrong with the Maxwells. Truly and seriously wrong. Also, she's obsessed with the word elderly. She uses it again TWICE after another photo:

Melanie, Abby, and the girls showed up after naps and the elderly LOVED them. Notice the look on the elderly man's face as he listen's to Abby sing a song?

Sorry, back to your topic, anniec, which is an interesting one. I think the thing is that if the patriass dies in these families, mom and the older girls are so busy struggling to raise 10 kids on the meager salary that the oldest boys can bring in, that no one has time to blog.

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Since have money worries and no small kids to tend,the girls lives will go on just the same except with Nathan at the helm.

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Guest Anonymous
Since have money worries and no small kids to tend,the girls lives will go on just the same except with Nathan at the helm.

That's where it would be interesting though because Nathan's wife, Melanie wears semi-modern clothes, and their babies have toys. We've seen Abi with a play stethoscope and a book about a Fire truck. Steve wouldn't have sanctioned those....

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Believe me if Steve said he did not approve of those things they would not be their.We don't know that the Max babies did not have toys so that may not be an issue any how.

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Guest Anonymous
Believe me if Steve said he did not approve of those things they would not be their.We don't know that the Max babies did not have toys so that may not be an issue any how.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure both Steve and Teri have blogged about not wasting time on 'unproductive' toys and books. My guess is that Melanie/ Melanie's family provides the toys and books.

Remember the blog post where Sarah exclaimed over how creative Melanie was to have adapted the Chorepak by putting a smiley face at the back of the pack, so Abi could see that she had done a good job and that she was done. The Maxwell's don't inject pleasure into life willingly.

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Hmm... I don't know. But, I did have to add this:

IT's a tagline to one of Sara's latest photos on the Maxwell's blog. Isn't that weird? Not, "The elderly people loved the music" or "The people loved the music" or even "The elderly generally love our music", but "The elderly loved the music". There's something wrong with the Maxwells. Truly and seriously wrong. Also, she's obsessed with the word elderly. She uses it again TWICE after another photo:

There was one blog post a while back where Sarah commented, "The elderly love touch." WTF?! How weird and awkward of a statement is that?!

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Guest Anonymous

There was one blog post a while back where Sarah commented, "The elderly love touch." WTF?! How weird and awkward of a statement is that?!

Where did they think they were, a petting zoo?

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Guest Anonymous

Here's what I HOPE will happen to them if Steve does the right thing and shuffles off the mortal coil:

Within a week of the funeral, Terri buys two cases of Pepsi. Her depression subsides within 4 months, thus confirming my pet theory that she's always been more OPpressed than DEpressed. She and Sarah move to Tarpon Springs, Florida after Steve's estate is settled and buy a waterfront tiki bar. Since both women have OD'ed on housework, they hire a nice cleaning lady to come in twice a week while they work the bar. The tiki bar proves to be a great success. One year later, Terri begins "keeping company" with a semi-retired wildlife photographer. Although she enjoy's this man's company she does not want to plunge back into matrimony as her autonomy was too hard-won. She and her swain agree to continue dating but shelve all questions of marriage for the time being.

Sarah's prospects vastly improve after Steve's death. One of Terri's boyfriend's sons has a best friend who takes an immediate liking to Sarah. Since Sarah never courted or dated, she takes it slow and eventually marries five year's after Steve's demise. The reception is held at the tiki bar, complete with dancing and open bar.

Nathan realizes his IT OnRamp business can't compete in its present format. Accordingly, he scraps the guidelines about defrauding and hires several experienced techies to work the help desk. Their new marching orders are to give the same level of assistance to ALL callers, regardless of sex. Since Nathan's rates are relatively low he experiences a spike in business after the new policies go into effect.

Christopher undertakes similar reforms of his photography business. He no longer refuses to photograph wedding receptions that include dancing and/or drinking. He also deletes all references to Christianity in his advertising. He puts himself on the map, for good, when he accepts a commission to photograph the vow renewals of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi.

The remaining Maxwell children use the proceeds from Steve's estate to start and entertainment and wedding planning business. They frequently commission their brother Christopher, their mother Terri or both for receptions, corporate dinners, birthday and retirement parties.

After Steve's demise, the Maxwell family decided to liquidate by selling Uriah, the family brand name and goodwill and the house. Most of them now shudder with revulsion at any mention of their former lives.

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Off topic: I agree with demgirl. Today's post was just weird, they way the keep referring to they residents as the elderly. Every time they write about people, it always comes off as they are looking down their noses at them. Instead of referring to them as the elderly, they could have said, the residents, the folks, the ladies and gentlemen, our new friends, ect. I'm not sure if they are that snobbish or just completely clueless. Maybe if they read a bit more they would see how awkward their writing is.

On topic: If there was an adult boy at home, I would assume he would inherit the headship position, under Nathan's guidance. If not, all widows and unmarried maidens would probably go off and live the married brothers and help out around their houses.

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Snarkyjan, I LOVE what you *hope* would happen to the Maxwells if Steve were to die. *Except* for the part about them selling Uriah!

Uriah's part of the family! How could they just get rid of him??

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Guest Anonymous

I would imagine Teri would sink into a deep depression and turn her passive-aggression towards God, if Steve died suddenly. I could imagine Sarah and Anna getting sucked into caring for her, with Christopher stepping into his dad's shoes (possibly as a way of avoiding any marital issues he is having with Anna (Marie)).

My highest hopes would be for Mary, who is turning into a very pretty girl,who might be taken under Melanie's wing and helped to dress nicely and live a little. And John and maybe the other reversal boys would take advantage of attention turned away from their internet passwords and creat Facebook profiles and discover TEH EBIL PORN and other normal teenage stuff. Imagine the fun those boys would have if they filled Uriah's fridge with beer and snacks and headed off on a long road trip....

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When my great-grandfather (not fundie, but patriarchal) knew he was going to pass away, he picked someone for my great-grandmother to marry when he was gone. She was only single for a few months before she was re-married. Maybe that's the way some ultra-fundies would handle it. Never read anything about that though. Weird--seems like there would be some kind of postings regarding this. Maybe cuz this "fundie" movement is fairly new and the issue hasn't come up very much yet.

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Imagine the fun those boys would have if they filled Uriah's fridge with beer and snacks and headed off on a long road trip....
You know it was partly fascination with Uriah that drew me into reading the blog of this family? Because I like to think about having a bus like that. Shower inside it even!!! Super luxe. Reading about the remodel was actually interesting to me.

We have a SUV (Toyota Land Cruiser) bought used and completely reformed to have sleeping area and mass storage (by hand!), and we carry tents to deploy when making camp for free on various national or crown lands for whatever period of time, even though actual sleeping we do in the vehicle (nice warm flat and dry!). But showering still happens in a tent (when it happens) with water heated in advance by either sun or propane :)

We do have a fridge though (runs off car power, we have two batteries!), and you better believe it is stocked with lots of beer. So if we were to somehow be able to travel in such a bus as Uriah, yes, there would definitely be beer. And it would be awesome. Other than the fridge, the batteries power shortwave radio, you can pick up a LOT of lolzworthy crazy on shortwave. Goes well with beer around a campfire, if I do say so myself.

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